26.6已知問題 - 爐石戰記

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2023-06-28T04:55

Table of Contents


[Added 6/27] [Hearthstone]: Prison of Yogg-Saron doesn’t show the cards cast
to both players while casting them. This will be resolved in a hotfix update
soon. In the meantime, both players can see the cards cast by checking the
history tile.

尤格薩倫的監牢目前不會顯示他施放的法術 熱修之前你可以看左方歷史方塊


[Added 6/27] [Twist/Shop]: The Druid Battle-Ready Deck for Twist is not quite
as battle-ready as we’d hope. Specifically, due to some late updates in the
list, it accidentally includes Jerry Rig Carpenter without any Choose One
cards. We suggest you use your free Core Set cards to make some tweaks to the
deck, like replacing Jerry Rig Carpenter with Pounce or replacing another
card with Feral Rage. We plan to update the shop product in a future patch to
replace Jerry Rig Carpenter with a different Rare (Umbral Owl).

搭配扭曲模式的立刻開戰套牌中 任務德有問題:
不慎放入了應急木工 但本牌組中沒有任何二選一卡牌
預計下個版本修復 之後會改成放晦影月翼

[Resolved 6/27] [Twist]: Due to the launch of Twist, we discovered a bug
where Nellie, the Great Thresher causes crashes if the class playing her does
not have enough Pirates for her effect (like when a Paladin gets her off The
Countess’s Legendary Invitations) during these Twist Beta seasons where
Neutral cards are excluded. Due to this issue, we’re temporarily instituting
a fix where a class that doesn’t have enough Pirates will be able to
discover Pirates from other classes. This is not expected to be a permanent
change and it should only apply to these seasons of Twist, due to the
combination of the card pool and ruleset.


[Added 6/27] [Battlegrounds]: Flourishing Frostling will incorrectly appear
as having 0 attack. This is a visual-only bug that will resolve itself
in-game once you get your first copy. This issue will be resolved in a hotfix
update soon.
培植小霜冰目前會錯誤的顯示為0攻 這只是顯示上的錯誤 只要你拿了一個就會正確顯示

[Added 6/27] [Battlegrounds]: The team is investigating reports of
Battlegrounds Missions and Track not progressing.

[Added 6/27] [Battlegrounds]: The “Follow the Money” Quest is
inappropriately progressing while in combat. We’ve temporarily removed the
Quest from the Sire Denathrius pool while we investigate the issue.

遊戲中追查金流任務進度不正常 因此暫時移除


[Resolved 6/28] [Shop]: The Golden Phoenix Bundles Rank 1 and 2 are intended
to award Golden Legendary cards. The Rank 1 Bundle’s content was wrong has
been corrected. The Rank 2 Bundle’s content was correct, but its text was
wrong and has been corrected. A very small number of players purchases the
Rank 1 bundle before the content was corrected, and those players have now
received a grant of Arcane Dust to make up for the difference between the
normal Legendary they received and the Golden Legendary they were supposed to
懶得翻 反正你如果拿到1600就是買黃金包說明錯誤的補償

[Added 6/27] [Cosmetics]: The Inge Death Knight hero skin (part of the TITANS
Mega Pre-Purchase Bundle) is missing her hero tray. It has been found and
will be added in the next major patch.
預購頭像失蹤了 下次更新檔會加回來

[Added 6/28] [Hearthstone]: The team has identified an issue sometimes
causing the “error starting your game” bug when queuing with (or against) a
deck that includes both Prince Renathal and E.T.C., Band Manager. The fix is
scheduled for an upcoming hotfix.


[Added 6/28] [Hearthstone]: The team is investigating reports that some
minions (mostly tokens) are sometimes appearing as invisible. (Can one ever “
appear” invisible? :thinking:)
有些手下(特別是token看起來像隱形) (隱形能用"看起來"形容嗎?)

Tags: 爐石

All Comments

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2023-06-28T11:08
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2023-06-28T17:21
Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2023-06-28T23:34
Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2023-06-29T05:48
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2023-06-29T12:01
Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2023-06-29T18:14
哈奇厄斯現在是不是有BUG 整個角色不見不能點選攻擊


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2023-06-28T01:38
https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/zh-tw/news/23973114/non-printable 隆重鉅獻:《爐石戰記》最新資料片 《泰坦創世紀》 https://youtu.be/I3gmNWE1Hv4 在凡人蓬勃發展之前,泰坦便來到了這個世界。這些巨大的物種用了 ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2023-06-27T02:31
https://twitter.com/PlayHearthstone/status/1673375572695695360 https://i.imgur.com/Q42w8HG.jpg 官推出了個謎題 新資料片名稱就在其中 你能破解嗎? 先猜中的稅後1000P幣 即日起到官方公布為止 - ...


Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2023-06-26T20:47
玩了一陣子感覺魚人最好玩 整理自身魚人場次,理想的抓牌是 三星找除污魚,但幾場下來體感不怎麼必要 https://i.imgur.com/lwvYOrc.png 接下來四星會全力找這兩張 主要是抓鯛魚計數員 https://i.imgur.com/eKabCvW.png https://i.imgur.co ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2023-06-26T15:12
※ 引述《soul5566 (校排前五帥)》之銘言: : 一年多沒玩魯蛇戰記了 : 之前退坑 納迦剛有消息 戰場好像還沒出 先出卡牌 : 玩了下傭兵,打了兩局 嗯 一樣糞 : 果然能打的還是戰場 : 現在好像很多元,英雄一堆沒碰過 還有任務型英雄? : 結果解完發現不太會用,每回合開始手上一張+12 12 : ...

進化薩有夠OP 10連勝上傳說

Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2023-06-24T19:13
先放個牌組 HS上面抄來的 因為喜歡各種亂進化的驚喜而玩的 沒想到這麼OP ### 進化薩 # 職業:薩滿 # 規則:標準 # 嘯狼年 # # 2x (1) 可信的偽裝 # 2x (1) 導覽員 # 2x (1) 熾炎轉化 # 2x (1) 爛泥池 # 2x (1) 食人魚群 # 1x (2) 阿斯塔樂‧血 ...