8/31 Q&A - War Game

By Rosalind
at 2013-09-01T00:23
at 2013-09-01T00:23
Table of Contents
- when the turret of the IS-7 rotates sideways from the hull and its
silhouette overlaps the hull itself, it’s actually possible to shoot the
bottom of the turret, if your tank is significantly lower than the IS-7
itself. The bottom of the turret is 20mm thick
若你的車比 IS-7 還要矮, IS-7 砲塔轉向側邊使得砲塔輪廓與車身切齊的時候可以打
砲塔底部,砲塔底部只有 20mm 厚
- there are plans for more crew perks – it will happen in WoWp much sooner
than in WoT
有計畫做更多組員歷練,WoWp 的組員歷練會比 WoT 的先做
- SerB on linear XP requirement for crew skills in WoWp: “Linear system was
implemented as an experiment. It is easier to understand than the exponential
one, despite the average effective skill when levelling up being 75 percent
(compared to exponential system’s 87 percent). The total XP cost of
levelling the crew skills up is the same as in the exponential system”
SerB 回答為何 WoWp 裡組員技能成長所需的經驗為線性: "線性系統目前在實驗中,它
比指數型的容易了解。技能效果在線性 75% 時約等於指數型顯示為 87%的效益,兩者所
- the average battle time in WoT is 7 minutes, for WoWp it’s 3-4 minutes.
The WoWp battles are more dynamical and the developers consider these numbers
WoT 平均每場戰鬥要花 7 分鐘, WoWp 為 3-4 分,因為 WoWp 的戰鬥比較動態。開發
組認為這些數據很 OK
- SerB states that it is possible to put the T15E2M2 on the Superpershing and
it’s also possible to remove it from the regular tank
SerB 表示可能將 T15E2M2 放到超潘上並且把普通車輛上的 T15E2M2 移除
- premium account is now common for WoWp and WoT and it will work for both
加值帳號目前可於 WoWp 和 WoT 間通用
- SerB states that the rewards for player skill improvement are the credits
and XP and that’s normal (SS: as in: no extra rewards for steady rating
improvement will be offered)
SerB 表示玩家技術提升所得到的獎勵是銀幣和經驗。(SS: 排名穩定增加不會有額外的
- SerB has nothing to do with World of Tanks Assistent (done by a different
SerB 與 World of Tanks Assistent 無關 (那是別的小組做的)
- SerB states that the current bushes are “standard technology” – if they
were all modelled in 3D completely, it would require the players to have much
stronger computers
SerB 表示目前的樹叢是用 "標準的作法" 做的(簡易模型 + 材質貼圖),如果把它們做
成完整的 3D 模型玩家會需要用更強力的電腦才跑得動
- shooting a gun actually forces a visibility check outside of regular
visibility check cycles (SS: for details on visibility mechanism, check
射擊時會使得能見度檢查重算一次,即便目前正在兩次檢查的空檔中 (SS: 能見度的機
制請見 WoTwiki)
- the future of the “180pen Pershing gun” is “in doubt”
目前不確定 "180 穿深的 Pershing 砲" 未來會怎麼樣
- the 170 pen on T15 gun is historical, it’s calculated according to Soviet
methodology of penetration, in which it really is 170 pen
T15 上的 170 穿深砲是史實的,根據蘇聯計算穿深的方法,的確是 170 穿深。
- there is a rumor going around RU forums that because of the gold inflation,
all the future new premium tanks will be sold via gift shop. This rumor is
- SerB feels “indifferent” towards possible Superpershing penetration buff
SerB 對於超潘可能 buff 穿深的感覺: "無所謂"
All Comments

By Bethany
at 2013-09-03T02:13
at 2013-09-03T02:13

By Vanessa
at 2013-09-07T15:00
at 2013-09-07T15:00

By Hardy
at 2013-09-11T23:28
at 2013-09-11T23:28

By Caitlin
at 2013-09-12T01:53
at 2013-09-12T01:53

By Lily
at 2013-09-12T12:14
at 2013-09-12T12:14

By Gilbert
at 2013-09-16T08:34
at 2013-09-16T08:34

By Ethan
at 2013-09-17T05:36
at 2013-09-17T05:36

By Lucy
at 2013-09-19T09:46
at 2013-09-19T09:46

By Hardy
at 2013-09-20T10:29
at 2013-09-20T10:29

By Poppy
at 2013-09-21T09:49
at 2013-09-21T09:49

By Faithe
at 2013-09-21T20:59
at 2013-09-21T20:59

By Emily
at 2013-09-25T03:23
at 2013-09-25T03:23

By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-09-25T20:06
at 2013-09-25T20:06

By Oliver
at 2013-09-26T00:17
at 2013-09-26T00:17

By Ethan
at 2013-09-26T21:20
at 2013-09-26T21:20

By Doris
at 2013-09-29T23:25
at 2013-09-29T23:25

By Donna
at 2013-10-03T12:19
at 2013-10-03T12:19

By Zenobia
at 2013-10-08T11:32
at 2013-10-08T11:32

By Elizabeth
at 2013-10-11T20:55
at 2013-10-11T20:55

By Olivia
at 2013-10-12T12:20
at 2013-10-12T12:20

By Mary
at 2013-10-15T17:56
at 2013-10-15T17:56

By Jessica
at 2013-10-20T11:00
at 2013-10-20T11:00
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