10版PTR 全職業套裝效果 - WOW

By Agatha
at 2022-10-01T08:07
at 2022-10-01T08:07
Table of Contents
(2) Set Bonus: When a Bone Shield charge is consumed you have a 20% chance to
generate one rune.
(4) Set Bonus: After 10 Bone Shield charges are consumed gain 10% damage and
Haste for 10 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Obliterate and Frostscythe critical strike damage is increased
by 15%.
(4) Set Bonus: Obliterate and Frostscythe have a 15% chance not to consume
Killing Machine.
(2) Set Bonus: Bursting a festering wound grants your ghoul Vile Infusion,
increasing their damage and attack speed by 10% for 5 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Your primary ghoul’s attacks have a 15% chance to increase
your damage and Haste by 10% for 8 seconds. This chance is increased during
Vile Infusion.
(2) Set Bonus: Chaos Strike and Blade Dance chance to critically strike is
increased by 5% and their critical strike damage is increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Chaos Strike and Blade Dance have a 20% chance to increase
damage you deal by 8% for 6 seconds. Your critical strikes increase this
(2) Set Bonus: Shear / Fracture deals 20% more damage, generates 20% more
Fury, and have a 15% chance to generate an additional Soul Fragment.
(4) Set Bonus: Spirit Bomb and Soul Cleave have a 12% chance to deal 50% more
damage and cause targets they hit to deal 15% less damage to you for 8
(2) Set Bonus: Starsurge and Starfall increase the damage of your next Wrath
or Starfire by 50%, stacking up to 3 times.
(4) Set Bonus: When you enter Eclipse, your next Starsurge or Starfall costs
no Astral Power and deals 50% increased damage.
(2) Set Bonus: Rip & Ferocious Bite damage increased by 5%.
(4) Set Bonus: Finishing moves grant 1% crit for each combo point spent for 5
(2) Set Bonus: Gore has a 5% increased chance to trigger. Gore also increases
Mangle’s damage by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Mangle and Thrash deal 5% increased damage. Mangle heals you
for 100% of the damage it deals.
(2) Set Bonus: Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Efflorescence, and
Tranquility chance to critically heal is increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Efflorescence critical heals increase the healing of your next
Wild Growth by 10%, stacking up to 5 times. Lifebloom critical heals reduce
the cooldown of Nature’s Swiftness by 2 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Increases Empower spells’ chance to critically strike by 5%
and Empower spells increase your chance to critically strike by 5% for 6
(4) Set Bonus: Empower spells have a 25% chance to grant you 6 seconds of
Fury of the Aspects without causing Sated.
(2) Set Bonus: Empower spells increase Reversion’s chance to critically heal
by 5% for 6 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Reversion healing has a chance to cause your next Living Flame
to cast instantly and deal 20% increased damage or healing. Stacks up to 2
Beast Mastery
(2) Set Bonus: Kill Command damage increased by 10% and it has a 10% chance
to reset the cooldown on Barbed Shot.
(4) Set Bonus: Barbed Shot has a 50% chance to make your next Cobra Shot or
Multi-Shot consume no focus.
(2) Set Bonus: Arcane Shot & Multi Shot critical hits cause your next Aimed
Shot to cast 50% faster and cause the target to bleed for 20% of damage dealt
over 6 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Ranged auto-attacks have a 10% chance to give your next Arcane
Shot or Multi Shot 100% chance to critically hit.
(2) Set Bonus: Raptor Strike / Mongoose Strike, Carve, and Butchery damage
increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Carve, and Butchery have a 10%
chance to make your next Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Carve, or Butchery
cost no Focus.
(2) Set Bonus: For each Arcane Charge, Arcane Blast critical strike chance is
increased by 5% and Arcane Explosion critical strike chance is increased by
(4) Set Bonus: When Arcane Blast or Arcane Explosion critically strikes at
least one target, the critical strike chance of your next Arcane Barrage is
increased by 10%, up to 4 stacks.
(2) Set Bonus: Pyroblasts and Flamestrikes cast with Hot Streak deal 10%
increased damage.
(4) Set Bonus: Fire Blast, Phoenix Flames, and Fireball deal 10% increased
damage and their chance to critically strike is increased by 10%.
(2) Set Bonus: Ice Lance and Frozen Orb damage increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Consuming Fingers of Frost increases Blizzard damage by 25%
and Frostbolt damage by 50% for 6 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Hitting an enemy with Tiger Palm or Spinning Crane Kick grants
Brewmaster’s Rhythm, increasing damage dealt and reducing damage taken by 1%
for 10 seconds, stacking up to 4 times.
(4) Set Bonus: For each stack of Brewmaster’s Rhythm, Purifying Brew clears
3% more of your damage delayed with stagger.
(2) Set Bonus: Healing from your Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, and Vivify is
increased by 15% on targets with your Renewing Mist.
(4) Set Bonus: Essence Font and Vivify healing are increased by 10% and your
Renewing Mists on targets healed by Essence Font are extended by 1 seconds
for each heal.
(2) Set Bonus: Fists of Fury increases the damage dealt by your next 2 Rising
Sun Kicks or Spinning Crane Kicks by 30%.
(4) Set Bonus: Fists of Fury now enhances your next 3 Rising Sun Kicks or
Spinning Crane Kicks and enhanced kicks increase your Versatility during your
next Fists of Fury by 5%, stacking up to 3 times.
(2) Set Bonus: Holy Shock increases the critical hit chance of your next heal
within 10 seconds by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: When your direct healing spells critically strike, your next
Holy Shock deals 30% increased damage or healing.
(2) Set Bonus: Avenger’s Shield grants you Versatility of Light, increasing
the Versatility of you and your closest ally by 4% for 4 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Casting Hammer of the Righteous / Blessed Hammer increases
your Parry by X% for Y seconds and extends the duration of Versatility of
Light by 1.0 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Blade of Justice and Judgment grant Crusader’s Strength,
increasing the damage of your next Crusader’s Strike or Consecreate by 100%,
stacking up to 2.
(4) Set Bonus: When you consume Crusader’s Strength, the damage of your next
Blade of Justice is increased by 50% for each stack of Crusader’s Strength
(2) Set Bonus: Casting Power Word: Shield increases the effectiveness of your
next direct damage or healing spell by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Penance increases the strength of your next Power Word: Shield
by 100% of its damage or 30% of its healing.
(2) Set Bonus: Casting Prayer of Mending reduces the cast time of your next
Heal or Prayer of Healing by 1.0 seconds and increases their Holy Word
cooldown reduction effect by 2.0 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: When Holy Word: Serenity or Holy Word: Sanctify finish their
cooldown, you gain 15% critical strike chance for 8 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Mind Blast increases the damage of your next Devouring Plague
or Mind Sear by 20%, stacking up to 3 times.
(4) Set Bonus: Devouring Plague and Mind Sear increase your haste by 5% for 8
(2) Set Bonus: Envenom also increases your weapon poisons’ damage by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: When your weapon poisons deal direct damage, you have a 50%
chance to gain Septic Wounds, increasing your Bleed damage by 2% for 8
seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
(2) Set Bonus: Dispatch increases the damage of your next Sinister Strike or
Ambush by 20% per combo point spent.
(4) Set Bonus: Half-cost uses of Pistol Shot granted by Sinister Strike
increase the damage of your next Dispatch by 50%.
(2) Set Bonus: Eviscerate and Black Powder increase the damage and critical
strike chance of your next Backstab, Shadowstrike, or Shuriken Storm by 2%
per combo point spent.
(4) Set Bonus: Backstab, Shadowstrike, and Shuriken Storm critical strikes
increase the damage of Eviscerate and Rupture by 15% and the damage of Black
Powder by 8% for 6 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst increase the
damage of your next Earth Shock or Earthquake by 2-3%, stacking 10 times.
(4) Set Bonus: Casting Earth Shock or Elemental Blast or Earthquake increases
your Mastery by 10% for 10 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Stormstrike increases the damage of your next Lava Lash by 10%
and causes it to generate 1 additional stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
(4) Set Bonus: Consuming Maelstrom Weapon stacks reduces the cooldown of
Stormstrike, Lava Lash, Crash Lightning, Flame Shock, or Frost Shock by 0.5
seconds per stack, chosen randomly.
(2) Set Bonus: While Healing Stream Totem/Cloudburst Totem is active, your
chance to critically strike is increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: When Healing Stream Totem/Cloudburst Totem expires or dies,
you gain 10% Haste for 10 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: When Agony grants you a Soul Shard, you have a chance to gain
Cruel Inspiration, increasing your haste by 12% for 6 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Cruel Inspiration also grants 2 charges of Cruel Epiphany, up
to 5 charges. Each charge of Cruel Epiphany increases the damage of your next
Malefic Rapture or Seed of Corruption by 40%.
(2) Set Bonus: Demon Bolt and Felstorm damage increased by 20%.
(4) Set Bonus: Demon Bolt has a chance to make your next Hand of Gul’dan
instant and deal 50% increased damage.
(2) Set Bonus: Consuming Soul Shards has a chance to grant you Chaos
Maelstrom, increasing your critical strike chance by 10% for 10 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: During Chaos Maelstrom, your Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate, and
Incinerate critical strikes explode on the target, dealing 2-10% of damage
dealt to enemies within 8 yds. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
(2) Set Bonus: Mortal Strike and Cleave damage and chance to critically
strike increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Mortal Strike, Cleave, & Execute critical strikes increase
your damage and critical strike chance by 5% for 6 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Execute’s chance to critically strike increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Sudden Death’s chance to reset the cooldown of Execute and
make it usable on any target, regardless of health, is greatly increased.
(2) Set Bonus: Revenge grants you Vanguard’s Determination, increasing your
damage done and reducing damage you take by 4% for 5 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: During Vanguard’s Determination, gain Ignore Pain equal to
10% of damage you deal.
(2) Set Bonus: When a Bone Shield charge is consumed you have a 20% chance to
generate one rune.
(4) Set Bonus: After 10 Bone Shield charges are consumed gain 10% damage and
Haste for 10 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Obliterate and Frostscythe critical strike damage is increased
by 15%.
(4) Set Bonus: Obliterate and Frostscythe have a 15% chance not to consume
Killing Machine.
(2) Set Bonus: Bursting a festering wound grants your ghoul Vile Infusion,
increasing their damage and attack speed by 10% for 5 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Your primary ghoul’s attacks have a 15% chance to increase
your damage and Haste by 10% for 8 seconds. This chance is increased during
Vile Infusion.
(2) Set Bonus: Chaos Strike and Blade Dance chance to critically strike is
increased by 5% and their critical strike damage is increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Chaos Strike and Blade Dance have a 20% chance to increase
damage you deal by 8% for 6 seconds. Your critical strikes increase this
(2) Set Bonus: Shear / Fracture deals 20% more damage, generates 20% more
Fury, and have a 15% chance to generate an additional Soul Fragment.
(4) Set Bonus: Spirit Bomb and Soul Cleave have a 12% chance to deal 50% more
damage and cause targets they hit to deal 15% less damage to you for 8
(2) Set Bonus: Starsurge and Starfall increase the damage of your next Wrath
or Starfire by 50%, stacking up to 3 times.
(4) Set Bonus: When you enter Eclipse, your next Starsurge or Starfall costs
no Astral Power and deals 50% increased damage.
(2) Set Bonus: Rip & Ferocious Bite damage increased by 5%.
(4) Set Bonus: Finishing moves grant 1% crit for each combo point spent for 5
(2) Set Bonus: Gore has a 5% increased chance to trigger. Gore also increases
Mangle’s damage by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Mangle and Thrash deal 5% increased damage. Mangle heals you
for 100% of the damage it deals.
(2) Set Bonus: Rejuvenation, Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Efflorescence, and
Tranquility chance to critically heal is increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Efflorescence critical heals increase the healing of your next
Wild Growth by 10%, stacking up to 5 times. Lifebloom critical heals reduce
the cooldown of Nature’s Swiftness by 2 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Increases Empower spells’ chance to critically strike by 5%
and Empower spells increase your chance to critically strike by 5% for 6
(4) Set Bonus: Empower spells have a 25% chance to grant you 6 seconds of
Fury of the Aspects without causing Sated.
(2) Set Bonus: Empower spells increase Reversion’s chance to critically heal
by 5% for 6 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Reversion healing has a chance to cause your next Living Flame
to cast instantly and deal 20% increased damage or healing. Stacks up to 2
Beast Mastery
(2) Set Bonus: Kill Command damage increased by 10% and it has a 10% chance
to reset the cooldown on Barbed Shot.
(4) Set Bonus: Barbed Shot has a 50% chance to make your next Cobra Shot or
Multi-Shot consume no focus.
(2) Set Bonus: Arcane Shot & Multi Shot critical hits cause your next Aimed
Shot to cast 50% faster and cause the target to bleed for 20% of damage dealt
over 6 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Ranged auto-attacks have a 10% chance to give your next Arcane
Shot or Multi Shot 100% chance to critically hit.
(2) Set Bonus: Raptor Strike / Mongoose Strike, Carve, and Butchery damage
increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Carve, and Butchery have a 10%
chance to make your next Raptor Strike, Mongoose Bite, Carve, or Butchery
cost no Focus.
(2) Set Bonus: For each Arcane Charge, Arcane Blast critical strike chance is
increased by 5% and Arcane Explosion critical strike chance is increased by
(4) Set Bonus: When Arcane Blast or Arcane Explosion critically strikes at
least one target, the critical strike chance of your next Arcane Barrage is
increased by 10%, up to 4 stacks.
(2) Set Bonus: Pyroblasts and Flamestrikes cast with Hot Streak deal 10%
increased damage.
(4) Set Bonus: Fire Blast, Phoenix Flames, and Fireball deal 10% increased
damage and their chance to critically strike is increased by 10%.
(2) Set Bonus: Ice Lance and Frozen Orb damage increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Consuming Fingers of Frost increases Blizzard damage by 25%
and Frostbolt damage by 50% for 6 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Hitting an enemy with Tiger Palm or Spinning Crane Kick grants
Brewmaster’s Rhythm, increasing damage dealt and reducing damage taken by 1%
for 10 seconds, stacking up to 4 times.
(4) Set Bonus: For each stack of Brewmaster’s Rhythm, Purifying Brew clears
3% more of your damage delayed with stagger.
(2) Set Bonus: Healing from your Enveloping Mist, Essence Font, and Vivify is
increased by 15% on targets with your Renewing Mist.
(4) Set Bonus: Essence Font and Vivify healing are increased by 10% and your
Renewing Mists on targets healed by Essence Font are extended by 1 seconds
for each heal.
(2) Set Bonus: Fists of Fury increases the damage dealt by your next 2 Rising
Sun Kicks or Spinning Crane Kicks by 30%.
(4) Set Bonus: Fists of Fury now enhances your next 3 Rising Sun Kicks or
Spinning Crane Kicks and enhanced kicks increase your Versatility during your
next Fists of Fury by 5%, stacking up to 3 times.
(2) Set Bonus: Holy Shock increases the critical hit chance of your next heal
within 10 seconds by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: When your direct healing spells critically strike, your next
Holy Shock deals 30% increased damage or healing.
(2) Set Bonus: Avenger’s Shield grants you Versatility of Light, increasing
the Versatility of you and your closest ally by 4% for 4 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Casting Hammer of the Righteous / Blessed Hammer increases
your Parry by X% for Y seconds and extends the duration of Versatility of
Light by 1.0 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Blade of Justice and Judgment grant Crusader’s Strength,
increasing the damage of your next Crusader’s Strike or Consecreate by 100%,
stacking up to 2.
(4) Set Bonus: When you consume Crusader’s Strength, the damage of your next
Blade of Justice is increased by 50% for each stack of Crusader’s Strength
(2) Set Bonus: Casting Power Word: Shield increases the effectiveness of your
next direct damage or healing spell by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Penance increases the strength of your next Power Word: Shield
by 100% of its damage or 30% of its healing.
(2) Set Bonus: Casting Prayer of Mending reduces the cast time of your next
Heal or Prayer of Healing by 1.0 seconds and increases their Holy Word
cooldown reduction effect by 2.0 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: When Holy Word: Serenity or Holy Word: Sanctify finish their
cooldown, you gain 15% critical strike chance for 8 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Mind Blast increases the damage of your next Devouring Plague
or Mind Sear by 20%, stacking up to 3 times.
(4) Set Bonus: Devouring Plague and Mind Sear increase your haste by 5% for 8
(2) Set Bonus: Envenom also increases your weapon poisons’ damage by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: When your weapon poisons deal direct damage, you have a 50%
chance to gain Septic Wounds, increasing your Bleed damage by 2% for 8
seconds, stacking up to 5 times.
(2) Set Bonus: Dispatch increases the damage of your next Sinister Strike or
Ambush by 20% per combo point spent.
(4) Set Bonus: Half-cost uses of Pistol Shot granted by Sinister Strike
increase the damage of your next Dispatch by 50%.
(2) Set Bonus: Eviscerate and Black Powder increase the damage and critical
strike chance of your next Backstab, Shadowstrike, or Shuriken Storm by 2%
per combo point spent.
(4) Set Bonus: Backstab, Shadowstrike, and Shuriken Storm critical strikes
increase the damage of Eviscerate and Rupture by 15% and the damage of Black
Powder by 8% for 6 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst increase the
damage of your next Earth Shock or Earthquake by 2-3%, stacking 10 times.
(4) Set Bonus: Casting Earth Shock or Elemental Blast or Earthquake increases
your Mastery by 10% for 10 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Stormstrike increases the damage of your next Lava Lash by 10%
and causes it to generate 1 additional stack of Maelstrom Weapon.
(4) Set Bonus: Consuming Maelstrom Weapon stacks reduces the cooldown of
Stormstrike, Lava Lash, Crash Lightning, Flame Shock, or Frost Shock by 0.5
seconds per stack, chosen randomly.
(2) Set Bonus: While Healing Stream Totem/Cloudburst Totem is active, your
chance to critically strike is increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: When Healing Stream Totem/Cloudburst Totem expires or dies,
you gain 10% Haste for 10 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: When Agony grants you a Soul Shard, you have a chance to gain
Cruel Inspiration, increasing your haste by 12% for 6 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: Cruel Inspiration also grants 2 charges of Cruel Epiphany, up
to 5 charges. Each charge of Cruel Epiphany increases the damage of your next
Malefic Rapture or Seed of Corruption by 40%.
(2) Set Bonus: Demon Bolt and Felstorm damage increased by 20%.
(4) Set Bonus: Demon Bolt has a chance to make your next Hand of Gul’dan
instant and deal 50% increased damage.
(2) Set Bonus: Consuming Soul Shards has a chance to grant you Chaos
Maelstrom, increasing your critical strike chance by 10% for 10 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: During Chaos Maelstrom, your Chaos Bolt, Conflagrate, and
Incinerate critical strikes explode on the target, dealing 2-10% of damage
dealt to enemies within 8 yds. Damage reduced beyond 5 targets.
(2) Set Bonus: Mortal Strike and Cleave damage and chance to critically
strike increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Mortal Strike, Cleave, & Execute critical strikes increase
your damage and critical strike chance by 5% for 6 seconds.
(2) Set Bonus: Execute’s chance to critically strike increased by 10%.
(4) Set Bonus: Sudden Death’s chance to reset the cooldown of Execute and
make it usable on any target, regardless of health, is greatly increased.
(2) Set Bonus: Revenge grants you Vanguard’s Determination, increasing your
damage done and reducing damage you take by 4% for 5 seconds.
(4) Set Bonus: During Vanguard’s Determination, gain Ignore Pain equal to
10% of damage you deal.
All Comments

By Ina
at 2022-10-04T17:05
at 2022-10-04T17:05

By Linda
at 2022-10-08T02:03
at 2022-10-08T02:03

By Oscar
at 2022-10-11T11:01
at 2022-10-11T11:01

By Callum
at 2022-10-14T19:59
at 2022-10-14T19:59

By Emma
at 2022-10-18T04:57
at 2022-10-18T04:57

By Kumar
at 2022-10-21T13:55
at 2022-10-21T13:55

By John
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Jacob
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Zenobia
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Rachel
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Jacob
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Jacob
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Quintina
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By John
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Leila
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Callum
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Agatha
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Emily
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Thomas
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Lydia
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Iris
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Lydia
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Gary
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Heather
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Olive
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Cara
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Ula
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Emma
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Dora
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Odelette
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By William
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By David
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Sarah
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Todd Johnson
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Zenobia
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Xanthe
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Hardy
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Olivia
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Kelly
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Frederica
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Lucy
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Tracy
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Poppy
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Olga
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Isla
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Aaliyah
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Zenobia
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Robert
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Xanthe
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Genevieve
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Sierra Rose
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Ivy
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Una
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Brianna
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Leila
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Hazel
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By John
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Caitlin
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Wallis
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Hardy
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Kristin
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Damian
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Queena
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Elizabeth
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Gary
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Edwina
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20

By Blanche
at 2022-10-19T21:22
at 2022-10-19T21:22

By Hedda
at 2022-10-23T06:20
at 2022-10-23T06:20
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By Jessica
at 2022-09-30T07:09
at 2022-09-30T07:09
智慧之風的 50% 經驗值加成效果即將回歸

By Ursula
at 2022-09-30T01:35
at 2022-09-30T01:35

By Anthony
at 2022-09-30T01:25
at 2022-09-30T01:25
巨龍崛起 將於 11/29上線

By Elma
at 2022-09-30T01:20
at 2022-09-30T01:20