4DO Alpha - 模擬器

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-09-06T21:50

Table of Contents


v1.0.6.2 Alpha :


- 4DO now hides the mouse cursor if it’s floating over the game area.

- Support for more types of controllers/gamepads. I do not know if this
also includes xbox 360 controllers.

- Users can now select a different void area pattern (including
none/blank/black). This means you can turn off the “bricks” on
the sides of the screen. I do indeed pay attention to comments! I
personally will be using “Metal” because I like to pretend that
I’m manly.


- If you configured your controller settings with a blank set of
bindings, 4DO would fail to load it. This is now fixed, although I
fixed it by changing how the file is saved.

- I’m quite certain that I will be able to hear cheers of joy
throughout the day tomorrow as the various people of the world
discover that they can now change the void area pattern to flat
black (I’m thinking of you, Sedabi!).

A clarification on the added controller support: 4DO was previously
looking for input devices that identified themselves as “joystick”.
I found another controller of mine that wouldn’t register and discovered
that it considered itself a “gamepad”. It was quite easy to resolve
once I found this. However, I doubt that XBox 360 controllers fall into
this category; they have an API of their own.

The updates will slow down for a while. I want to iron out problems with
the video (DirectX) as well as solve the timing issues that some people
have been reporting. Because none of my machines exhibit these problems,
it’ll take a while to investigate.



※ 引述《choan (八房龍之助)》之銘言:
: http://www.fourdo.com/
: Panasonic 3DO emulator has been updated. Changes:
: - Replaced GDI rendering with DirectX11 (Direct2D) rendering;
: - Vsync;
: - Improved performance. (As a result of the above changes).


All Comments

(MAME for iOS) iMAME4all v1.9

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2011-09-06T21:42
2011.09.06 key delay on game selection - eases game selection, added option to set Sound defaults and to choose iCade or iControlPad layout,slee ...


Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-09-06T16:27
大家好~我的模擬器是Dolphin-SVN-R6064M 我想想問板上的高手們2P的手把設定 要怎麼設定 我自己設定了好幾次都沒反應 設定完按電腦鍵盤都沒反應... 因為在玩BASARA3所以想開2P一起刷武器... 還有要怎麼樣才能加速呢? 我玩戰國無雙3都只有30趴而已 但玩BASARA3就有60趴 我 ...


Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2011-09-06T15:20
板本是2298.. 啟動後開測試的檔案 下面是一片灰色 這是為什麼呢? cpu intel core2 6600 2.4ghz 2g ram 內建顯示卡 另外跟內容無關 因為1722板打開下面是黑色 然後2298打開是一片灰色(連遊戲都沒載入) - ...

how to play 新基連的野望 on jpcsp

David avatar
By David
at 2011-09-06T03:53
從百度貼吧看來的 不過他寫的不是很清楚 所以我再整理了一下 首先如果不用這個方法時 會進不到遊戲 模擬器會跳出按不完的對話框說找不到記憶卡 使用用法 1.打開模擬器 jpcsp 0.6 2295 2.讀iso檔 按 run 開始遊戲 這時還是一樣會出現對話框 不過不理它 等超過10秒後再 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2011-09-06T00:30
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