7 J-RPG Hates (And What Needs To Change) - 模擬器

Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2009-02-04T16:01

Table of Contents

1. Stop with the kid characters joining your party.

Nearly every JRPG this generation has seen a childlike or childish character
joining your wandering group of adventurers and yet none have been either
sweet or funny. You're on a do-or-die mission and you want to bring a nine
year old with you for 'comic relief'? What the hell's wrong with you?

2. Villains have to be cool.

Looking at the Lost Odyssey poster across from my desk reminds me how crappy
(bad guy) Gongora's design is. There's been a lack of truly memorable
villains in the genre lately and I have to go back to the 90s to find someone
that really stood out.

Wouldn't you want to clash with someone whose character you had a grudging
respect for and was in better threads than you?

3. Change is good.

You're finally able to afford that piece of stat-boosting armour with the
classy name. You enter into the menu, equip it...yet come out and your
character is still kitted out in the same clothing they started the quest in
thirty hours ago. One, it doesn't let us relish in seeing the fruits of our
labour and two, how do we believe our hero has made the transition between
whining teenager to ice-cool monster-killer if he hasn't got the kit (and
scars) to prove it?

4. Good voice acting.

One of the reasons we check to see if there's an original Japanese
voice-track in JRPGs is because the western attempts are pretty poor. If
we're going to spend forty hours watching a group of characters interact and
grow, it'd be nice if we could have some quality voice actors who could
deliver hurt, anger and shock with believability.

5. Cut scenes that aren't over the top.

The dramatic effect of a character being killed suddenly and easily unravels
when a few cut scenes ago they were dodging gunfire and leaping huge monsters
in a single bound like an extra from the Matrix. Keep the abilities
believable (as they can be in a world were magic and airships exist).

6. Puzzle-based dungeons.

I'd like to see dungeons that don't have me groaning at the prospect of
another slog through random battles until I luckily stumble upon the boss.
Let us break up the action with head-scratching puzzles. While its more
action-adventure than RPG, Zelda's dungeons are a great mix of fights and

7. Heroes are bastards too.

One for the older JPRG fan this. As gamers grow older they find it harder to
empathise with story arcs of youths growing into heroic adulthood. The
world's has a few shades of grey in it, so why not reflect that in a story
and character-driven genre? Let's see more complex and deeper storylines and
heroes that we don't necessarily like (but are still interesting). In fact,
why not flip things on there head? How about a game were you set out to
destroy the world rather than save it?




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