3/16 patch - Guild Wars 激戰

By Bethany
at 2015-03-17T16:40
at 2015-03-17T16:40
Table of Contents
Streaming Client Beta: Added -StreamingClient flag to allow downloading
while playing Guild Wars 2. See our blog post for more information.
在gw2的捷徑右鍵內容後面加上 -StreamingClient 可以先下載遊戲可執行部分,下載完
The number of votes required to kick a party member has been increased to
50% of the party. As an example, in parties of five, three votes will be
WvW map completion is no longer a requirement for a character to achieve
World Completion, and these maps no longer award map completion rewards.
New camera settings in the General Options panel:
Added a Field of View slider.
Added a Zoom Sensitivity slider, which controls how quickly zooming
in and out occurs.
Added a Collision Sensitivity slider, which controls how readily the
camera will ignore obstructions between itself and your character.
Removed the Position slider.
Added a Horizontal Position slider, which controls how much the
camera is shifted to the left or right of your character.
Added a Vertical Position slider, which controls how much camera
height increases as you zoom out.
Added an Enable First-Person Camera check box. To enter first-person
mode, zoom in again while at minimum camera zoom.
Added an Adjust Camera to Character Height check box. When unchecked,
the camera will be placed at the same height regardless of your character
Added a Restore Defaults button.
World Polish
Gendarran Fields
Adjusted the number of scaling spawns for the “Prevent the centaurs
from capturing Nebo Terrace” group event to be less punishing for large
在Gendarran Fields的Prevent the centaurs from capturing Nebo Terrace事件難度調整
Adjusted the start timing of the “Reclaim Nebo Terrace from the
centaurs” and “Rescue the captured townspeople from the centaurs” events.
Increased the damage dealt by the catapults of Nebo Terrace to
creatures. This does not apply to champion creatures.
Added a flashing effect when hovering over map legend icons to indicate
incomplete POIs, vistas, tasks, skill challenges, and waypoints.
Fixed an issue in which some windows weren’t responding to the Enter and
Escape keys.
Added the Black Lion Trading Company icon to e-mails from the Black Lion
Trading Company.
Added a prompt to verify self-demotion within in a guild.
Fixed some instances of players being capable of shadowstepping to
unreachable locations.
Fixed an issue in which players could take repeated falling damage when
running down steep inclines.
Changed the Guild Roster location text to function the same way as the
Contacts panel.
Stability: This boon has been changed from a duration stack type to an
intensity stack type. Crowd-control effects will remove one instance of
stability apiece each time they are applied. Each ability and trait has been
adjusted to apply a certain number of stacks. All instances of stability not
listed in these release notes will remain at one stack.
Mordrem Wolf: Significantly reduced critical-hit damage.
Jungle Tendril Root: Removed several evasion frames from the Burrow skill
animation. Burrow should now make the Jungle Tendril Root emerge directly
below the target.
Added chat logging to indicate who is kicking whom in parties and who is
現在可以在聊天室裡發現是誰把你踢掉了 (report him!!
Added a feature in chat that properly indicates when a player has been
removed from a party instead of indicating that all other players left the
Updated chat text to indicate that players who are kicked or leave the
party are no longer in the party instead of always indicating that player
left the party.
Rune of Vampirism: The fourth bonus (steal life when using a healing
skill) of this rune set will now function properly after resurrection.
Rune of Scavenging: The fourth bonus (steal life when using a healing
skill) of this rune set will now function properly after resurrection.
Mini Kasmeer Meade is now compatible with the Mystic Forge.
Profession Skills
Lightning Flash: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to
the target point cannot be found, except when acting as a stun break.
Tornado: This skill now grants 1 stack of stability every 3 seconds, with
a 3-second duration.
Whirlpool: This ability now grants 1 stack of stability every 3 seconds,
with a 3-second duration.
Armor of Earth: This cantrip skill now grants 10 stacks of stability on
Earth’s Embrace: This cantrip reactive skill now grants 10 stacks of
stability on use.
Toss Elixir B: This skill now grants 3 stacks of stability to allies.
Elixir X—Tornado: This skill now grants 1 stack of stability every 3
seconds, with a 3-second duration.
Elixir X—Rampage: This skill now grants 3 stacks of stability every 3
seconds, with a 3-second duration. Swiftness is now applied every 3 seconds
for a 3-second duration. Leaving this transformation no longer removes
Elixir X—Whirlpool: This skill now grants 1 stack of stability every 3
seconds, with a 3-second duration.
Elixir X—Plague: This skill now grants 3 stacks of stability every 3
seconds, with a 3-second duration.
Mortar: While controlling the mortar, this skill now grants 3 stacks of
stability every 3 seconds, with a 3-second duration.
Flashing Blade: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the
target cannot be found.
Judge’s Intervention: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path
to the target cannot be found, except when acting as a stun break.
Merciful Intervention: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path
to the target point cannot be found.
“Stand Your Ground!”: This skill now grants 5 stacks of stability to
nearby allies.
Indomitable Courage: This trait now grants 3 stacks of stability to
nearby allies. Duration has been increased from 3 to 4 seconds.
Tome of Courage: This skill now grants 3 seconds of protection every 3
seconds. Protection and stability are no longer removed when the player stops
using Tome of Courage.
Tome of Wrath: This skill now grants 3 seconds of retaliation every 3
seconds. Retaliation and stability are no longer removed when the player
stops using Tome of Wrath.
Elite Focus: This trait now grants 1 stack of stability every 3 seconds
to Tome of Wrath and Tome of Courage.
Hallowed Ground: Increased the duration of stability that this skill
grants from 1 second to 2 seconds.
Phantasm Skills: These skills now correctly show their back items with
the phantasm effect.
Blink: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the target
point cannot be found, except when acting as a stun break.
Mantra of Concentration: This mantra now applies 3 stacks of stability to
nearby allies each time it is activated.
Life Leech (Downed State): Updated the skill facts of this ability to be
Flesh Wurm: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the
target point cannot be found.
Plague: This ability now grants 3 stacks of stability every 3 seconds,
with a 3-second duration.
Lich Form: This ability now grants 1 stack of stability every 3 seconds,
with a 3-second duration.
The following necromancer traits will now remain active when the necromancer
enters the downed state:
Death Magic:
Minion Master
Flesh of the Master
Death Nova
Necromantic Corruption
Deadly Strength
Blood Magic:
Vampiric Precision
Vampiric Master
Vampiric Rituals
Withering Precision
Barbed Precision
Soul Reaping:
Master of Terror
Training of the Master
Chill of Death
Close to Death
Hide in Plain Sight: This trait now uses a normalized version of stealth
and will no longer reveal the ranger if they move.
Rampage as One: This skill now grants 3 stacks of stability every 3
seconds, with a 3 second duration. In addition, fury and swiftness are
granted for 3 seconds on the same 3-second interval.
Stability Training: This trait now grants 5 stacks of stability for 3
seconds when triggered.
Signet of the Wild: This skill now grants 5 stacks of stability for 8
seconds when activated.
Infiltrator’s Arrow: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path
to the target point cannot be found.
Infiltrator’s Signet: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path
to the target cannot be found, except when acting as a stun break.
Infiltrator’s Strike: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path
to the target cannot be found.
Shadowstep: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the
target point cannot be found, except when acting as a stun break.
Shadow Escape: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the
target point cannot be found.
Steal: This skill will no longer activate if a valid path to the target
cannot be found.
Dagger Storm: This skill now grants 3 stacks of stability every 3
seconds, with a 3-second duration.
Rampage: This skill now grants 3 stacks of stability every 3 seconds,
with a 3-second duration. Swiftness is now applied every 3 seconds for a
3-second duration.
Balanced Stance: This stance now grants 5 stacks of stability.
Last Stand: This trait now grants 5 stacks of stability when triggered.
Dolyak Signet: This signet now grants 10 stacks of stability.
New Items and Promotions
The new Shadow weapon set is available from Black Lion Weapons
Specialists for the limited-time price of one Black Lion Claim Ticket.
Tickets and ticket scraps can be found in Black Lion Chests. Keys are
available in the Special category of the Gem Store for 125 gems.
Three new faces for each race are available exclusively in Total Makeover
Kits, found in the Services category of the Gem Store for 350 gems.
Jade Quarry - partytonight.8326
All Comments

By Vanessa
at 2015-03-21T15:55
at 2015-03-21T15:55

By Ingrid
at 2015-03-25T15:10
at 2015-03-25T15:10

By Emily
at 2015-03-29T14:25
at 2015-03-29T14:25

By Eden
at 2015-04-02T13:40
at 2015-04-02T13:40

By Audriana
at 2015-04-06T12:55
at 2015-04-06T12:55

By Quanna
at 2015-04-10T12:11
at 2015-04-10T12:11

By Bethany
at 2015-04-14T11:26
at 2015-04-14T11:26

By Kumar
at 2015-04-18T10:41
at 2015-04-18T10:41

By Xanthe
at 2015-04-22T09:56
at 2015-04-22T09:56

By Faithe
at 2015-04-26T09:11
at 2015-04-26T09:11

By Charlotte
at 2015-04-30T08:26
at 2015-04-30T08:26

By Thomas
at 2015-05-04T07:41
at 2015-05-04T07:41

By Valerie
at 2015-05-08T06:57
at 2015-05-08T06:57

By Joseph
at 2015-05-12T06:12
at 2015-05-12T06:12

By Jacob
at 2015-05-16T05:27
at 2015-05-16T05:27

By Andrew
at 2015-05-20T04:42
at 2015-05-20T04:42

By Ivy
at 2015-05-24T03:57
at 2015-05-24T03:57

By Quanna
at 2015-05-28T03:12
at 2015-05-28T03:12

By Rae
at 2015-06-01T02:27
at 2015-06-01T02:27

By Tracy
at 2015-06-05T01:42
at 2015-06-05T01:42

By Kumar
at 2015-06-09T00:58
at 2015-06-09T00:58

By Sierra Rose
at 2015-06-13T00:13
at 2015-06-13T00:13
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