1.5 add-on/PSP state for 5.0M33 - 改機

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2008-10-19T03:19

Table of Contents

1.5 kernel add-on for phat
Instructions: Copy to /PSP/GAME5XX and run.

Note: because even deleting LFTV and korean font there was not enough space
this time, this version will delete also flash0:/dic/apotp.dic

I'm unsure about what this file is for (maybe for japanese text predicition?)
but system works fine with it.

- Install 4.01 M33, update to 5.00 M33.

- Install 1.50 addon. Dump 5.00 using the latest psardumper, and flash the
deleted files you want back.

Mirror1: http://rapidshare.com/files/155242372/150k_addon500.rar
Mirror2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SO1ADK4B

PSP state
This is same version as the one for 4.01 M33 but updated to do patches in
5.00 M33, that's why version hasn't changed yet.

Remember to discard old savestates from 4.01 before using the plugin. If you
attempt to load a savestate made in 4.01
your ram would be in 4.01 M33 but the flash in 5.00 M33, and soon or later it
will crash or give problems.

Mirror1: http://rapidshare.com/files/154982316/pspstates2_500.rar
Mirror2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HVZI6HRZ


If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?

--Albert Einstein

Tags: 改機

All Comments

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2008-10-21T21:29
希望對您有幫助 http://go2.tw/goz

wii fit正版片讀不到

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-10-18T22:15
※ 引述《ayu8055 (有工作才有錢!)》之銘言: : 如題 : 我的主機是d2b 無斷腳版 主機軔體為3.1J : 晶片為偽wiikey1.2(因為自行更新1.9g及1.9s均測試失敗) : 放入正版wii fit都讀不到 : 讀其他片子都正常,一下子就讀到了 : ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-10-18T21:10
已超任模擬器為準 有那些遊戲支援度比較好@@ 我測試過 聖劍2 3 感覺不盡理想 FFVI 戰鬥就掛了andlt;GBA尚可) saga3 OK ROCKMAN X2 一開始頭目 還有 音速鴕鳥 BOSS那邊會嚴重的LAG ROCKMAN X3 還在玩當中 不知道超時空之鑰表現如何?如果不好 ...

請問 Gecko os可以把更改的選項儲存嗎?

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2008-10-18T15:42
請問Gecko os 我每次進去都要進去Config menu裡面 設定Force NTSC : YES 然後退出在選Lunch Game 但是下次關掉在玩要要進去config menu裡面再把ntsc開一次 請問有辦法儲存這個設定嗎?? 謝謝 - ...

wii fit正版片讀不到

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-10-18T11:08
如題 我的主機是d2b 無斷腳版 主機軔體為3.1J 晶片為偽wiikey1.2(因為自行更新1.9g及1.9s均測試失敗) 放入正版wii fit都讀不到 讀其他片子都正常,一下子就讀到了 搞了許久,還是一樣 而且若片子還留在主機內沒退片的話,進入主機設定的 ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-10-18T09:58
感謝版友在推文的回答,但因我並不常看這方面的討論,對很多「術語」仍有不少疑問。 我的問題如下: 1. 假設未升級前(不確定原先版本為何?),升級到3.3J版後,很多game變成不能玩, 這時參照版上做法,降級為3.2J,為何仍不能玩? 假設說最初的版本是3.2J,經升級 降級後,是不是還需做其他動作(e. ...