11/15 Q&A - War Game

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2014-11-16T16:01

Table of Contents

- a shell in the game is represented by a single point, not an object. As
such, a shell can pass through holes, that are smaller than its caliber


- developers are still thinking what to do with T-44-85

還在想 T-44-85 要怎麼改

- it’s possible T-34-85M will be “available before the end of the year” –
it depends on whether it’s “ready” (to be released)

T-34-85M 有可能「在今年底之前釋出」,如果來得及搞定

- developers will not disclose the internal tank module layout (the way it is
in War Thunder), there will however be an “armor inspector”


- ammo rack damage (SS: as in the possibility to damage ammo racks) will not
be removed from the game


- some guns have “wrong” damage (inconsistent with other guns of its
caliber)? “We will definitely fix that, as soon as we recieve the data on
historical damage value these guns had”


- a player claimed that certain tanks have higher chance to get certain maps
and gave “Chaffee” and “Stalingrad” as an example, Yurko2F stated this is
not true for the tanks the player gave as an example

Yurko2F 表示這個例子不成立。

- the fact that Porsche heavy tank tracks have thicker armor than the
Henschel ones is “compensated by other characteristics”


- Storm admits that the ramming system is screwed. It will be reworked and
simplified by removing the fact that the armor calculated currently during
the ramming is the one at the point of contact. Instead, the armor considered
when ramming will simply be the nominal armor, taken from the tank
characteristics (nominal front/side/rear armor) on the side that rammed (or
got rammed).

Storm 承認碰撞傷害系統搞砸了。將重製,把現行的「採計接觸點裝甲值」改成「直接使
用車輛資訊(前/側/後 那一條)上的裝甲值」

- T-44 in HD? “When it’s done it’s done”

HD T-44? 「WIDID」


In church, they say to forgive!

Forgiveness is between them and God;

it's my job to arrange the meeting. 《 Man on Fire 》

Tags: 線上

All Comments

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2014-11-16T19:45
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2014-11-16T21:03
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2014-11-20T08:32
0距離接觸下 T95可以倒車一直扣T37血之類的
Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2014-11-24T19:09
傷害值的史實資料 XD
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2014-11-28T20:39
傷害只能是bad 不能是wrong... 這些人什麼時候才肯
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2014-11-30T21:54
Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2014-11-30T23:32
Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2014-12-01T02:27
Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2014-12-01T04:31
不是我在唬洨 越王勾踐的寶劍是跨時代至寶 保存至今
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-12-04T03:11
仍舊不腐 推斷剛出廠的時候一刀能砍720HP 遠高同時
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2014-12-04T09:48
Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2014-12-06T21:12


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2014-11-16T15:42
本身實力不夠,沒辦法carry猴子.... 之前組排過一次,雖然不是很順利, 但是有人說話,血壓比較沒那麼高...... 想問問看有沒有程度不錯的休閒團可加入 (至少勝率50%以上,但是看到有要求的工會都要打CW 我對CW沒啥興趣(不想打卡)) 不過最近黃綠猴感覺也越來越不可靠!! 一個比一個躲的 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2014-11-16T15:21
前陣子買了一堆車亂花錢 好不容易存出獵百就迫不及待的一直玩一直玩一直玩 玩不到10場就打出了近七千傷害 11xx經驗 (跟我朋友最高經驗一模一樣為啥他M牌我1牌fuck 在各家TD紛紛中刀 且地圖走向越來越適合臉硬TD生存的環境下 獵百可說是現階段最具威脅的TD 機動 毫不意外的遲緩 霸 ...

Aufkl Panther from WOT wiki

Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2014-11-16T15:02
Aufklärungspanzer Panther 是德國七階輕坦。(以下稱偵查豹) 被計畫為偵查型重坦,為了快速大量生產而採用Panther的底盤,使用Leopard的砲塔,而 砲管不超過車身是為了在樹林裡保持機動性。沒有原型被建造。 下一階是Ru251和印度豹。 優點: 加速度快以及令人尊敬的最高時速 ...


Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2014-11-16T14:19
從12點送禮物送到現在 總共6瓶好感水 數不清的世界名詩選 秘密商店不開就是不開 是壞了嗎.....?囧 - ...


Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2014-11-16T11:41
小弟人已經在新光影城這邊啦 意外發現這個遊戲裡面女性玩家比我想像的多 有人也到現場了嗎? PS:話說教官有什麼特徵嗎? 感覺很難找ㄋㄟ -- Sent from my Android - ...