8.8 二測更動列表 & 超潘更動部分 - War Game

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-08-30T02:38

Table of Contents




Since the EU and US portal updates lack this, here’s the list (some things I
am not sure what they mean)

- fixed numerous bugs and fixed the lagging (crashing) of the new Service
Record window
修正一些會造成新的服役紀錄視窗 lag 或是當掉的問題

- fixed numerous bugs in the Missions window
修正一些任務視窗的 bug

- fixed the performance drop in the Missions window

- fixed some bugs in the Special battles window
修正特別戰役視窗的 bug
- fixed some bugs in the Company battles window
修正戰車連戰役視窗的 bug

- fixed a bug, where tanks dropped into some objects when ramming them
修正車輛撞到某些物件會跑到物件裡去的 bug

- fixed some bugs in displaying new flags on bases
修正顯示新的基地旗幟的 bug

- added shadows in hangar

- implemented some MM fixes, that weren’t implemented in first round of the

- fixed the client crashes, that appeared in first test of 0.8.8
修正 8.8 一測客戶端當掉的問題

- fixed the bug where you couldnt enter the battle in some tanks

- fixed the bug that made you play Assault and Encounter, even if you
disabled those modes

- fixed some Sound settings section UI bugs
修正音效設定頁面的 UI bug

- fixed the buggy switching to gold shells for gold in the tank service window

- fixed the bug, that prevented you from entering the tank service window via
the company and special battle UI

- fixed the missing platoonmembers color designation on the battle loading

- fixed the breakdown of chat symbols (SS: not sure what this means)
修正故障的聊天標語(?)(SS: 不確定這個指甚麼)

- fixed the bug in battle result window, that appeared in some cases
修正戰鬥結果頁面偶爾會出現的 bug

- fixed the shooting sound of the Object 140 gun
修正 Obj. 140 砲射擊的聲音

- improved the terrain passability for the E-75 on medium and bad surfaces
改進 E-75 在普通及惡地上的地形適性

- fixed the poor performance on the Serene Coast map
修正 Serene Coast 效能低落的問題

- fixed some icon display bugs in the ingame magazine and depot

- removed the color change in Britain “blue” camo
移除英國 "藍色" 迷彩的色彩更動

- fixed the collision model of the Superpershing

- fixed some naming and icon bugs on the battle loading screen
修正一些戰鬥載入畫面中名稱與圖標的 bug

- fixed a bug where the hangar lagged/crashed when more tanks were present

- fixed some T-44-122 and Type 64 visual model bugs
修正一些 T-44-122 和 Type 64 視覺模組的 bug

- fixed some bugs on maps Swamp, Airfield, Karelia, Severogorsk and Tundra
修正 Swamp, Airfield, Karelia, Severogorsk 和 Tundra 幾張地圖中的 bug

- returned the pre-8.8 way the ammo sliders work
彈藥填充捲軸回到 8.8 以前的模式

- global rating formula changed

- fixed the missing pop-up window when the tank becomes elite





As mentioned in the patchnotes, the lower strip of very thick armor was
prolonged. In Test 1 it looks like this:


Test 2 version:


As you can see, the red zone is noticably longer.


Tags: 線上

All Comments

Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2013-08-30T13:04
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2013-09-04T11:50
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2013-09-04T23:34
我絕對不會玩"大家來找碴"_(:3 」∠)_
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2013-09-09T02:41
8.8的新彈藥補充捲軸真的很鳥 誰想出來的
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2013-09-12T22:16
8.8彈藥補充真的爛 我一開始以為是BUG.....
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2013-09-12T23:37
昨天半夜玩好像改回來了 不會拉到其他彈藥

WZ-131 1603exp

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2013-08-30T01:58
Server:ASIA 地圖:Redshire – Standard 網址:http://wotreplays.com/site/298351#redshire-aruruu-wz-131 其實是兩周前打的了 現在重看一次 覺得其實還是沒亮點... 前4分鐘是用輕坦開局 後面就開始中坦式的游移黑槍打 ...

2台爛車 : T54E1 & LPA

Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2013-08-30T01:12
趁著15周年慶弄了一個月P帳要來搞出幾台車,首先是T57 andamp; LEO1線的T9車。 為什麼說是兩台爛車? 因為看到T54都只有逃命的份...... 再來,就我個人而言,搞懂這2台車的玩法後發現不是很合我味口,所以,爛車。 先上畢業照,覺得太爛的話,就可以不用繼續看了。 http://i.img ...

地圖打完 如何抓貓?

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2013-08-30T00:02
玉座是用討魔跳過的 但現在想說趁現在順便來打地圖抓貓 卻沒有新地圖的進度 用指南針也無法 請問這樣是要如何抓貓呢? -- and#34;一位記者問島民:「請問島民,如果你老婆和你妹妹一起掉入水中你會先救哪個?」 不少人納悶:怎麼提這種問題? 大家都關注島民怎樣回答。 島民肯定地說:「先救我老婆!」全 ...

第14金 金魯卡

James avatar
By James
at 2013-08-29T23:55
http://www.dumpt.com/img/viewer.php?file=w1kn52wjhjtttejc97aw.jpg 雖然沒有統計,但我想這應該是我鑲金速度前三快的角色 停止存錢買特五之後、終於有閒錢可以買花爬星了 說到爺爺,可能是上了年紀、鑲金進度越到後面越不給力 近距離絕塵劍打庫恩 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2013-08-29T23:39
※ 引述《jimy00ex (嘻哈蟾蜍)》之銘言: : 今日陳偉殷 來源來自baseball板 : : IP H R ER BB SO HR ERA : Chen, W 3.2 8 8 ...