2009 Google U.S. Puzzle Championship! 題型中譯 - 數獨

By Eartha
at 2009-06-20T10:47
at 2009-06-20T10:47
Table of Contents
請原諒小弟的懶惰, 我就只翻題目部分了。
題目說明檔 Instruction Booklet (Password: foo2rk)
以下中譯請對照題目說明檔看, 因為有部分題目有附圖形。
1.Battleships (Moshe Rubin) - 5 points
Locate the position of the 10-ship fleet in the grid. The fleet is shown
below: one 4-unit battleship, two 3-unit cruisers, three 2-unit destroyers,
and four 1-unit submarines. Each segment of a ship occupies a single cell.
Ships are oriented either horizontally or vertically, and they do not touch
each other, not even diagonally. The numbers on the right and bottom edges
of the grid reveal the total number of ship segments that appear in each
respective row or column. (For solving purposes, ignore the letters above
and to the left of the grid.)
Answer: Enter the coordinates of the three missing 1-unit submarines (using
the letters above and to the left of the grid).
1.發現小船(作者: Moshe Rubin) – 5分
請將圖表中的十艘船艦放入表格中。十艘船艦分別如下: 1艘4格的主力艦, 2艘3格的
巡洋艦, 3艘2格的驅逐艦, 以及4艘1格的潛水艇。船隻的排放只能橫向或直向, 而且
它們不能碰到彼此, 即使對角亦然。右方和下方的數字, 代表了在該橫列及該直行中
, 共有幾格包含了船艦。(解題建議: 上方和左方的字母, 不要管它!!)
回答模式: 請輸入三艘題目中未列出的潛水艇對應位置(請用表格上方及左方的字母
2.Sudoku (Nikoli) – 10 points
Place the digits 1 through 9 into the empty squares (one per square) so that
each digit appears exactly once in each of the following regions: the nine
rows, the nine columns, and the nine outlined 3x3 regions.
Answer: Enter the seventh row of digits, followed by the seventh column of
2.數獨(來源: Nikoli) – 10 分
將數字1-9放入空格中(每個格子一個數字), 讓每一直行, 每一橫列, 以及每一個粗框
構成的3x3區域中, 數字1-9都各剛好只出現一次。
回答模式: 請寫下第七橫列的數字, 再接著寫下第七直行的數字。
3.Missing Operation KenKen(Nextoy LLC) – 10 points
Standard KenKen rules apply, but with the operations missing.
Fill each square with a digit between 1 and 6, not repeating a digit in any
row or column. Each outlined region (cage) includes a target number, which
is the result of some one arithmetic operation applied to all the digits
inside the cage.
Cages with one square have no operation: the missing digit is the same as
the target. Subtraction and division only appear in cages with two squares,
and the digits may appear in any order. For cages with more that two squares,
the digits are added or multiplied individually.
Answer: Enter the fifth row of digits, followed by the fifth column of digits.
3.沒給運算符號的KenKen(作者: Nextory LLC) – 10 分
基本上就是 KenKen 的規則, 但是沒給你運算符號的提示。
在每個方格中填入1-6其中一個數字, 每一直行及橫列數字都不能重覆。在圍成的區域
中會給一個提示數字, 這代表了在區域中的所有數字, 在經過加減乘除其中一種運算後
, 會得到的結果。
如果圍成的區域中只有一個方格, 那就代表該格的數字就是提示數字, 因為一個數字是
沒法做運算的。減和除僅會出現在有兩格的區域中, 而且計算方式無關數字排列。超過
兩格的區域, 數字則是使用加或乘其中之一做運算。
回答模式: 輸入第五橫列的數字, 再輸入第五直行的數字。
4.Sum Thing (Ed Pegg Jr.) - 10 points
Place each of the digits [list] into the empty circles (one per circle) so
that the sum of the digits along each line is equal to [value].
Answer: Enter the digits in order from left to right, as they appear in the
4.某東西的總和(作者: Ed Pegg Jr.) – 10 分
將列表中的數字填入圓圈中(每個圓圈一個數字), 讓每條線上的數字總和, 會符合指定
(譯注: 請參照 http://wpc.puzzles.com/gt7/solutions.htm , 第3題, 猜測可能是類
回答模式: 由左至右, 依表格中數字出現順序輸入
5.Eminent D'OHmain (Adam R. Wood) - 10 points
Standard Eminent Domain rules, except there will be exactly one unconnected
square in each row and column.
One or more horizontal or vertical lines are drawn from each numbered square.
Lines cannot cross or overlap other lines or numbered squares. Each number
indicates how many squares are connected by its lines (the numbered squares
themselves are not counted). Each empty square is connected by exactly one
line, except for
one square in each row and column, which will not be connected at all.
Answer: For each row, enter the column number (1-9) of the square that is not
connected. (For the example, the answer would be 3,2,4,1.)
5.Eminent D'OHmain (作者: Adam R. Wood) - 10 分
基本的Eminent Domain規則(譯注: 請參照
http://www.otuzoyun.com/pqrst/puzzle0204.html ), 但多加了一條規則 - 每直行及
由每個數字出發, 畫一到多條直或橫的線, 線彼此不能交叉相碰, 也不能碰到其他數字
。數字代表了由它出發的線, 共經過多少格子(但數字本身所在的格子不算在內)。除了
每直行及每橫列要留空的格子外, 每個空格只能剛好有一條線經過。
回答模式: 輸入每一列中, 是在第幾個直行格子留空(像範例中的答案就是: 3,2,4,1)
6.Switch Cheese (Baxter/Merrill) - 1 point each; 5 point bonus for finding
all ten
Find the ten differences between the two pictures. (The ten differences are
clearly intentional and not subtle differences due to pixilation or graphic
anomalies. Ignore any overall distortion of the images.)
Answer: Enter the coordinates for each difference found from top to bottom,
left to right, starting with the first column.
6.調換乳酪(作者: Baxter/Merrill) – 每找到一個1分, 如果十個全數找到則有5分的
請找到兩張圖中的十個不同點(所謂的不同, 是指圖中故意的出錯, 而不是那種因為畫素
(譯注: 過去這類題目通常兩張圖是鏡像)
回答模式: 從第一直行起, 由上而下, 再由左至右, 依序輸入錯誤位置的對應代表字母。
7.Writer’s Block(Craig Kasper) – 10 points
Enter names into the crisscross grid across and down, one letter per square.
Four names will not be used.
Use only the portions of the name that are fully capitalized, ignoring spaces
and punctuation; names are sorted and grouped by length.
Answer: Enter the four missing capitalized names (ignore spaces and punctuation
if any).
7.Writer’s Block(作者: Craig Kasper) – 10 分
將名字輸入十字交叉表格中的行與列, 每個方格一個字母, 其中有四個名字將不會被用到。
僅使用名字當中大寫的部分, 忽略空格及標點。名字依其長度做排列。
回答模式: 輸入四個沒有用到的大寫名字(若有空格或標點, 請忽略)
8.Corral (Nikoli) - 15 points
Draw a single closed loop along the grid lines so that all the numbered squares
are inside the loop. Additionally, each number equals the count of interior
squares that are directly in line (horizontally and vertically) with that
number's square, including the square itself.
Answer: Enter the number of squares in each connected group that is outside the
loop, clockwise starting in the upper left. (The answer for the example would
be: 3,3,2.)
8.Corral(來源: Nikoli) – 15 分
沿表格邊線, 畫一條單線構成的環, 讓所有的數字都包含在環的區域內。此外, 數字代表
了該格沿直向或橫向走, 到碰到邊線為止, 在區域內共有多少格(包含數字所在的這一格)
回答模式: 請由左上角開式, 順時針依序輸入區域外每一個小區域中, 有多少個格子(要
相連)。(像範例中的答案就是: 3,3,2)
9.Coordinate Pairs (Erich Friedman) - 10 points
Connect pairs of points (using each point only once), so that the corresponding
segments can be separated into two sets, each set containing segments with the
same length.
Answer: Enter the pair of letters corresponding to each segment, in
"alphabetical" order. (For the example, the answer would be AC,BD,EF,GN,HL,IJ,
9.Coordinate Pairs (作者: Erich Friedman) - 10 分
將點兩兩相連成對(每個點只能連一次), 最後成對連線可以分成兩群, 每群的成對連線長
回答模式: 輸入每組成對連線的對應字母, 依字母順序輸入(像範例中的答案就是: AC,BD,
10.Triangular Skyscrapers (Aziz Ate.) - 15 points
Place the digits 1 through 8 into the empty cells (one per cell) so that each
digit appears exactly once in each row and column. One digit is given.
The cells in the grid can be thought of as individual buildings, and the number
inside the building is the number of floors. A number outside the grid indicates
how many buildings can be "seen" from the corresponding direction. (A building
is seen by an observer if there are no buildings taller (with a greater number),
between it and the observer.)
Answer: Enter the digits in the second row, followed bythe digits in the second
column. (For the example, the answer would be 56147832,32147658.)
10.三角形摩天大樓 (作者: Aziz Ate.) - 15 分
將數字1-8放入空格中, 每個數字在每行及每列只能出現一次, 其中一個數字已給提示。
可以把格子想像成是一棟獨立建築, 而數字就是這棟建築有幾層樓。格子外的數字則是代
表從該方向看過去, 可以看到幾棟樓(建築只有在它和觀察者之間, 沒有其他比它更高的
樓時(也就是數字更大的), 才能被看到
回答模式: 輸入第二橫列的數字, 再緊跟著輸入第二直行的數字, 像範例中的答案就是:
11.WindowPain (Anonymous) – 10 points
Count the number of squares of any size in the diagram. (All lines connect
points on the implied lattice grid.)
Answer: Enter the number of squares in the diagram.
11.WindowPain (Anonymous) – 10 分
圖中有幾個正方形, 去數吧!!
回答模式: 請輸入圖中正方形的數目
12.Masyu (Nikoli) - 20 points
Find a single closed loop passing through each of the black and white circles.
The path passes through the centers of adjacent squares. When passing through
a black circle, the path must make a 90 degree turn and extend at least two
squares in both directions. When passing through a white circle, the path must
go straight and must make a 90 degree turn in at least one of the adjacent
Answer: Enter the letters corresponding to the labeled white circles through
which the path passes vertically, traveling clockwise starting with circle A.
(For the example, the answer would be ACB.)
12.黑珍珠白珍珠(來源: Nikoli) - 20 分
請找出一條單線構成的環狀路徑, 要能通過所有黑色及白色的圓圈。路徑為連接兩相鄰格
的中心點。路徑在通過黑色圓圈時要轉90度角, 並且至少在轉角的兩方向至少延伸兩格長
(譯注: 就是包含轉角, 要到第三格才能轉彎)。路徑通過白色圓圈時要保持直線, 而且兩
端在連到相鄰格後, 至少有其一要立即轉彎。
回答模式: 順時針方向, 從A開始, 依序輸入路徑為直向通過的白色圓圈代表字母(像範例
中的答案就是 ACB)
13.C Notes (Erich Friedman) - 10 points
For each of the given digits, add a digit before, after, or not at all, so that
the resulting 1- and 2-digit numbers in each row and column all total 100.
Answer: Enter the resulting nine numbers, left to right, top to bottom, starting
with the first row. (For the example, the answer would be 9,63,28,12,20,68,79,17,4.)
13.C Notes (作者: Erich Friedman) - 10 分
在每個所給的數字, 它的前面, 或是後面加一個數字, 不過你也可以都不加。目的是要讓
它構成一個一位或兩位的數字, 而且每行及每列最後的數字總和都是100。
回答模式: 從第一橫列開始, 輸入最後的九個數字, 由左至右, 再由上至下。(像例中的答
案就是: 9,63,28,12,20,68,79,17,4)
14.Lucky Sevens (ShawnKennedy) - 20 points
Enter words into the crisscross grid across and down, one letter per square. One
word will not be used.
Answer: Enter the unused word.
14.幸運的7字母文字 (作者: ShawnKennedy) - 20 分
將文字輸入十字交叉表格中的行與列, 每個方格一個字母, 其中有一個字將不會被用到。
回答模式: 輸入那個沒用到的字。
15.2-3 Maze (Erich Friedman) - 15 points
Find a path from the lower left to the upper right. You may move only between
white squares, moving from one square to the next by jumping two squares
diagonally, three squares horizontally, or three squares vertically.
Answer: Enter the length of each move, in order, from start to finish. (For the
example, the answer would be33233.)
15.2-3 迷宮 (作者: Erich Friedman) - 15 分
請找出由左下角移動到右下角的路從, 你的移動方式是自所在的格子, 向對角方向跳兩格
, 或是朝直或橫的方向跳三格, 移動過程中, 每次落腳的地方都必須是白色格子。
回答模式: 從開始到最後, 依順序輸入每次移動的長度(像範例中的答案就是: 33233)
16.Sweet Sixteen (Ken Duisenberg) – 15 points
Place the numbers [list] into the circles (some numbers are already placed for
you), so that the sum along each line is the same.
Answer: Enter the numbers in the shaded circles, from left to right.
16.甜蜜的16(歲??)(作者: Ken Duisenberg) – 15 分
將列表中的數字填入圓圈中(部分數字已提供給你), 讓每條線上的數字總和都一樣。
回答模式: 由左至右, 輸入有灰影格子當中的數字。
17.Yajilin (Nikoli) - 25 points
Add black squares to the grid (only in the empty spaces) so that every arrow
points to the corresponding number of black squares. Black squares need not be
pointed to, and cannot be adjacent horizontally or vertically. All remaining
white space must be part of a single closed loop of squares connected
horizontally or vertically.
Answer: For each of the nine rows indicated by arrows, enter the number of
black squares. (For the example, the answer would be 2,0,1,0.)
17.Yajilin (來源: Nikoli) - 25 分
在部分空格中塗黑, 使得每個箭頭附上的數字, 就是所指的方向塗黑格子的數目。黑色
格子”不一定”要被箭頭指到, 而且和其他黑色格子不得以直或橫向相鄰。剩下的白色
格子要能以直向或橫向連接後, 形成一個單線環狀迴圈。
回答模式: 依序輸入在九條橫列中, 有箭頭的列當中有幾個黑色格子(像範例中的答案
就是: 2,0,1,0)
18.Wolves and Sheep in Fences (Dave Tuller) - 25 points
Draw a single closed loop by connecting neighboring dots horizontally or
vertically (but not diagonally). A numbered square indicates exactly how
many of its edge segments are used by the path.
A square containing a sheep ("s") must end up inside the loop; a square
containing a wolf ("w") must end up outside the loop.
Answer: Enter the digits inside the loop, from left to right, top to bottom,
starting with the first row. (For the
example, the answer would be 3,23.)
18.數連中的狼與羊 (作者: Dave Tuller) - 25 分
將部分直向或橫向相鄰的點連接, 構成一個單線環狀迴圈, 數字代表了在它周遭有幾個
包含 s 的格子表示羊, 必須留在環狀區域當中, 而包含 w 的格子則代表狼, 必須留在
回答模式: 從第一橫列開始, 由左至右, 再由上至下, 輸入環狀迴圈內的數字(像範例中
的答案就是: 3,23)
19.Magic Puzzle'Rs (Craig Kasper) - 20 points
Place the names into the grid, across, down, or diagonally down-and-to-the-right
, with one letter per white square. Each row and column will contain exactly one
Answer: For each row, enter the column number (1-9) of the square containing the
"R"; starting with the first row. (For example, if the "R"s appeared on the
second main diagonal, the answer would be 987654321.)
19.神奇的 Puzzle'Rs (作者: Craig Kasper) - 20 分
將名字填入格子中, 每格一個字母, 可能是直向, 橫向, 或是斜向(以向下向右方式填入)
, 最後每行及每列都必須剛好有一個 R。
回答模式: 從第一橫列開始, 由上而下, 輸入每一橫列中, R出現 在第幾條直行。(像如
果R正好出現在從右上到左下的對角線上, 那答案就會是: 987654321)
20.SuDUOku (Adam R. Wood) - 30 points
Place the digits 1 through 7 into the empty squares (one per square) so that
each digit appears at least once in each of the following regions: the eight
rows, the eight columns, and the eight outlined regions.
Each of the digits 1 through 6 will appear twice in exactly one row, one column
, and one of the eight outlined regions.
Answer: Enter the duplicate digits for each row (from top to bottom), followed
by the duplicate digits for each column (from left to right).
20.數O獨 (作者: Adam R. Wood) - 30 分
將數字1-7放入空格中(一個格子放一個), 使得在八條橫列, 八個直行, 以及八個粗線框區
域中, 每個數字都至少出現一次。
但是數字1-6 將會各自在某一行, 某一列, 以及某一個粗線框區域中, 正好出現兩次。
回答模式:從上而下輸入每一列重覆的數字, 再接著由左而右輸入每一直行重覆的數字。
然後….因為我要準備出門了, 所以剩下的就大家自己看吧….
21. Di-Agony(Craig Kasper) – 30 points
Find a continuous loop made of 18 alternating horizontal and vertical segments,
and number the 90° turns sequentially 1-9,1-9, in that order. Each row and
column of the grid must contain exactly two turns.
Some squares include a "diagonal sum", equal to the sum of all the turn numbers
in the two diagonals passing through the corresponding square. In the example,
13 = 3 + 4 + 4 + 2, and 5 = 3 + 2.
Answer: Enter the 18 digits from left to right, top to bottom, starting with
the first row. (For the example, the answer would be 23,14,14,23.)
22.Four Square (Aziz Ate.) - 30 points
The four puzzle types: Skyscraper, Battleships, Tents, and Snake, all rely on
clue numbers around the outside of the grid. Find the missing clues that are
shared between the grids below so that all four puzzlescan be solved.
Skyscrapers: Place the digits 1 through 6 into the grid so that each number
appears exactly once in each row and column, and so that the clue numbers are
the number of buildings that can be "seen" from the corresponding direction.
(Detailed Skyscrapers instructions are given in problem 11.)
Battleships: Place the given fleet into the grid so that ships do not touch
each other, not even diagonally. The clue numbers are the number of ship segments in the corresponding row or column. (Detailed Battleships instructions are given in problem 1.)
Tents: Locate the tents in the grid. Trees and tents appear in distinct pairs,
in horizontally or vertically adjacent squares. Squares with tents do not touch
each other, not even diagonally. The clue numbers are the total number of tents
in the corresponding row or column.
Snake: Find a path of sequentially numbered and edge-connected squares starting
from 1, passing through 17, and ending at 29. The path cannot loop back to
touchitself, not even diagonally. The clue numbers are the number of times the
snake makes a 90° turn in the corresponding row or column.
Answer: Enter the row of 13 missing clue numbers, followed by the column of 14
missing clue numbers. (For the
example, the answer would be 212,1202,212,20201.)
23.Inside/Outside Corral (Dave Tuller) – 40 points
Draw a single closed loop along the grid lines. If a number is inside the loop
then it equals the count of interiorsquares that are directly in line
(horizontally and vertically) with that number's square, including the square
Similarly, if a number is outside the loop then it equals the count of
exterior squares that are directly in line with that number's square, including
the square itself.
Answer: Enter the number of squares in each connected group that is outside the
loop, clockwise starting in the
upper left. (For the example, the answer would be: 3,3,2.)
題目說明檔 Instruction Booklet (Password: foo2rk)
以下中譯請對照題目說明檔看, 因為有部分題目有附圖形。
1.Battleships (Moshe Rubin) - 5 points
Locate the position of the 10-ship fleet in the grid. The fleet is shown
below: one 4-unit battleship, two 3-unit cruisers, three 2-unit destroyers,
and four 1-unit submarines. Each segment of a ship occupies a single cell.
Ships are oriented either horizontally or vertically, and they do not touch
each other, not even diagonally. The numbers on the right and bottom edges
of the grid reveal the total number of ship segments that appear in each
respective row or column. (For solving purposes, ignore the letters above
and to the left of the grid.)
Answer: Enter the coordinates of the three missing 1-unit submarines (using
the letters above and to the left of the grid).
1.發現小船(作者: Moshe Rubin) – 5分
請將圖表中的十艘船艦放入表格中。十艘船艦分別如下: 1艘4格的主力艦, 2艘3格的
巡洋艦, 3艘2格的驅逐艦, 以及4艘1格的潛水艇。船隻的排放只能橫向或直向, 而且
它們不能碰到彼此, 即使對角亦然。右方和下方的數字, 代表了在該橫列及該直行中
, 共有幾格包含了船艦。(解題建議: 上方和左方的字母, 不要管它!!)
回答模式: 請輸入三艘題目中未列出的潛水艇對應位置(請用表格上方及左方的字母
2.Sudoku (Nikoli) – 10 points
Place the digits 1 through 9 into the empty squares (one per square) so that
each digit appears exactly once in each of the following regions: the nine
rows, the nine columns, and the nine outlined 3x3 regions.
Answer: Enter the seventh row of digits, followed by the seventh column of
2.數獨(來源: Nikoli) – 10 分
將數字1-9放入空格中(每個格子一個數字), 讓每一直行, 每一橫列, 以及每一個粗框
構成的3x3區域中, 數字1-9都各剛好只出現一次。
回答模式: 請寫下第七橫列的數字, 再接著寫下第七直行的數字。
3.Missing Operation KenKen(Nextoy LLC) – 10 points
Standard KenKen rules apply, but with the operations missing.
Fill each square with a digit between 1 and 6, not repeating a digit in any
row or column. Each outlined region (cage) includes a target number, which
is the result of some one arithmetic operation applied to all the digits
inside the cage.
Cages with one square have no operation: the missing digit is the same as
the target. Subtraction and division only appear in cages with two squares,
and the digits may appear in any order. For cages with more that two squares,
the digits are added or multiplied individually.
Answer: Enter the fifth row of digits, followed by the fifth column of digits.
3.沒給運算符號的KenKen(作者: Nextory LLC) – 10 分
基本上就是 KenKen 的規則, 但是沒給你運算符號的提示。
在每個方格中填入1-6其中一個數字, 每一直行及橫列數字都不能重覆。在圍成的區域
中會給一個提示數字, 這代表了在區域中的所有數字, 在經過加減乘除其中一種運算後
, 會得到的結果。
如果圍成的區域中只有一個方格, 那就代表該格的數字就是提示數字, 因為一個數字是
沒法做運算的。減和除僅會出現在有兩格的區域中, 而且計算方式無關數字排列。超過
兩格的區域, 數字則是使用加或乘其中之一做運算。
回答模式: 輸入第五橫列的數字, 再輸入第五直行的數字。
4.Sum Thing (Ed Pegg Jr.) - 10 points
Place each of the digits [list] into the empty circles (one per circle) so
that the sum of the digits along each line is equal to [value].
Answer: Enter the digits in order from left to right, as they appear in the
4.某東西的總和(作者: Ed Pegg Jr.) – 10 分
將列表中的數字填入圓圈中(每個圓圈一個數字), 讓每條線上的數字總和, 會符合指定
(譯注: 請參照 http://wpc.puzzles.com/gt7/solutions.htm , 第3題, 猜測可能是類
回答模式: 由左至右, 依表格中數字出現順序輸入
5.Eminent D'OHmain (Adam R. Wood) - 10 points
Standard Eminent Domain rules, except there will be exactly one unconnected
square in each row and column.
One or more horizontal or vertical lines are drawn from each numbered square.
Lines cannot cross or overlap other lines or numbered squares. Each number
indicates how many squares are connected by its lines (the numbered squares
themselves are not counted). Each empty square is connected by exactly one
line, except for
one square in each row and column, which will not be connected at all.
Answer: For each row, enter the column number (1-9) of the square that is not
connected. (For the example, the answer would be 3,2,4,1.)
5.Eminent D'OHmain (作者: Adam R. Wood) - 10 分
基本的Eminent Domain規則(譯注: 請參照
http://www.otuzoyun.com/pqrst/puzzle0204.html ), 但多加了一條規則 - 每直行及
由每個數字出發, 畫一到多條直或橫的線, 線彼此不能交叉相碰, 也不能碰到其他數字
。數字代表了由它出發的線, 共經過多少格子(但數字本身所在的格子不算在內)。除了
每直行及每橫列要留空的格子外, 每個空格只能剛好有一條線經過。
回答模式: 輸入每一列中, 是在第幾個直行格子留空(像範例中的答案就是: 3,2,4,1)
6.Switch Cheese (Baxter/Merrill) - 1 point each; 5 point bonus for finding
all ten
Find the ten differences between the two pictures. (The ten differences are
clearly intentional and not subtle differences due to pixilation or graphic
anomalies. Ignore any overall distortion of the images.)
Answer: Enter the coordinates for each difference found from top to bottom,
left to right, starting with the first column.
6.調換乳酪(作者: Baxter/Merrill) – 每找到一個1分, 如果十個全數找到則有5分的
請找到兩張圖中的十個不同點(所謂的不同, 是指圖中故意的出錯, 而不是那種因為畫素
(譯注: 過去這類題目通常兩張圖是鏡像)
回答模式: 從第一直行起, 由上而下, 再由左至右, 依序輸入錯誤位置的對應代表字母。
7.Writer’s Block(Craig Kasper) – 10 points
Enter names into the crisscross grid across and down, one letter per square.
Four names will not be used.
Use only the portions of the name that are fully capitalized, ignoring spaces
and punctuation; names are sorted and grouped by length.
Answer: Enter the four missing capitalized names (ignore spaces and punctuation
if any).
7.Writer’s Block(作者: Craig Kasper) – 10 分
將名字輸入十字交叉表格中的行與列, 每個方格一個字母, 其中有四個名字將不會被用到。
僅使用名字當中大寫的部分, 忽略空格及標點。名字依其長度做排列。
回答模式: 輸入四個沒有用到的大寫名字(若有空格或標點, 請忽略)
8.Corral (Nikoli) - 15 points
Draw a single closed loop along the grid lines so that all the numbered squares
are inside the loop. Additionally, each number equals the count of interior
squares that are directly in line (horizontally and vertically) with that
number's square, including the square itself.
Answer: Enter the number of squares in each connected group that is outside the
loop, clockwise starting in the upper left. (The answer for the example would
be: 3,3,2.)
8.Corral(來源: Nikoli) – 15 分
沿表格邊線, 畫一條單線構成的環, 讓所有的數字都包含在環的區域內。此外, 數字代表
了該格沿直向或橫向走, 到碰到邊線為止, 在區域內共有多少格(包含數字所在的這一格)
回答模式: 請由左上角開式, 順時針依序輸入區域外每一個小區域中, 有多少個格子(要
相連)。(像範例中的答案就是: 3,3,2)
9.Coordinate Pairs (Erich Friedman) - 10 points
Connect pairs of points (using each point only once), so that the corresponding
segments can be separated into two sets, each set containing segments with the
same length.
Answer: Enter the pair of letters corresponding to each segment, in
"alphabetical" order. (For the example, the answer would be AC,BD,EF,GN,HL,IJ,
9.Coordinate Pairs (作者: Erich Friedman) - 10 分
將點兩兩相連成對(每個點只能連一次), 最後成對連線可以分成兩群, 每群的成對連線長
回答模式: 輸入每組成對連線的對應字母, 依字母順序輸入(像範例中的答案就是: AC,BD,
10.Triangular Skyscrapers (Aziz Ate.) - 15 points
Place the digits 1 through 8 into the empty cells (one per cell) so that each
digit appears exactly once in each row and column. One digit is given.
The cells in the grid can be thought of as individual buildings, and the number
inside the building is the number of floors. A number outside the grid indicates
how many buildings can be "seen" from the corresponding direction. (A building
is seen by an observer if there are no buildings taller (with a greater number),
between it and the observer.)
Answer: Enter the digits in the second row, followed bythe digits in the second
column. (For the example, the answer would be 56147832,32147658.)
10.三角形摩天大樓 (作者: Aziz Ate.) - 15 分
將數字1-8放入空格中, 每個數字在每行及每列只能出現一次, 其中一個數字已給提示。
可以把格子想像成是一棟獨立建築, 而數字就是這棟建築有幾層樓。格子外的數字則是代
表從該方向看過去, 可以看到幾棟樓(建築只有在它和觀察者之間, 沒有其他比它更高的
樓時(也就是數字更大的), 才能被看到
回答模式: 輸入第二橫列的數字, 再緊跟著輸入第二直行的數字, 像範例中的答案就是:
11.WindowPain (Anonymous) – 10 points
Count the number of squares of any size in the diagram. (All lines connect
points on the implied lattice grid.)
Answer: Enter the number of squares in the diagram.
11.WindowPain (Anonymous) – 10 分
圖中有幾個正方形, 去數吧!!
回答模式: 請輸入圖中正方形的數目
12.Masyu (Nikoli) - 20 points
Find a single closed loop passing through each of the black and white circles.
The path passes through the centers of adjacent squares. When passing through
a black circle, the path must make a 90 degree turn and extend at least two
squares in both directions. When passing through a white circle, the path must
go straight and must make a 90 degree turn in at least one of the adjacent
Answer: Enter the letters corresponding to the labeled white circles through
which the path passes vertically, traveling clockwise starting with circle A.
(For the example, the answer would be ACB.)
12.黑珍珠白珍珠(來源: Nikoli) - 20 分
請找出一條單線構成的環狀路徑, 要能通過所有黑色及白色的圓圈。路徑為連接兩相鄰格
的中心點。路徑在通過黑色圓圈時要轉90度角, 並且至少在轉角的兩方向至少延伸兩格長
(譯注: 就是包含轉角, 要到第三格才能轉彎)。路徑通過白色圓圈時要保持直線, 而且兩
端在連到相鄰格後, 至少有其一要立即轉彎。
回答模式: 順時針方向, 從A開始, 依序輸入路徑為直向通過的白色圓圈代表字母(像範例
中的答案就是 ACB)
13.C Notes (Erich Friedman) - 10 points
For each of the given digits, add a digit before, after, or not at all, so that
the resulting 1- and 2-digit numbers in each row and column all total 100.
Answer: Enter the resulting nine numbers, left to right, top to bottom, starting
with the first row. (For the example, the answer would be 9,63,28,12,20,68,79,17,4.)
13.C Notes (作者: Erich Friedman) - 10 分
在每個所給的數字, 它的前面, 或是後面加一個數字, 不過你也可以都不加。目的是要讓
它構成一個一位或兩位的數字, 而且每行及每列最後的數字總和都是100。
回答模式: 從第一橫列開始, 輸入最後的九個數字, 由左至右, 再由上至下。(像例中的答
案就是: 9,63,28,12,20,68,79,17,4)
14.Lucky Sevens (ShawnKennedy) - 20 points
Enter words into the crisscross grid across and down, one letter per square. One
word will not be used.
Answer: Enter the unused word.
14.幸運的7字母文字 (作者: ShawnKennedy) - 20 分
將文字輸入十字交叉表格中的行與列, 每個方格一個字母, 其中有一個字將不會被用到。
回答模式: 輸入那個沒用到的字。
15.2-3 Maze (Erich Friedman) - 15 points
Find a path from the lower left to the upper right. You may move only between
white squares, moving from one square to the next by jumping two squares
diagonally, three squares horizontally, or three squares vertically.
Answer: Enter the length of each move, in order, from start to finish. (For the
example, the answer would be33233.)
15.2-3 迷宮 (作者: Erich Friedman) - 15 分
請找出由左下角移動到右下角的路從, 你的移動方式是自所在的格子, 向對角方向跳兩格
, 或是朝直或橫的方向跳三格, 移動過程中, 每次落腳的地方都必須是白色格子。
回答模式: 從開始到最後, 依順序輸入每次移動的長度(像範例中的答案就是: 33233)
16.Sweet Sixteen (Ken Duisenberg) – 15 points
Place the numbers [list] into the circles (some numbers are already placed for
you), so that the sum along each line is the same.
Answer: Enter the numbers in the shaded circles, from left to right.
16.甜蜜的16(歲??)(作者: Ken Duisenberg) – 15 分
將列表中的數字填入圓圈中(部分數字已提供給你), 讓每條線上的數字總和都一樣。
回答模式: 由左至右, 輸入有灰影格子當中的數字。
17.Yajilin (Nikoli) - 25 points
Add black squares to the grid (only in the empty spaces) so that every arrow
points to the corresponding number of black squares. Black squares need not be
pointed to, and cannot be adjacent horizontally or vertically. All remaining
white space must be part of a single closed loop of squares connected
horizontally or vertically.
Answer: For each of the nine rows indicated by arrows, enter the number of
black squares. (For the example, the answer would be 2,0,1,0.)
17.Yajilin (來源: Nikoli) - 25 分
在部分空格中塗黑, 使得每個箭頭附上的數字, 就是所指的方向塗黑格子的數目。黑色
格子”不一定”要被箭頭指到, 而且和其他黑色格子不得以直或橫向相鄰。剩下的白色
格子要能以直向或橫向連接後, 形成一個單線環狀迴圈。
回答模式: 依序輸入在九條橫列中, 有箭頭的列當中有幾個黑色格子(像範例中的答案
就是: 2,0,1,0)
18.Wolves and Sheep in Fences (Dave Tuller) - 25 points
Draw a single closed loop by connecting neighboring dots horizontally or
vertically (but not diagonally). A numbered square indicates exactly how
many of its edge segments are used by the path.
A square containing a sheep ("s") must end up inside the loop; a square
containing a wolf ("w") must end up outside the loop.
Answer: Enter the digits inside the loop, from left to right, top to bottom,
starting with the first row. (For the
example, the answer would be 3,23.)
18.數連中的狼與羊 (作者: Dave Tuller) - 25 分
將部分直向或橫向相鄰的點連接, 構成一個單線環狀迴圈, 數字代表了在它周遭有幾個
包含 s 的格子表示羊, 必須留在環狀區域當中, 而包含 w 的格子則代表狼, 必須留在
回答模式: 從第一橫列開始, 由左至右, 再由上至下, 輸入環狀迴圈內的數字(像範例中
的答案就是: 3,23)
19.Magic Puzzle'Rs (Craig Kasper) - 20 points
Place the names into the grid, across, down, or diagonally down-and-to-the-right
, with one letter per white square. Each row and column will contain exactly one
Answer: For each row, enter the column number (1-9) of the square containing the
"R"; starting with the first row. (For example, if the "R"s appeared on the
second main diagonal, the answer would be 987654321.)
19.神奇的 Puzzle'Rs (作者: Craig Kasper) - 20 分
將名字填入格子中, 每格一個字母, 可能是直向, 橫向, 或是斜向(以向下向右方式填入)
, 最後每行及每列都必須剛好有一個 R。
回答模式: 從第一橫列開始, 由上而下, 輸入每一橫列中, R出現 在第幾條直行。(像如
果R正好出現在從右上到左下的對角線上, 那答案就會是: 987654321)
20.SuDUOku (Adam R. Wood) - 30 points
Place the digits 1 through 7 into the empty squares (one per square) so that
each digit appears at least once in each of the following regions: the eight
rows, the eight columns, and the eight outlined regions.
Each of the digits 1 through 6 will appear twice in exactly one row, one column
, and one of the eight outlined regions.
Answer: Enter the duplicate digits for each row (from top to bottom), followed
by the duplicate digits for each column (from left to right).
20.數O獨 (作者: Adam R. Wood) - 30 分
將數字1-7放入空格中(一個格子放一個), 使得在八條橫列, 八個直行, 以及八個粗線框區
域中, 每個數字都至少出現一次。
但是數字1-6 將會各自在某一行, 某一列, 以及某一個粗線框區域中, 正好出現兩次。
回答模式:從上而下輸入每一列重覆的數字, 再接著由左而右輸入每一直行重覆的數字。
然後….因為我要準備出門了, 所以剩下的就大家自己看吧….
21. Di-Agony(Craig Kasper) – 30 points
Find a continuous loop made of 18 alternating horizontal and vertical segments,
and number the 90° turns sequentially 1-9,1-9, in that order. Each row and
column of the grid must contain exactly two turns.
Some squares include a "diagonal sum", equal to the sum of all the turn numbers
in the two diagonals passing through the corresponding square. In the example,
13 = 3 + 4 + 4 + 2, and 5 = 3 + 2.
Answer: Enter the 18 digits from left to right, top to bottom, starting with
the first row. (For the example, the answer would be 23,14,14,23.)
22.Four Square (Aziz Ate.) - 30 points
The four puzzle types: Skyscraper, Battleships, Tents, and Snake, all rely on
clue numbers around the outside of the grid. Find the missing clues that are
shared between the grids below so that all four puzzlescan be solved.
Skyscrapers: Place the digits 1 through 6 into the grid so that each number
appears exactly once in each row and column, and so that the clue numbers are
the number of buildings that can be "seen" from the corresponding direction.
(Detailed Skyscrapers instructions are given in problem 11.)
Battleships: Place the given fleet into the grid so that ships do not touch
each other, not even diagonally. The clue numbers are the number of ship segments in the corresponding row or column. (Detailed Battleships instructions are given in problem 1.)
Tents: Locate the tents in the grid. Trees and tents appear in distinct pairs,
in horizontally or vertically adjacent squares. Squares with tents do not touch
each other, not even diagonally. The clue numbers are the total number of tents
in the corresponding row or column.
Snake: Find a path of sequentially numbered and edge-connected squares starting
from 1, passing through 17, and ending at 29. The path cannot loop back to
touchitself, not even diagonally. The clue numbers are the number of times the
snake makes a 90° turn in the corresponding row or column.
Answer: Enter the row of 13 missing clue numbers, followed by the column of 14
missing clue numbers. (For the
example, the answer would be 212,1202,212,20201.)
23.Inside/Outside Corral (Dave Tuller) – 40 points
Draw a single closed loop along the grid lines. If a number is inside the loop
then it equals the count of interiorsquares that are directly in line
(horizontally and vertically) with that number's square, including the square
Similarly, if a number is outside the loop then it equals the count of
exterior squares that are directly in line with that number's square, including
the square itself.
Answer: Enter the number of squares in each connected group that is outside the
loop, clockwise starting in the
upper left. (For the example, the answer would be: 3,3,2.)
All Comments

By Connor
at 2009-06-24T15:12
at 2009-06-24T15:12

By Lucy
at 2009-06-26T19:16
at 2009-06-26T19:16

By Dorothy
at 2009-06-29T21:36
at 2009-06-29T21:36

By Rebecca
at 2009-07-02T08:21
at 2009-07-02T08:21

By Audriana
at 2009-07-04T02:13
at 2009-07-04T02:13

By Ethan
at 2009-07-07T17:20
at 2009-07-07T17:20
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