1964mod v1.4.2 Beta Quickfix v3 - 模擬器

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2011-03-09T11:46

Table of Contents


1964mod v1.4.2 Beta Quickfix v3 is released. 1964mod is a N64 emulator using
the codes from original 1964 by Schibo & Rice. It is not created as a
replacement to the original 1964 emulator. Hopefully, its enhancement will
benefit people who loves the original 1964. 1964mod is currently at an early
stage of experimentation & development. It is used as a learning platform to
improve my programming knowledge and skills.

1964mod v1.4.2 Beta Quickfix v3 Changlog:
Core Changes & Fixes
Siskoo from EmuTalk wants the length of "Alternate Title" to be increased
from 50 to 80.
This enhancement is done and tested to work, see "Pictures" section.
Siskoo from EmuTalk highlights a possibility of users clicking the closing
emu window button "x" while rom is still playing. It is not advised to do
such action as there is no proper rom close while shutting down the emulator.

I have enhanced 1964mod codes to take care of such an action to trigger a
proper rom close before shutting down the emulator. It is tested and working.

Plugin Changes & Fixes
When launching a game directly into Fullscreen mode using Glide64 / MyGlide64
on 1964 / 1964mod, the resolution is wrong and image become oversized.
Switching back to windowed mode will result in a small window placement.

It will happen when 1964 / 1964mod is started and the 1st rom is loaded &
play directly into Fullscreen mode. This will be fixed in 1964mod using
MyGlide64 and has been tested to work, see "Pictures" section.
Currently, the DMAWrite & DMARead functions in 1964Audio use expansion pak
size which assume all games are run with 8MB expansion pak.

This will be fixed in 1964Audio v2.7a using the real rdram size of the game
instead of defaulting to expansion pak size.


All Comments

Emu 1.01 (03-08-2011)

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-03-09T11:38
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Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2011-03-08T17:09
※ 引述《chboy (享受現在)》之銘言: : 借這個標題想要問一下 : 小弟有試玩這款模擬器 蠻順的 但是他吃的檔案是.v64 : 小弟這邊的檔案卻是.z64 兩種格式檔案大小差真多= = : 馬力歐.v64才幾MB 馬力歐賽車.z64 幾G起跳 前者8Mbytes 後者12Mbytes ...

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at 2011-03-08T15:54
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