2X2X2 t20104130 7.96 - 魔術方塊

Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-01-25T15:43

Table of Contents

Average: 7.96
Standard Deviation: 0.82
Best Time: 6.23
Worst Time: 11.25
Individual Times:
1. 9.18 F R' F' U' R2 F R' U' R
2. 7.40 F2 U F2 R' F R' U2
3. 7.40 F2 R' F U R' F U R F
4. (11.25) R F' R2 U F2 U' R' F2
5. 8.64 R2 U' R U2 R' U R2 U F2 U
6. 8.57 R F' R2 F R2 U' F'
7. 6.68 F2 R2 U2 R' U' R2 U F'
8. (6.23) F2 R2 U2 R U' F U' F' R2
9. 6.97 R' U' F U F R' U R2 U R2
10. 9.50 R F2 R' U R U' F2 U R2
11. 7.66 F U2 F' U' R U2 R' U
12. 7.61 F U' F R' U' F' R U F2

平均:7.96 秒

心得:二階好容易上手喔 =)

使用公式:Ortega method+三階PLL




All Comments

Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2011-01-30T10:26
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2011-02-04T07:14

CF xx5236294roy 12.69

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-01-24T23:37
時間: Statistics for 01-24-2011 23:36:10 Cubes Solved: 12/12 Number of Pops: 0 Average: 12.69 Standard Deviation: 1.76 Best Time: 9.42 Worst Time: 15.22 Ind ...

clock Ubry 39.83 (50轉)

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-01-24T23:21
Session Average: 39.83 σ: 7.77 Best Time: 25.63 Worst Time: 60.00 Individual Times: 1. 40.04 (-2, 4) (4, -4) (5, -5) (0, 0) (-4) (-5) (-1) (4) (-1) (-4) ...

CF tommy150103 7.96

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-01-24T22:10
時間:Statistics for 01-24-2011 22:09:12 Average: 7.96 Standard Deviation: 0.48 Best Time: 4.87 Worst Time: 8.71 Individual Times: 1. (4.87) U F2 Rand# ...

CF zxken 17.05

Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-01-24T15:40
時間: Statistics for 01-24-2011 15:34:21 Cubes Solved: 50/50 Number of Pops: 0 Average: 17.05 Standard Deviation: 2.41 Best Time: 12.73 Worst Time: 23.06 In ...

2X2 Super SC

Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2011-01-24T15:22
白上綠前 R F Uand#39; R F R2 F2 我第一次1.19 極限是0.61... -- 小弟YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/user/tommy150103 小弟無名:http://www.wretch.cc/blog/tommy308 小弟即時:t ...