21.4.3更新 - 爐石戰記

By Dinah
at 2021-10-20T02:41
at 2021-10-20T02:41
Table of Contents
‧ Fixed a bug affecting Ranked Legend external ratings (internal ratings
were not affected by the bug).
‧ Fixed a bug causing Daily and Weekly Quests to be unable to be completed
in Casual mode.
‧ Fixed a bug preventing the Bloodsail Deckhand discount from carrying over
after a Celestial Alignment was played. Now, if you play Bloodsail Deckhand
and then either player plays Celestial Alignment, the first weapon you play
will cost 0.
- 修復血帆槳手的降費在星穹連線後消失的問題 現在你打出的下一個武器會正確變成0費
‧ Fixed a bug where Southsea Scoundrel sometimes did not count as a
Battlecry effect.
- 修復南海無賴有時不被當作戰吼的問題
‧ Fixed a bug that blocked a small number of players from entering the
Mercenaries mode using specific devices.
- 修復特定玩家在特定行動裝置無法進入傭兵模式的問題
‧ Fixed certain Mercenaries Tasks that could not be completed as written:
King Mukla’s Task 9; Cairne Bloodhoof’s Task 2; Antonidas’s Task 3; and
Baron Geddon’s Task 10.
- 修復一些傭兵模式任務無法正確完成的問題:
- 穆克拉 任務9
- 凱恩‧血蹄 任務2
- 安東尼達斯 任務3
- 迦頓男爵 任務10
‧ Fixed a bug where dealing Critical Damage to Jaina prevented her Ice Block
Talisman from triggering.
- 修正對珍娜造成爆擊時會使冰結咒符無法觸發的問題
‧ Increased the spawn rate of Furlbogs in the Winterspring area.
- 增加冬泉谷 熊怪的出現機率
‧ Fixed a bug affecting Ranked Legend external ratings (internal ratings
were not affected by the bug).
‧ Fixed a bug causing Daily and Weekly Quests to be unable to be completed
in Casual mode.
‧ Fixed a bug preventing the Bloodsail Deckhand discount from carrying over
after a Celestial Alignment was played. Now, if you play Bloodsail Deckhand
and then either player plays Celestial Alignment, the first weapon you play
will cost 0.
- 修復血帆槳手的降費在星穹連線後消失的問題 現在你打出的下一個武器會正確變成0費
‧ Fixed a bug where Southsea Scoundrel sometimes did not count as a
Battlecry effect.
- 修復南海無賴有時不被當作戰吼的問題
‧ Fixed a bug that blocked a small number of players from entering the
Mercenaries mode using specific devices.
- 修復特定玩家在特定行動裝置無法進入傭兵模式的問題
‧ Fixed certain Mercenaries Tasks that could not be completed as written:
King Mukla’s Task 9; Cairne Bloodhoof’s Task 2; Antonidas’s Task 3; and
Baron Geddon’s Task 10.
- 修復一些傭兵模式任務無法正確完成的問題:
- 穆克拉 任務9
- 凱恩‧血蹄 任務2
- 安東尼達斯 任務3
- 迦頓男爵 任務10
‧ Fixed a bug where dealing Critical Damage to Jaina prevented her Ice Block
Talisman from triggering.
- 修正對珍娜造成爆擊時會使冰結咒符無法觸發的問題
‧ Increased the spawn rate of Furlbogs in the Winterspring area.
- 增加冬泉谷 熊怪的出現機率
All Comments

By Kelly
at 2021-10-21T21:16
at 2021-10-21T21:16

By Ida
at 2021-10-23T15:51
at 2021-10-23T15:51

By Rebecca
at 2021-10-25T10:27
at 2021-10-25T10:27

By Ivy
at 2021-10-27T05:02
at 2021-10-27T05:02

By Caitlin
at 2021-10-28T23:37
at 2021-10-28T23:37

By Kyle
at 2021-10-30T18:12
at 2021-10-30T18:12

By Ethan
at 2021-11-01T12:48
at 2021-11-01T12:48

By Steve
at 2021-11-03T07:23
at 2021-11-03T07:23

By Jacob
at 2021-11-05T01:58
at 2021-11-05T01:58

By Steve
at 2021-11-06T20:33
at 2021-11-06T20:33

By Hedwig
at 2021-11-08T15:09
at 2021-11-08T15:09

By Isabella
at 2021-11-07T13:17
at 2021-11-07T13:17

By Blanche
at 2021-11-09T07:52
at 2021-11-09T07:52

By Jessica
at 2021-11-07T13:17
at 2021-11-07T13:17

By Liam
at 2021-11-09T07:52
at 2021-11-09T07:52

By Dora
at 2021-11-07T13:17
at 2021-11-07T13:17

By Sandy
at 2021-11-09T07:52
at 2021-11-09T07:52

By Valerie
at 2021-11-07T13:17
at 2021-11-07T13:17

By Jack
at 2021-11-09T07:52
at 2021-11-09T07:52
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