6.20TN-D與6.35PRO的關係 - 改機

By Lily
at 2011-03-06T23:39
at 2011-03-06T23:39
Table of Contents
※ 引述《psplay (亂世中一個小小書僮)》之銘言:
: 所以PRO-A/PRO-B為什麼會有插件不能使用和相容性的問題呢?
: 因為是用人家的原始碼拼拼湊湊自己弄出來的!!
: 也是因為如此,國外的自製程式的作者都不選擇PRO系統當作開發平台
自製程式與外掛開發作者是不是刻意不在6.35 HEN/PRO上開發我不知道
不過就最早期的6.20TN-A來講,也不是每個 5XX時代的PLUGIN都可以相容吧?
DayViewer v7 and v6.1 for 620TN http://tinyurl.com/4k7aj5j
RemoteJoyLite 0.19 for 6.20TN http://tinyurl.com/49w7jyc
CXMB for 6.20 TN-A Released http://tinyurl.com/4vesyv7
(For developers)
You can get/set the TN config with sctrlSEGetConfig/sctrlSESetConfig.
typedef struct
int magic; /* 0x47434E54 */
int vshcpuspeed;
int vshbusspeed;
int gamecpuspeed;
int gamebusspeed;
int fakeregion;
int skipgameboot;
int nothidemacaddress;
int notusetnnetupd;
int hidepic0pic1;
int notspoofversion;
int usbcharge_slimcolors;
int fastscrollmusic;
int notprotectflash0;
int reversed[2];
} TNConfig;
反觀6.35HEN/PRO確實是什麼都沒給啦 XD
: 恩...貼這個文也不是說叫大家不要用6.35PRO-A/B
: 不需要另外用ISO TOOLS製作XMB啟動捷徑真的比較方便
: 只是想讓大家知道一下自己使用的自製系統是怎麼來的
6.35 Pro-B Announced, fully supports PSX. 6.35 Pro will become open source
2 days ago, developer coldbird sent a very strong message on his blog
regarding the future of 6.35 Pro, a (Light) Custom Firmware developed by
himself and Virtuous Flame. In a blog post packed with information, Coldbird
announced 2 major points:
6.35 Pro-B is close to completion, and will support PSX games (the real deal)
Plans for Pro-C are already being made, and this will be the last closed
source release of the 6.35 Pro CFW
Releases after Pro-C will be open source, and Coldbird announced this open
source project might enter the PSP Genesis competition
6.35 PRO Update & Future
PRO-B will mark the last offline related version change for a while, after
this it’s all about bugfixing problems you guys report and online themed
programming for PRO-C.
PRO-C in turn, will be the last closed source release we intend to do for the
PRO series custom firmware, all followup versions will be released including
FULL gpl licensed sourcecode and documentation.
◆───────────── ◤◢"▼ ◢ ───────────────◆
│ ◤ ▄▅▇ ▅▄▅▃▂▁_ │
│ Kururugi Suzaku ▇▇◣ ◢ ▇▆▅▃■ █Keep Kicking.█│
│ ▲ │
│ ▁ _ ▼ │
◆──── ▅▃▂▃▄▅▆▁▂▁_ ▲ψquetzal ─────────────◆
: 所以PRO-A/PRO-B為什麼會有插件不能使用和相容性的問題呢?
: 因為是用人家的原始碼拼拼湊湊自己弄出來的!!
: 也是因為如此,國外的自製程式的作者都不選擇PRO系統當作開發平台
自製程式與外掛開發作者是不是刻意不在6.35 HEN/PRO上開發我不知道
不過就最早期的6.20TN-A來講,也不是每個 5XX時代的PLUGIN都可以相容吧?
DayViewer v7 and v6.1 for 620TN http://tinyurl.com/4k7aj5j
RemoteJoyLite 0.19 for 6.20TN http://tinyurl.com/49w7jyc
CXMB for 6.20 TN-A Released http://tinyurl.com/4vesyv7
(For developers)
You can get/set the TN config with sctrlSEGetConfig/sctrlSESetConfig.
typedef struct
int magic; /* 0x47434E54 */
int vshcpuspeed;
int vshbusspeed;
int gamecpuspeed;
int gamebusspeed;
int fakeregion;
int skipgameboot;
int nothidemacaddress;
int notusetnnetupd;
int hidepic0pic1;
int notspoofversion;
int usbcharge_slimcolors;
int fastscrollmusic;
int notprotectflash0;
int reversed[2];
} TNConfig;
反觀6.35HEN/PRO確實是什麼都沒給啦 XD
: 恩...貼這個文也不是說叫大家不要用6.35PRO-A/B
: 不需要另外用ISO TOOLS製作XMB啟動捷徑真的比較方便
: 只是想讓大家知道一下自己使用的自製系統是怎麼來的
→ psplay:因為PRO公佈原始碼的話...科科220.132.137.134 03/06 05:06
6.35 Pro-B Announced, fully supports PSX. 6.35 Pro will become open source
2 days ago, developer coldbird sent a very strong message on his blog
regarding the future of 6.35 Pro, a (Light) Custom Firmware developed by
himself and Virtuous Flame. In a blog post packed with information, Coldbird
announced 2 major points:
6.35 Pro-B is close to completion, and will support PSX games (the real deal)
Plans for Pro-C are already being made, and this will be the last closed
source release of the 6.35 Pro CFW
Releases after Pro-C will be open source, and Coldbird announced this open
source project might enter the PSP Genesis competition
6.35 PRO Update & Future
PRO-B will mark the last offline related version change for a while, after
this it’s all about bugfixing problems you guys report and online themed
programming for PRO-C.
PRO-C in turn, will be the last closed source release we intend to do for the
PRO series custom firmware, all followup versions will be released including
FULL gpl licensed sourcecode and documentation.
→ psplay:我不過只是提供消息 請直接跟作者連繫XD220.132.137.134 03/06 05:06
◆───────────── ◤◢"▼ ◢ ───────────────◆
│ ◤ ▄▅▇ ▅▄▅▃▂▁_ │
│ Kururugi Suzaku ▇▇◣ ◢ ▇▆▅▃■ █Keep Kicking.█│
│ ▲ │
│ ▁ _ ▼ │
◆──── ▅▃▂▃▄▅▆▁▂▁_ ▲ψquetzal ─────────────◆
All Comments

By Charlie
at 2011-03-09T11:20
at 2011-03-09T11:20

By Sandy
at 2011-03-14T09:46
at 2011-03-14T09:46

By Thomas
at 2011-03-18T20:54
at 2011-03-18T20:54

By Isabella
at 2011-03-21T12:05
at 2011-03-21T12:05

By Jessica
at 2011-03-22T02:56
at 2011-03-22T02:56

By Ophelia
at 2011-03-26T21:54
at 2011-03-26T21:54

By Sarah
at 2011-03-30T22:10
at 2011-03-30T22:10

By Christine
at 2011-03-31T01:14
at 2011-03-31T01:14

By Suhail Hany
at 2011-04-01T23:52
at 2011-04-01T23:52

By Gary
at 2011-04-02T09:48
at 2011-04-02T09:48
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