8/21 Q&A 8/14~16 選譯 - War Game

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2015-08-23T00:27

Table of Contents

- Storm confirms: no rebalance of Foch 155 is planned: "This idea didn't go
anywhere for now"

證實:沒計畫更動 Foch 155

- Foch 155 to be changed in HD? "I can't say for now :("

Foch 155 何時 HD 化?「目前不好說(哀)」

- Centurion 7/1 "low poly" wheels are an "economy" decision: half of them is
hidden behind the side armored plate and therefore there is no need to make
them extra high poly

Centurion 7/1 的輪子較不精細是個經濟效益的決定:有一半是藏在側面裝甲的後面,

- according to Yuri Pasholok, tier 2-10 French HT branch is possible

據 Yuri Pasholok,二至十階法國重坦線是有可能的

- the new motion physics work is coming to an end. It will be possible to tip
enemy tank over by ramming it but this will be rather rare. As for how this
will change the gameplay - it's hard to say. There will be more testing in
order to determine this


- there are no plans to move WoT to a different engine, but rather to improve
the old Bigworld so much that the game is practically running on a new engine
with old name


- with the artillery rebalance, XP, personal missions and everything else
will be reworked to take the new artillery status in account



=====14~16 選譯(例如 bug 會修復之類的、舊聞或我覺得無趣的恕略)=====

- Q: "I got chatbanned and that's why I don't play WoT!" A (Storm): "Then
don't write in chat. I never do."


- Contrary to popular belief WG mapmakers actually do play WoT;

跟大家以為的不同,WG 的地圖創作者是有在玩 WoT 的

- There is a new garage tutorial but it is only for newbies;


- The map limits were implemented to make the game learning process easier
for newbies;


- Tier 6 vehicles will "have almost all the maps available";


- Artillery will apparently be able to play Domination in 9.10 but Storm
thinks it wont be viable anyway;

9.10 自走砲也能參加爭霸戰,但 Storm 不認為他們能待得下去

- The "fight to the last" ("Rampage") modes are considered "endgame content"
and are intended for tier 10's;


- Chieftain and Action X will come "until the end of the year";

Chieftain 和 Action X 「至少到年底」會實裝

- Storm confirms that WG is already supertesting circular render range;

Storm 證實圓形繪圖範圍已在超測中


- There are no plans for WoT skill MM in random battles;


- Only like 100k people on RU server have winrate higher than 57 percents and
like half of them are rerolls;

俄服大概只有10萬玩家的勝率高於 57%,而且有約一半是分身/回鍋帳號

- Q: "So, it's not okay to make a special skill MM mode for 100k people but
okay to make a game played by 50 times less" A: "You have to ask the team
that made the game. I am not working on WoWp for more than a year now and I
stopped liking it even before it was released. 1700 battles in beta and 7
after release do hint at something."

Q:「恩,所以你們不為十萬玩家做技術分房,但卻在弄另一款玩家人數只有 1/50 的遊戲
?」A:「這你得去問那款遊戲的製作團隊。我不做 WoWp 已經超過一年了,而且從釋出前
就不喜歡它。測試服 1700 場、正式服 7 場的戰歷應該可以解釋。」

- Developers confirm: there is some sort of "modifier" that makes premium
vehicles actually turn slower than they should: "all things being equal, a
tank with only one engine (premium) and tank with more engines (regular) will
behave slightly differently. Therefore their numbers are different but they
behave the same" (the background of this is that Cromwell B behaves just like
regular Cromwell even though it has different hull traverse rate);

的帳面數字不同,但表現是一樣的。」(Cromwell B 的帳面迴轉速度和原版不同,但實際


- the fact you can have only one tank of one type (and not for example two
German Tigers) has its reasons: it is an artificial boundary in order not to
spam battles with one type of vehicle too much


- it was never a goal of developers to automatically nerf armor of each
vehicle during the HD overhaul

從來沒意圖在 HD 化時自動 NERF 裝甲

- more maps will be removed from the game - those with the most negative
feedback from players


- there are no plans for the introduction of more special crews with "0
perks" (special perks that do not count towards the XP such as the sisterhood
of steel of female crews)


- Japanese Tiger will be purchaseable for gold in 9.10

日本虎將在 9.10 開放金幣購買


In church, they say to forgive!

Forgiveness is between them and God;

it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》

Tags: 線上

All Comments

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2015-08-26T17:27
沒計畫更動 Foch 155→安息吧
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2015-08-28T07:32
David avatar
By David
at 2015-09-01T18:04
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2015-09-06T09:25
地圖一直被移喔 該不會像cs只剩de_dust XD
Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2015-09-07T09:52
Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2015-09-10T14:33
同一台車不讓你有很多輛 34-85、m、rudy wwwwwwww
George avatar
By George
at 2015-09-15T06:48
組員只有一兩組啊 沒屁用
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2015-09-16T15:33
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2015-09-21T14:57
日本虎是採用橡膠負重輪的前期形 當然要收藏!(誤
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2015-09-24T06:15
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2015-09-27T22:22
賣給那些只剩下日幣的日本玩家啊 lol
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2015-09-30T06:30
前陣子我在哈哈姆特PO 6號心得文,卻有人硬要跟我扯
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2015-10-01T07:42
這才是中規中矩的重坦,還說什麼JP 4號也是同砲
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2015-10-01T12:46
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2015-10-06T12:25
Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2015-10-11T01:52
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2015-10-13T11:24
上了金也要挑地方打 也不是爽穿
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2015-10-17T23:09
衝T10!!! 超想玩大逃殺XD
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2015-10-22T03:26
大逃殺?就死鬥嗎? 殺到剩自己一車
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2015-10-24T00:53

Windows Defender

Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2015-08-22T20:12
今天不知道為什麼 很卡很煩躁 尤其是mabi跟line特別嚴重 後來生日星說公會的表示是防火牆在搞鬼 看更新記錄 時間符合 關掉測試 瞬間順暢不卡卡 再打開 很煩很煩躁 ... 新增排除範圍 回復順暢 看來這次是被微軟婊了 (定義 跟我一樣mabi卡登入的可以試 ...

2015 統合明星隊

Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2015-08-22T19:43
──────────────────────────────────────── 2015 統合全明星 職員加成 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 以下包含此加成 組合隊加成 +6 +7 +7 +4 +5 守 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2015-08-22T16:29
如題 瑪奇主程式按下開始遊戲後 點選同意 接著就毫無反應了 但看工作管理員client是有開起來的 但就是沒有畫面 純正瑪奇 沒有額外添加物 有人有遇到同樣的問題 或是能提供解法嗎 - ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2015-08-22T15:03
如標題 想了很久一直不知道該點什麼 點纏鬥嘛 問題是低階日艦戰普遍比美艦戰巡航速度來得快 感覺上這技能好像對日航沒啥用處? 還是說點高度戒備? 可是用到高度戒備差不多也GG了... 想請問有沒有什麼好的建議? 感謝各位了 - ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2015-08-22T11:49
※ 引述《wake01 (醒來)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《hkhbb323 (藍色憂鬱)》之銘言: 從G社台版跳來N社日版也好一陣子了 : : 目前想問幾個問題 : : 1.課金10鎂擴了倉庫跟人物欄,想問說有什麼CP值高的東西可以買?比如二覺寵或夏日裝 : : (結果這星期活動直接打臉送倉庫跟人物欄 ...