2009.3.12惡靈勢力更新內容 - Steam

By Lydia
at 2009-03-12T21:34
at 2009-03-12T21:34
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※ 引述《wilsun (wilsun)》之銘言:
: [-]March 11, 2009 - Left 4 Dead Update Released
: 2009年3月11日 - 惡靈勢力釋出更新
: Updates to Left 4 Dead have been released. The updates will be applied
: automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes
: include:
: 惡靈勢力的更新已釋出。此次修正將在用戶端啟動STEAM程式時自動更新。詳細的
: 變更如下:
: Versus Mode Changes 對抗模式的修正
: Tank melee attack can now hit multiple Survivors in one swing
: 坦克現在能在一次揮拳同時打中多名倖存者。
: Fixed Tank punch being able to hit targets behind walls
: 修正坦克能隔牆擊中目標的問題。(應該是在說像醫院電梯內吧)
: Fixes to 'Tank parking'. The Tank will now run back and attack the Survivors
: if he becomes AI due to two players expiring the frustration meter
: 當兩名玩家消耗完坦克的憤怒計量表,而使電腦接手控制時,坦克將會自動回頭並攻擊
: 倖存者。(應該是在說有些玩家會把坦克開到安全室那種案例)
: Fixed a case where a Tank frustration meter could run out right as he was in
: his death animation and he would come back to life
: 修正當坦克處於死亡狀態的,而憤怒計量表也跑完時,他會復活的BUG。
Strike ! GG !
: Fixed a case where the Tank was moving too slowly while crouching and being
: shot
: 修正坦克採蹲姿並被射擊時,移動會變的很緩慢的問題。
: Tanks now have the possibility of spawning in a slightly different position
: for the first and second teams
: 在對抗模式中,兩隊坦克產生的地點有可能會稍微不同。
: The order that the teams play as Survivors is now determined by which team
: has the higher overall score. The winning team will play as Survivors first
: 兩隊當倖存者的先後順序將由總分決定。暫時獲勝的隊伍將會先扮演倖存者的角色。
: The Smoker tongue can now target and grab victims through common infected
: 煙槍將可以穿過普通殭屍瞄準、並攻擊到倖存者。
: Increased the cone in which a Smoker can grab a target
: 煙槍能綁住倖存者的準心圈圈將加大。
: The Witch no longer cuts Smoker tongues in a radius around her
: 女巫無法再抓斷附近煙槍的的舌頭。
: Boomers that explode in mid-air will now hit Survivors directly below them
: with Bile
: 即便胖子在半空中爆炸也能讓膽汁直直落在下方的倖存者。
: Reduced the damage that burning Hunters do to pounced victims
: 減少著火中的獵人撲向倖存者所造成的傷害值。
: Adjusted the time at which players take over from bots to avoid 5 seconds of
: the bot standing idle while the player finishes connecting.
: 將調整玩家成功連線加入遊戲,並從BOT手上接管角色時,BOT出現的那五秒鐘的
: 閒置時間。
: Fixed some cases where versus score was not being recalculated properly. It
: is no longer beneficial to pass pills between players at the end of the round
: or heal other players and then shoot them
: 修正在某些情形下,對抗分數並未被正確的再次計算。無法在關卡即將結束前靠給他人
: 藥丸或補血,然後再射擊這個方式來增加得分。
: Fixed a case where it was possible to spectate an AI infected and hit +use to
: take them over
: 原文怪怪的,無法了解。XD
明知道這是不可能的願望 卻如同烙印的爪痕沁入大地
假如 可以實現的話 將我的存在剝奪 捨棄也無妨
祈禱著 祈求著 幻想也好
: [-]March 11, 2009 - Left 4 Dead Update Released
: 2009年3月11日 - 惡靈勢力釋出更新
: Updates to Left 4 Dead have been released. The updates will be applied
: automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes
: include:
: 惡靈勢力的更新已釋出。此次修正將在用戶端啟動STEAM程式時自動更新。詳細的
: 變更如下:
: Versus Mode Changes 對抗模式的修正
: Tank melee attack can now hit multiple Survivors in one swing
: 坦克現在能在一次揮拳同時打中多名倖存者。
: Fixed Tank punch being able to hit targets behind walls
: 修正坦克能隔牆擊中目標的問題。(應該是在說像醫院電梯內吧)
: Fixes to 'Tank parking'. The Tank will now run back and attack the Survivors
: if he becomes AI due to two players expiring the frustration meter
: 當兩名玩家消耗完坦克的憤怒計量表,而使電腦接手控制時,坦克將會自動回頭並攻擊
: 倖存者。(應該是在說有些玩家會把坦克開到安全室那種案例)
: Fixed a case where a Tank frustration meter could run out right as he was in
: his death animation and he would come back to life
: 修正當坦克處於死亡狀態的,而憤怒計量表也跑完時,他會復活的BUG。
Strike ! GG !
: Fixed a case where the Tank was moving too slowly while crouching and being
: shot
: 修正坦克採蹲姿並被射擊時,移動會變的很緩慢的問題。
: Tanks now have the possibility of spawning in a slightly different position
: for the first and second teams
: 在對抗模式中,兩隊坦克產生的地點有可能會稍微不同。
: The order that the teams play as Survivors is now determined by which team
: has the higher overall score. The winning team will play as Survivors first
: 兩隊當倖存者的先後順序將由總分決定。暫時獲勝的隊伍將會先扮演倖存者的角色。
: The Smoker tongue can now target and grab victims through common infected
: 煙槍將可以穿過普通殭屍瞄準、並攻擊到倖存者。
: Increased the cone in which a Smoker can grab a target
: 煙槍能綁住倖存者的準心圈圈將加大。
: The Witch no longer cuts Smoker tongues in a radius around her
: 女巫無法再抓斷附近煙槍的的舌頭。
: Boomers that explode in mid-air will now hit Survivors directly below them
: with Bile
: 即便胖子在半空中爆炸也能讓膽汁直直落在下方的倖存者。
: Reduced the damage that burning Hunters do to pounced victims
: 減少著火中的獵人撲向倖存者所造成的傷害值。
: Adjusted the time at which players take over from bots to avoid 5 seconds of
: the bot standing idle while the player finishes connecting.
: 將調整玩家成功連線加入遊戲,並從BOT手上接管角色時,BOT出現的那五秒鐘的
: 閒置時間。
: Fixed some cases where versus score was not being recalculated properly. It
: is no longer beneficial to pass pills between players at the end of the round
: or heal other players and then shoot them
: 修正在某些情形下,對抗分數並未被正確的再次計算。無法在關卡即將結束前靠給他人
: 藥丸或補血,然後再射擊這個方式來增加得分。
: Fixed a case where it was possible to spectate an AI infected and hit +use to
: take them over
: 原文怪怪的,無法了解。XD
明知道這是不可能的願望 卻如同烙印的爪痕沁入大地
假如 可以實現的話 將我的存在剝奪 捨棄也無妨
祈禱著 祈求著 幻想也好
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