1964mod v1.4.3 - 模擬器

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2011-04-04T23:08

Table of Contents


1964mod v1.4.3 is released. 1964mod is a N64 emulator using the codes from
original 1964 by Schibo & Rice. It is not created as a replacement to the
original 1964 emulator. Hopefully, its enhancement will benefit people who
loves the original 1964. 1964mod is currently at an early stage of
experimentation & development. It is used as a learning platform to improve
my programming knowledge and skills.

1964mod v1.4.3 Changlog:
Core Changes & Fixes
During language switching, several bugs surface :
"ROM Name" column can shrink to very small width (fixed)
"Exit" menu option may disappear (fixed)
"Recent ROMs" & "Recent ROM Folders" menu option text may not be translated
or duplicated menu options or not deleted when it is unchecked or a
combination of the above (fixed)
"Help" menu & its submenu text are not translated (fixed)
To complement the bugfixing and translation effort of the Language feature,
several enhancements are considered.
Add support for lgm extension for language files and drop support for 1964
lng extension as per MasterPhW request (enhanced)
Revamp the "About 1964mod" box layout to cater to the lengthy translation
text and updated english.lgm with updated infos and comments for translation
purpose (enhanced)
Language files translation is currently in progress and the following are
Deutsch by MasterPhW
French by Siskoo
Spanish by OverLordChaos
The existing 1964 Boxart feature has several bugs and need some enhancements
as well.
MasterPhW reported a bug for same BoxArt image duplication over different
roms in the romlist display window (fixed)
In Boxart display, press "Ctrl+S" or right click on a rom icon display will
change its icon image to be the same as the 1st rom icon image (fixed)
In Boxart display, open "ROM Properties" causes Boxart column info to be
cleared except for the game name and it will be restored after a refresh or
emu restart (fixed)
Speedup Boxart display and reduce screen flickers by combining multiple
refresh command requests (enhanced)
Minor speedup to romlist window display by removing duplicate refresh codes
with reload especially Boxart display (enhanced)
Replaced existing N64logo and 1964 icon with MasterPhW customized ones
Some closely named roms can pickup the same boxart image (fixed)
Remove token codes which is no longer useful and buggy.
Fix compiled error for LogPIFData and remove C:/ hardcoding (fixed)

Plugin Changes & Fixes
Remove the MyGlideHQ subdirectory from game dump folder when dumping game
textures (enhanced)
Fix color banding in MyGlideHQ when starting game in hi-res ("Rice" format)
with texture compression (regression fixed)

Fix game direct launch to fullscreen bug when emulator starts with MyGlide64
to pickup correct fullscreen resolution (fixed)

Enhance the "filtering of duplicate Fullscreen Resolution entries" fix to
pickup correct resolution by the MyGlitch64 wrapper (enhanced/fixed)
Free up memory after game loading hi-res textures is closed for MyGlide64
plugin (fixed)

Fix 1964Audio not remembering "ReverseStereo" last checked status when emu
starts (fixed)

Revert "Sync Game to Audio" as default "ON" because the bug for not
remembering last checked status is fixed

Incorporate official Glide64 fixes r218, r220, r224, r225, r230 & r231 into
MyGlide64 and replace my working fix with the official Glide64 fix r219 & r228


All Comments


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2011-04-04T14:57
很久沒玩模擬器了 大概一兩年前左右 我接觸到的訊息都是高頻雙核才是模擬器的王道 再上去也只能用到兩個核心 想問一下 現在是不是有可以完美用到四核的模擬器了呢? - ...

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Caitlin avatar
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at 2011-04-04T14:08
如標題 xebra這款模擬器,可以使用金手指嗎0.0? 如果不行的話 那請問用那一款模擬器材能使用呢? - ...

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