4/12 Q&A - War Game

Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2016-04-12T12:27

Table of Contents

1. What concealment bonuses apply to the detection penalty when firing?


A. None. The penalty is an extra value that isn’t modified by anything.
[Sub_Octavian will ask a developer about this tomorrow since some players
have pointed out that Concealment expert does in fact reduce the detection
penalty. Personally, I’ve read several times that it’s affected by CE.]



2. Could you share what plans do you have for fixing high-tier IJN DD’s?


Why can’t we see the distance between our ship and catapult/spotter planes?


A. I can’t say yet, but you’ll soon be able to see it yourself during
0.5.5. public testing.


It should be added in 0.5.6. if everything turns out as planned.


3. A lot of players at mid/high tiers seem not to know how to play at all.
Wouldn’t you consider raising the number of xp needed to unlock ships up to
tier 5-6? And decrease the xp needed for ships above thos tiers?



Would you also consider selling premium ships only to players whose account
level is equal to that of the ship they want to buy (for instance, to buy a
Tirpitz, you’d need to have a lvl 8 account)?


A. For most people, tier 5-6 ships are what they prefer and with which they
have the most fun. We don’t plan to fundamentally change the progression



We don’t plan to restrict all of the premium ships. We will only limit ships
that require quite a lot of skill.


編按 : 比如說20場就能脫離noob的CV嗎?

4. Do you plan to change Warspite’s characteristics? Are you happy with her


A. We don’t plan to change her since we’re happy with her stats for now.

Warspite is fine , L2P。

5. Would it be possible to nerf premium ships by reversing some gameplay
decisions? (For instance, considerably nerfing long range AA which would lead
to certain ships having their strengths turn into weaknesses.)



A. We want to avoid nerfing premium ships, and we will avoid doing it
whenever it’s possible.


6. Can we expect Tirpitz’s AA defense to be changed in the near future?


A. Not in the near future.


7. It’s good that the game modes that required to win by points were changed
so that there’s no more draws. Are you happy with the range of modes
available? What mode do players like the most (two caps or multiples zones)?


A. We’re happy with Domination mode; regarding our other new experiments, it
’s a little more complicated. We would really like to make the game more
diverse by adding new game modes. We’re continuing our work in this matter.



8. Arkansas has more upgrade slots than its tier 4 counterparts. Is it
intended or is this an experiment of some sort?


A. It’s a special feature of this ship to make her more appealing and to
offset her weaknesses. We don’t plan to add the same feature on other ships.


9. Are you happy with the current economy system? Compared to WoT, it seems
that high tiers are more punishing in terms of credit loss.


A. More or less. The situation is very similar to WoT. We have some doubts
about the more punishing economy at high tiers, that is exactly why we
decided to experiment with reduced repair costs.



10. What is WG position on players who constantly whine on the forum, with or
without any reason? (Paranoia mode on) Don’t you have the feeling there are
some people who seem to get paid in silvers just to whine on the forums?
(Paranoia off)



A. There are those you speak of and other players with a mostly negative
mindset. We will furtively track the first group (there isn’t many of them)
and try to make the second happy.


11. What do you think about the current signal system? Don’t you think that
the bonus they give isn’t on par with most of their requirements?


A. Everything is fine regarding signals.


12. My question is about premium ships and captain skills. One of the
functions of premium ships is to (re)train captains for standard ships. All
would be well if premium and standard ships would have similar stats and
gameplay so that they could use the same captain. However, it isn’t always
so. For instance, low tier ships such as Iwaki aren’t performing that well
with captains from high tier ships such as Zao or Atago. Albany and
Marblehead don’t get much from Des Moines’ captains who are specialized in
AA. And there are plenty other examples. What do you think about this issue?



然而經常不是這樣,低階金船像Iwaki Alpha裝上Zao或Atago艦長表現並沒有這麼好。


A. We plan to expand the choice of premium ships so that players can chose
the captain most appropriate for their role. Generally speaking, we don’t
consider this an issue.



13. Do you plan to add premium ships with interesting gameplay / features,
such as Kitakami? Nearly a year has passed since release. What’s up with
putting back on sale Yubari, Sims and the big bad OP Gremlin?



A. I can’t share any information regarding our future ship sales. However, I
can tell you that two or three new ships will soon be released.

我沒辦法告訴你有關會賣什麼船,不過有兩三艘新船Coming soon。

14. Do you plan to add a new means of spending elite ship xp, such as having
the option of gaining captain xp instead of ship xp?


A. We don’t plan to add any new means for converting xp. There’s nothing
you can do with it except converting it to free xp (using doubloons).


╭╮╭─╯言葉よりも 記憶よりも この手が覚えてる
╰┼╯ 熱く濡れて僕に語る頬を
いつか 空に裂けて散らばる
╭╯ 想い御舟に抱かれて ╭╯
銀燭の明日を目指す 真実も探せないまま╭┼╮
╯ ╭ BALDR SKY Dive2“RECORDARE” 2009/11/27 OPEN COMBAT╭─╯╰╯

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All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2016-04-16T11:23
”沒有打算,你可以花金幣把他轉成FE” 傲嬌的WG紅
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2016-04-20T09:40
Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2016-04-20T21:59
關我屁事 XD
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-04-22T02:09
把山打穿 後面的DM金鳥和BB就能出來面對了 qwq
Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2016-04-22T16:55
想要阿肯色 難道腐粒業代不用負責嗎
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2016-04-23T13:55
你可以買Texas 還有兩種專用迷彩喔
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2016-04-24T12:25
雖然我有阿肯色 但Texas上面的AA好像還滿有用的...
Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2016-04-28T21:09
阿肯色不是有金身嗎! 想虐菜臭了嗎!
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2016-04-30T12:21
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2016-04-30T21:15
可是texas是T5啊 QB
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2016-05-01T03:43
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2016-05-03T02:37
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2016-05-03T15:48
夕張、Sims、小王八蛋 XD
Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2016-05-06T21:32
不重要、不重要、重點是好棒棒號啥時要再賣 (選我
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2016-05-08T20:22
好棒棒號絕對可以賣得好棒棒 拜託快出(敲碗
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2016-05-10T05:40
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2016-05-13T07:13
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2016-05-14T04:22
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2016-05-14T23:24
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2016-05-15T11:33


Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2016-04-12T00:32
更新一下近況 目前放棄在原本的地方放server 在五月初我會搬家,到時候能夠在自己住的地方架設 不過也適逢大事,所以不太肯定有沒有足夠時間處理 預計最快是五月中可以重新經營 很抱歉讓遊戲停了這麼久 ※ 引述《eplis (Eplis)》之銘言: : 現在好像OK喔 : 歡迎來測試XD : orz.. ...

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Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2016-04-11T23:38
http://rockingsoccer.com/zh-tw/football/tournament-18846 賽制 : 共32隊晉級世界盃會內賽 (24賽季) - 地主國 * 1 - 歐洲 * 13 - 4隊資格賽直進 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2016-04-11T23:36
C崗 洛磯 https://vimeo.com/162337258 FRANK懷特 皇家 https://vimeo.com/162337230 另外arrieta http://i.imgur.com/lHdQk3L.jpg 嚴重缺貨 跟火車並列隱藏版卡王 - ...

road to 象牙海岸 U20 WCQ

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2016-04-11T23:17
(以下按照小組種子序排序) U-20 厄瓜多 (Ecuador) U-20 土耳其 (Türkiye) U-20 葡萄牙 (Portugal) U-20 中國 (China) U-20 台灣 (Chinese Taipei) U-20 波黑 (波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納) (Bosna i Herceg ...

win10無法安裝 DirectX 9.0

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2016-04-11T22:47
http://i.imgur.com/R8CaMVs.jpg 手機拍攝請見諒 我是win10的筆電 在下載完DirectX9.0之後 要安裝時便出現了如圖示的問題 已爬過文了 但似乎沒有相關問題 麻煩知道如何解決的大大幫幫忙 感激不盡QQ ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone ...