8/12 Q&A - War Game

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2013-08-13T01:29

Table of Contents




- there will be no compensation for Panther engines removed from the vehicles

- apparently, more players using the same nickname won’t be implemented (SS:
as in, you won’t be able to choose a nickname that’s already in use)

- players dropping into 6 same maps for 2 days straight? “How terrible”
(SS: maps are selected randomly, according to devs)
(SS: 根據開發組所說,地圖是隨機選的)

- Havok: “we will implement whatever the engine can handle”
我們會盡量把 Havok 引擎能導入的功能全部作進去。

- the main part of Havok implementation work is synchronizing it with server
實作 Havok 系統的時候很大一部份是花在同步 Havok 跟伺服器端的物理計算。

- in historical battles, mostly current maps will be used, new ones will be
made too, those will also be available for random battles

- Q: “Are you happy with cybersports?” A (SerB): “My attitude towards
cybersports was posted earlier (SS: not really positive), but for
happy/unhappy, you’d have to ask the cybersport guys”
Q: "你們對電競滿意嗎?"
A(SerB): "我之前已經表達過我的意見了(SS: 不是很喜歡),不過滿意不滿意你得問那

- the fact there are no awards for killing arty and heavies two tier higher
than your vehicle is intentional and needed

- there will probably be other lowtier “minibranches” (like the German and
Soviet ones) introduced in the future too – for other trees.
(像是 T-60 -> T-70 -> T-80之類的)

- Object 430U and postwar Soviet light tanks are not planned for now
目前沒有計畫作 Obj. 430U 跟戰後的蘇聯輕坦。

- BMP is not planned
(譯註: 裝甲步兵車)

- if the E-50 and E-50M are united under one vehicle, it will be a tier 10
vehicle (with optional hull with rear transmission)
如果 E-50 跟 E-50M 合成一輛車,這輛車會是 T10。(包含後置傳動的車體研發選項)

- Q: “The WG policy was to compensate for lost modules, for example the T-28
and SU-85 guns, why did you change it?” A: “In your own game, you can give
people free stuff as much as you want”
Q: "WG 以前對於拿掉模組的政策都是補償,像是拔掉 T-28 跟 SU-85 的砲的時候都有
A: "在你自己寫的遊戲裡面你可以想送玩家多少東西就送多少東西。"

- SerB states that with SU-122-44 he’s not aware of other guns than the
D-25T, but he’s not completely sure
SerB 表示他不知道 SU-122-44除了 D-25T還有甚麼砲可以裝,不過他不是很肯定

- the M-62 gun was removed from the SU-101 for “a number of reasons”
拿掉 SU-101 的 M-62 砲的原因"不勝其數"

- 107mm ZIS-6 was never considered for T-44, the project was scrapped long
before the T-44 development
T-44 從來沒考慮過裝 107mm ZIS-6,早就在 T-44 開發之前就廢除這個開發案了。

- the IS-4 top gun is historical, there was a project, but it was never built
IS-4 的頂砲是史實砲,曾有個開發案只是沒有做出來。

- the KV-4 122mm was “somewhat historical”, 130mm gun was never planned for
KV-4 裝 122 砲 "基本上" 是史實,130 砲的話就從來沒考慮過。

- the only gun planned for KV-5 was the 107mm ZIS-6, but theoretically 107mm
ZIS-24 would fit
KV-5 只有計畫過裝 107mm ZIS-6,不過理論上 107mm ZIS-24 (KV-4 頂砲)也裝得上去
(KV-4 跟 KV-5 本來就是類似的開發案)

- non-premium Lowe will not appear in the game

- in the game, at least 2 of the 3 A-44 models will be implemented
遊戲中至少會作 A-44 三個型號中的兩種。

- T-150 does share the turret with T-220
T-150 跟 T-220 不共用砲塔

- T-220 with 107mm gun and 850hp engine will not appear in the game as a
regular vehicle
裝 107 砲跟 850hp 引擎的 T-220 不會在遊戲中以一般車輛的形式出現。

- the IS tank with KV-2 turret is a fake according to SerB (SS: not a fake –
a post-war movie prop. A video of this tank can be found on Youtube)
SerB 說 IS 裝 KV-2 砲塔的案子是假的。
(SS: 不是假的,有個戰後的影片在YouTube上面可以找到)
(應該是這個? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CunMPmL6Yxs)

- historical battles, improved graphics and physics will apparently come in

- SerB confirms that Object 430 will be 3rd Soviet tier 10 medium tank
SerB 確認 Obj. 430 會是蘇聯第三輛 T10 中坦

- Q: “Many players think that the Lorraine is underpowered, will you do
something with it?” A: “The opinion of ‘many players’ is very important
to us.”
Q: "許多玩家覺得 Lorraine 40t 太弱了,你們會改嗎?"
A: "'眾多玩家'的意見對我們來說非常重要"

- unhistorical engines removed from other nations too? “If necessery”

- apparently, 8.8 will not bring Foch nerf
很明顯的 8.8 不會nerf Foch

- while one person apparently makes up basic map designs, a bunch of people
make the work happen (not just one person)

- there are no more Ensk-type maps, because “we don’t need 100500 Ensk
不會再有類似 Ensk 的地圖, 因為"我們不需要十萬零五百個Ensk"

- Historical battles: “Working on it, more I will not say”
史實戰鬥模式: "正在做,其他的我不說"

- Soviet Union won’t have two hightier prem mediums (SS: regarding the
T-44-122 and T-44-85), wait for patchnotes
蘇聯不會有兩輛高階金幣車(SS: 指的是 T-44-122 跟 T-44-85),等改版消息。

- ISU-130 in game? “We’ll see” (SS: ISU-130 is basically an ISU variant
with a 130mm gun)
(SS: ISU-130 基本上就是裝 130 砲的 ISU)

- there won’t be CW reward tanks of all nations, SK-105 won’t be one of them

- new perks/skills? “When it’s done it’s done” (SS: not in 2013)
(SS: 2013不會有)

- it’s possible but when (SS: notice, not IF) the unlockable/researchable
hulls are implemented, not all tanks will have them, but the devs will try to
give it to as many tanks as possible (SS: there are legitimate cases when
this most likely won’t be possible, for example Indienpanzer)
(SS: 有些車作了會有合法性的問題,像是印度豹。)

- there were historical variants of T-50 with 57mm and 76mm guns
歷史上有一些裝了 57 砲和裝了 76 砲的 T-50

- the historical gun for E-25 is 75mm L/70
E-25的史實砲是 75mm L/70

- SerB states that the fact gathering XP is easier on T54 than on T69 is just
subjective impression
SerB 表示那些覺得T54比T69還好賺經驗的人是憑他們的主觀印象。

- preferred maps (as in, player selects maps he likes more and they drop more
often) won’t be implemented

- low-tier (scout) guns have no bonus on doing module damage. The module
damage is however roughly equal to the caliber of weapon, so logically, when
Jpz E-100 does 200+ module damage twice per minute, it’s worse than Chaffee
doing 75 module damage every few seconds.
打壞模組的機率大概正比於武器的口徑,所以邏輯上 Jpz E-100 可以在一分鐘內造成
200 以上的模組傷害兩次,可是不會比霞飛每幾秒造成 75 模組傷害多。

- SerB states that the unlockable hulls might be unlocked (when introduced)
with the 2nd suspension (SS: if I understand it correctly)
SerB 表示車體研發選項要先解開第二個履帶才能解。
(SS: 如果我沒搞錯的話)
(譯註: 如果我也沒搞錯的話...)

- SerB states that the 88mm L/56 on Indienpanzer is historical, as it was
considered originally
SerB 表示印度豹的 88mm L/56 是史實砲。

- too few arties in game? “I’ll check it out, but no comment for now.”

- the amount of suspension hitpoints does depend on its tier, not on its type
(SS: for example, T29/T30/T34 suspensions have different amounts of HP,
despite being largely similiar)
(SS: 像是 T29/T30/T34 的履帶血量都不一樣,即便它們極其類似)

- dents and holes in armor are not related with Havok
裝甲上的凹陷或是彈孔跟 Havok 引擎無關。

- it’s possible that “Soviet-style” Chinese 4-man tanks will have the role
of the radioman shifted from the commander to the loader (so that the Type 62
corresponds to the WZ-131/132 crew-wise), but it’s not sure if or when will
this happen
式的組員就跟 WZ-131/132 一樣),不過不確定會不會做。

- the WZ-132 top engine is “nearly identical” to the pre-top engine. The
only visible difference is the 10kg weight difference. However: there is a
hitpoint difference too, so the top engine doesn’t get damaged that often,
that’s the main difference
WZ-132 的頂引擎跟前一個引擎"幾乎一模一樣",主要的差別是10公斤的重量差跟血量

- World of Tanks will get a radical graphics improvement, possibly in 2014
2014年 WoT 的繪圖會有大躍進。

- apparently, the tracers won’t return to their pre-8.6 status
很明顯的彈道不會回到 8.6 以前的狀態。

- WG won’t publish the 8.6 arty nerf results
WG 不會公開 8.6 nerf 自走砲的結果。

- third Soviet medium branch? “If there is enough material, there will be

- Chieftain Mk.2 is too new for the game – not by much, but too new

- in real life French tanks, often the same person acts as the gunner and the
loader at the same time (which kinda prevents aiming and loading
simultaneously), yet in WoT these things do happen at the same time, this is
a conscious WG gameplay decision
戲中兩個是同步進行的所以沒差,WG 是有意把這兩個角色做在一起的。

- the penalty for team damage is not smaller, even if the shell damaged the
friendly and the enemy at the same time (SS: HE arty splash for example)
(SS: 像是自走砲的爆風傷害)

- British TD’s have the same TD camo bonus as those of other nations
英國 TD 的 TD 隱蔽加成跟其他國家的一樣多。

- apparently, the “winning bonus” for the losing team, announced by Storm,
will apply only for “hero” achievements (Kolobanov, Radley-Walters etc.),
not (for example) Kamikadze or Bombardier
很明顯的對敗隊的 "勝利加乘" 只會給那些有拿英雄牌的人(像是 Kolobanov,
Radley-Walters 之類的),而不會給像是"神風"或是 Bombardier 之類的牌。

- Vickers Mk.I and Mk.II is not too new, it can be implemented into the WoT
Vickers 一型與二型不會太先進,可以做到遊戲裡面。

- the VK3001H on tier 5 will be balanced as a German sniper
VK3001H 在 T5 會被平衡成德國的狙擊手(?)

- VK6501H: “We’ll see” (SS: Hmm, I have an idea for a “branch”, will
write tomorrow)
(SS: 恩...我有個做成分支的想法,明天寫)

- SerB is not sure, but he states that at 50 percent, module becomes yellow,
repairs of the module begin at below 20 percent and the module gets repaired
to 20 percent of its HP max.
SerB 表示模組血量剩一半的時候會變黃,掉到20%血量以下的時候就會開始修理到20%

- according to SerB, the HEAT explosion on armor effect is fine
根據SerB 說的, HEAT 在裝甲上爆炸的效果很棒。

- SerB states that WoWp has vertical trees, because “there are the true
oldfags, who don’t recognize new fashion trends”
SerB 表示 WoWp 有垂直科技樹,因為"某些守舊的人不願意接受新的趨勢"

- new Soviet premium medium tank: “When it’s done it’s done”

- T-44 is doing fine statistically
T-44 表現得很好。

- the story of the 8.8 branch, according to SerB is: originally, the branch
was to go like: T8 – Object 416, T9 – Object 140, T10 – Object 430, but
noone liked the fact that the Object 140 (as one of the developments of the
T-54 tanks) was at tier 9, but the modelling was already underway, a
delegation was sent to Kharkov to look for another tier 9 alternative and
Object 140 was pushed to tier 10
8.8 原本要做成 T8 - Obj. 416, T9 - Obj. 140, T10 - Obj. 430,可是沒有人想把
Obj. 140(T-54 的其中一個開發成果) 放 T9。
目前已經派代表團去 Kharkov 公司尋找另一個 T9 的替代方案,而 Obj. 140 會放在

- it’s possible that the T-50-2 will return as a hull option for the T-50
T-50-2 有可能會當作 T-50 的車體研發選項回到遊戲裡面。

- according to the documents, the T-50-2 64km/h speed was historical
根據文獻,T-50-2 的 64km/h 極速是史實。

- T-50-2, T-52 and Object 211 are 3 designations for the same vehicle
T-50-2,T-52 跟 Obj. 221 是同一輛車的三個不同的名字

- IS-4 armor slope is historical
IS-4 的裝甲角度符合史實。

- it’s possible that wheeled tank destroyers will appear in the game, but
not anytime soon
有可能會引進輪型 TD,不過不是最近。


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All Comments

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2013-08-13T03:35
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-08-13T05:28
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2013-08-15T23:34
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2013-08-18T15:05
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-08-22T16:23
開始是誤傳 但是因為好聽又順口就變暱稱了
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-08-24T04:11
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2013-08-25T06:26
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2013-08-29T12:40
好多 翻譯辛苦了~
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2013-08-29T14:00
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-08-31T11:42
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2013-09-02T11:00
零組件本身的HP 不算在車體本身的HP裡 舉例來說 你可
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2013-09-04T01:43
能用高爆彈打壞對方砲管 但是對方車體本身並沒扣血
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2013-09-07T02:00
Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2013-09-07T14:04
我以為是修到50%為止 不然這樣再壞率太高了吧XD
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2013-09-09T17:21
James avatar
By James
at 2013-09-11T11:19
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2013-09-15T18:55
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2013-09-19T21:43
最近的Q&A變難翻了 辛苦了
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2013-09-21T05:11
以前"Q:How terrible?""A:How terrible"類型的變少了
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2013-09-23T05:55
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2013-09-24T12:09
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2013-09-25T19:10
SS底下回應:It was changed only recently.
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2013-09-26T15:03
indien panther (誤
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2013-09-30T20:00
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2013-10-01T13:07
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2013-10-02T18:31
Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2013-10-06T03:15
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2013-10-07T23:38
Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2013-10-09T14:14
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2013-10-11T03:27
請問一下Lor 40t這台車到底有什麼大問題?
Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-10-12T12:34
size巨大 裝甲吃3倍口徑規則 瞄準比reload慢
Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2013-10-13T00:53
硬直時間太久 隱蔽差
Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2013-10-17T16:26
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2013-10-21T16:56
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2013-10-22T18:38
裝填時間無敵久 車體龐大軟到爆 機動性比帳面還差
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2013-10-24T13:30
George avatar
By George
at 2013-10-25T11:46
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2013-10-29T06:03
頂引擎 不合史實
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2013-10-31T17:20
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2013-11-04T00:32
偵查豹 是不是該砍了!!?
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2013-11-06T22:45

幻想神域 加百列 鄉民工會

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2013-08-13T01:27
不知道這邊可不可以增夥伴 遊戲雖然有缺點 但是也不可抹滅他的優點阿 好遊戲是可以支持的 所以徵求志同道合的歡樂鄉民 在這伺服器一起同樂 工會雖然目前不強大 但是挺歡樂的 可以一起刷怪 互相送裝備 聊天等等:D 如果剛好有在這伺服器想要加的麻煩留ID給我 或是有新手想要加入的也都歡迎喔 不限等 ...

卡恩 Hymnremix (內附發電廠影片)

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2013-08-13T01:06
85了更新一下 遊戲版本(台日美陸韓):台版 遊戲角色名稱: Hymnremix FancyShadow 遊戲中玩的角色: 百花繚亂 殲滅者 遊戲角色等級: 85 73 平常上線時間:平常日17:00~03:00 假日14:00~05:00 碎 ...


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2013-08-13T01:02
因為附魔所需材料每次都找得很眼花,所以整理成一篇資料以方便閱讀。 ※資料來源:中文DNF wiki、日文アラド戦記Wiki、曾經學過的卷軸、拍賣場 ※2013/08/13:補上發電廠地區資料 ※2013/08/13:補上卡勒特司令部與遠三的資料 以下為直接附魔所需材料,皆須加上卡片一張: LV1 ...


Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2013-08-13T01:01
今天跟平常一樣,固定晚上去門口找路人打異界6E 喊了:「6E物驅板甲+++」 一位召喚隊長組了我,4人滿就直接進地下城了 一進去先打哥布靈E,第一間房就先聚怪之後招式狂丟打完 赫然發現...怎麼另一個隊友招式跟我一模一樣 哇咧X 一樣都物驅呀!隊長出發前沒檢查隊友是否衝到相同職業嗎.... 這時心 ...


Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2013-08-13T00:51
★ 副本主題:真實下的黑暗 請註明名稱/難度/騎士宣言etc.馬赫 ★ 聯絡ID :JJFAR ★ 聯絡方式:線上密 ★ 入隊條件:不限 等級/職業/所用武器etc. ...