6/15 16 Q&A - War Game

Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2015-06-17T10:30

Table of Contents

- 9.9 should apparently bring some very exciting features according to Storm;
- The "exciting features" should be available for random battle players as

9.9 會有很有趣的內容;Storm 表示這『有趣的內容』隨機戰鬥的玩家也能享受

- Storm is not aware whether there will be any tier 5-8 premium tank on sale
in near future;

Storm 不知道近期有沒有Ⅴ~Ⅷ階金車的上架計畫

- Apparently El Halluf has areas with invisible walls where the shells are
stopped in mid air. Storm will investigate.

El Halluf 有隱形牆 bug;Storm 會調查。

- The fight to remove toxicity from chat on RU server continues with several
hundred thousand players chat-banned recently;


- The quality and details of WoT Xbox One models cannot be applied to PC as
"there are other requirements for content quality there" (later, Storm adds
that the content requirements for Xbox One are "much simpler", which allows
them to rework a large number of tanks to HD quickly);

XB One 版的模組細緻度無法移植到 PC 上,因為「平台對內容的需求不同」(稍後補充
XB One 對內容的需求『較簡單』,讓他們可快速將大量車輛 HD 化。)

- Storm will no longer post any opinions on Armored Warfare as he is worried
his opinions might be misinterpreted as the opinions of WG company;

Storm 為了避免被誤會,以後他都不會再發表關於 AW 的意見。

- Developers are still working on spotting system overhaul and there is "good
progress" in that direction;


- This Maus model frontal turret weld (http://i.imgur.com/cEg7sXR.jpg) is
correct according to Storm. It's "missing" from the Kubinka Maus because
according to WG historical consultants, the Kubinka Maus simply has it
covered with multiple layers of paint.

鼠式砲塔正面的焊接縫是正確的。Kubinka 的那台車上看不到,據歷史顧問表示,那只是


The major news today is Storm getting tired/pissed with players constantly
whining. He decided to stop giving any answers at all through the usual
channels. However, to be fair, he made also a poll to find out whether
players want more answers the same way as until now or not. So far, 62
percent are in favor of current answer system, 14 percent are mostly
satisfied, 12 percent are not happy with vague answers and would prefer Storm
to not write if he can't be concrete and 12 percent don't want him to write
anything at all anymore. In the comments of the said post however, Storm
continued to answer the same way and seems happy to do so. (RG: Storm, That's
just the way it is)

Storm 對玩家無間斷的抱怨感到累了也被惹毛了。他想停止回答問題,並舉辦了個投票
不要講、12%要他別再寫了。Storm 繼續回答問題。

- KV-4 isn't imbalanced because it has full MM - if it had limited MM, it
would be;

KV-4 因為適用正常分房,所以沒有平衡問題;若用保護分房就會有問題

- Q: "Return SerB and Zlobny to development!" A: "I cannot say anything. Too
internal info."

希望 SerB 和 Zlobny 回歸開發部門!A:「無法置評;問題太深入了」

- the perk/skill overhaul is not concrete yet, developers are simply thinking
about various options;


- T-54 prototype will not be buffed;

不會 buff T-54P

- Storm admits he plays only very little;
- Storm reads practically all the Russian feedback posted on Livejournal;
- Storm states he would love to answer more questions where he knows the
answers but he cannot (is not allowed to);

Storm 承認他玩的少;
Storm 幾乎讀完在 Livejournal 上的所有玩家意見
Storm 表示若他知道答案,他會樂意回答更多問題;可是不行…

- According to Storm the current MM weight system with 10 percent tolerance
(difference between teams) has issues that need to be fixed;

Storm 表示目前 MM 對權重的 10%容忍值有問題,需要修改

- The post-battle info is bugged, the system doesn't transfer correctly the
data about who killed what tank, it will be fixed. The type of battle will
return as well (will replace the 9.8 version with the pre-9.8);


- The time limit between feedback and reaction to it (for example adding
features) is 3 months at least (unless it's a bug);


- Interface issues fixes will be implemented in 9.9;

9.9 會修正介面問題

- Improved anti aliasing and a large pack of optimization will come in 9.9;

9.9 會有新的反鋸齒和一大堆優化

- The new anti-aliasing will be "the same as in the Witcher" (modified TXAA,
it doesn't eat a lot of FPS but improves the picture nicely);

新的反鋸齒會「跟《巫師》的一樣」(修改過的 TXAA;大幅改善畫面卻又不會吃掉許多

- The most pressing issues of personal missions were already fixed, now the
further PM development is pushed back a bit by other tasks;


- Storm reacting on a player saying that he moved to War Thunder: "It's good
that there's a choice. I am serious."

有人表示他跑去玩 WT 了;Storm 回應:「有另一個選擇是好事,認真的」

- Swamp will be fixed/removed in 9.9;

9.9 會將 Swamp 修正/移除

- The Domination mode will be developed in the future further and it will
come in other forms, Storm cannot however say what forms;

爭霸模式未來會進一步開發,並會有新面貌;但 Storm 不能透露

- Developers are currently satisfied with personal missions status, there are
currently no plans to develop them further.


And some info about Xbox One WoT:

- The Xbox version was installed more than 5 million times;

XB 版已被安裝超過五百萬次

- Xbox One and Xbox 360 players will play on one server together;

XB One 和 XB360 會用同個伺服器

- Both consoles will share progress, tied to Xbox Live;

所有控制與共享內容都綁定 Xbox Live

- There will be 4K support.

會支援 4K


In church, they say to forgive!

Forgiveness is between them and God;

it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》

Tags: 線上

All Comments

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-06-21T03:32
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2015-06-24T10:28
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2015-06-26T17:54
先別管 4k 了,你聽過 Havok 嗎?
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2015-07-01T12:41
有趣的內容? 我有不好的預感
Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2015-07-05T19:21
Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2015-07-06T12:09
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-07-06T20:56
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2015-07-11T09:45
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2015-07-16T06:12
Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2015-07-17T07:04
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2015-07-22T06:08
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2015-07-26T01:35
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2015-07-27T13:14
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2015-07-30T13:51
凌晨打就是看天吃飯 基本上下午打才是正解
Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2015-07-31T23:03
12%希望他不確定的就不要講、12%要他閉嘴 XDDDDDD
Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2015-08-04T19:03
Dominion 實在太虧錢 都窮到要當褲子了還玩什麼
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2015-08-08T02:41
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2015-08-10T04:01

Re: 第17賽季洲際賽事,台灣球隊出賽報導

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2015-06-17T09:30
亞洲冠軍聯賽杯資格賽附加賽輪 : 加入球隊 : 無 出賽球隊 : 皇家海军联队 http://rockingsoccer.com/zh-tw/football/tournament-11508 亞洲聯賽杯資格賽附加賽輪 : 加入球隊 : 無 出賽球隊 : Chinese White Dolphins、SC ...

Re: 17th season 台灣國家盃 9th round (round of 4)

Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2015-06-17T09:20
9th Round !!!! 國家杯冠軍取得下賽季亞聯小組賽資格,如冠軍已有亞冠資格,由國家杯亞軍遞補 比賽日期 : 06/24 http://rockingsoccer.com/zh-tw/football/tournament-11772/round-9 主隊 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2015-06-17T02:02
and#34;天氣and#34;算是全民打棒球比較有變化性的一個屬性 一般而言大致可以分成有天氣(陰晴雨雪)和無天氣 當然自從老兵出了之後一切變得更加變化多端 ---------------------------以上騙P幣前言----------------------------- 第(1)類 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2015-06-17T00:03
請問有什麼程式或MOD可以讓我有切換戰鬥錄影到別人視角的功能? 戰鬥錄影只能看自己的有點糟... 遇到很強的人也沒辦法看RP學習打法 - ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2015-06-16T23:11
瑪奇官網的五月感恩回饋紀念活動1 請問那回流禮包要怎麼領取阿? 5月中回鍋 4月沒有登入過 - ...