1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.7 - 模擬器

By Mia
at 2011-09-13T23:32
at 2011-09-13T23:32
Table of Contents
1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.7 is released. 1964mod is a N64 emulator using the
codes from original 1964 by Schibo & Rice. It is not created as a replacement
to the original 1964 emulator. Hopefully, its enhancement will benefit people
who loves the original 1964. 1964mod is currently at an early stage of
experimentation & development. It is used as a learning platform to improve
my programming knowledge and skills.
1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.7 Changlog:
Core Changes & Fixes
Re-organize timer events, interrupt codes and game ini settings
* fix Banjo-Tooie(U) random intro cutscene hang
* fix Beetle Adventure Racing(E) in-game hang when car crash into objects
with force
* fix Body Harvest intro / in-game hang (no need to use RAW input)
* Azimer old fix for Banjo-Kazooie
remove Hacktarux Banjo-Tooie hack for N64 Boot
Fix a regression bug in ListView column items from an earlier BoxArt fix
Enhance ListView Column checks using status info from ini
Enhance GameName column detection using status info from ini
Enhance emu window placement and sizing stability and robustness
Re-write speed hacks algorithm again for v7 (aggressive mode)
1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.7 is released. 1964mod is a N64 emulator using the
codes from original 1964 by Schibo & Rice. It is not created as a replacement
to the original 1964 emulator. Hopefully, its enhancement will benefit people
who loves the original 1964. 1964mod is currently at an early stage of
experimentation & development. It is used as a learning platform to improve
my programming knowledge and skills.
1964mod v1.4.5 Beta v.7 Changlog:
Core Changes & Fixes
Re-organize timer events, interrupt codes and game ini settings
* fix Banjo-Tooie(U) random intro cutscene hang
* fix Beetle Adventure Racing(E) in-game hang when car crash into objects
with force
* fix Body Harvest intro / in-game hang (no need to use RAW input)
* Azimer old fix for Banjo-Kazooie
remove Hacktarux Banjo-Tooie hack for N64 Boot
Fix a regression bug in ListView column items from an earlier BoxArt fix
Enhance ListView Column checks using status info from ini
Enhance GameName column detection using status info from ini
Enhance emu window placement and sizing stability and robustness
Re-write speed hacks algorithm again for v7 (aggressive mode)
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