1.1.0 patch note - 流亡黯道

By Ethan
at 2014-03-04T17:19
at 2014-03-04T17:19
Table of Contents
http://ppt.cc/PzD0 google已塞爆
http://ppt.cc/wOqN (5.6MB)
大概看一下 中間es剩半圈 scion左下血量剩半圈
vp跟免暈(旁邊有光環天賦)在scion左下 全抗上限在左上最大光環那圈的右邊
多數神裝被NERF 新手哭哭 只能花更多錢去買 變相叫人去玩新聯盟(4個月後再來哭?)
看新聯盟傳奇能不能扳回一城 (望向前DO限定苦笑)
Due to substantial balance changes, every existing character has been granted
an optional full passive reset. To use this, click the "Reset all Passives"
button on the passive skill screen. Note that you must use this before
allocating or refunding any other points otherwise the option will go away.
重置現有人物天賦(全人物) 會有一個按鈕讓你使用(如果原舊天賦被改會直接被重置)
(注意:使用重置或新增天賦會消失 換句話說就是改變天賦樹按鈕會不見)
New Four-Month Challenge Leagues:
Four month challenge leagues are a great opportunity for a fresh start. All
your old characters and items are still present in the Standard and Hardcore
leagues, but you're encouraged to join the new economies, complete challenges
and climb the ladder!
The new challenge leagues include a set of eight new challenges! If you
complete all of them, you'll receive an exclusive Ambush/Invasion challenge
shirt. 23 players completed all the challenges in the last pair of four-month
(新聯盟成就全達成送T-shirt 前聯盟有23人達成)
Ambush: Various new types of chests called Strongboxes can be found
throughout Wraeclast. These chests are guarded by monsters that ambush the
player when they are opened. The ambushing monsters must be slain before the
contents of the Strongbox can be claimed. Sometimes you'll encounter magic,
rare or unique Strongboxes which have mods like items do. Prefixes affect the
difficulty of the ambush by adding more monsters, springing traps or
affecting your character. Suffixes improve your rewards from the Strongbox.
You can use currency items to reroll these mods. One of the new challenges is
to open Strongboxes with each mod.
Ambush 賣點: strongboxes (寶箱) 有屬性 可洗 會有寶箱怪 打完才會出東西
前綴有關怪物數量 陷阱 人物(debuff?) 後綴是改變獎勵
Invasion: Invasion is a Hardcore league (characters who die are converted to
Standard characters). In the Invasion league, areas of Wraeclast have
substantially more monster variety, so players will run into unexpected and
dangerous invading monsters from other levels or acts. A unique boss monster
from an invading monster type is also lurking in each level. Higher
difficulty levels contain expanded monster variety and the invading bosses
with more abilities. One of the new challenges is to kill each invading
Unique monster.
Invasion賣點: 能馬上回sc(誤)
增加怪物多樣性 有unique boss (抖) 更高難度=增加更多能力 更多樣的怪物
A new item type has been added to the challenge leagues: Unset Ring. It's a
ring with a socket as its implicit property.
Eight new types of quivers have been added to the challenge leagues. The old
quiver types do not exist in the challenge leagues.
Out of the 13 total Unique items added in this update, there are two new
Unique items that can only drop in either challenge league, plus one that can
only drop in Ambush and one that can only drop in Invasion.
聯盟限定: 洞(內建屬性)戒指!!!! 8種新箭袋
新增13傳奇 ambush限定 1 invasion 1
2聯盟都有 2
Major Features/Content:
Added a final encounter with Queen Atziri and her guardians in the Apex of
Sacrifice. To access it, cleanse areas of Vaal corruption and look for
fragments of their ancient civilisation. There's a competition where the
first 50 players to kill Atziri and her guardians in each of the new
challenge leagues will receive an exclusive Vaal-themed character effect.
More information will be announced in the news.
Queen Atziri 兩新聯盟各有50名首殺獎勵 (獎品為vaal人物特效)
As you explore Wraeclast, you'll occasionally find Vaal-influenced secret
corrupted areas that are indicated by a glowing, beating heart and swirling
ribbons of blood. These corrupted areas have magical properties, similar to
end-game maps, which substantially increase their difficulty. At the heart of
each corrupted area is a new boss monster, guarding a chest that is
guaranteed to drop a Vaal Skill Gem or Vaal Fragment. End-game maps do not
contain secret corrupted areas.
普通地區才有corrupted area (像map一樣有屬性)
中心有新boss守寶箱 (會掉vaal gem 跟 碎片 用來開啟Queen Atziri所在區域)
(map 裡不會出corrupted area)
The Vaal civilization may have existed thousands of years ago, but it had its
own form of Skill Gems. Brutally powerful and fueled by the sacrifice of
foes, these gems are the ultimate version of many contemporary Path of Exile
skills. Vaal Skill Gems charge up as you kill enemies and can be unleashed
for a devastating effect. Where applicable, cosmetic microtransaction effects
do work on the equivalent Vaal skills. There are 17 Vaal Skills Gems in this
patch and more will be added in later updates.
Vaal gem (17種 後面會再更新) 殺怪後蓄能使用
Added a new currency item: Vaal Orb. It corrupts a target item, modifying it
unpredictably. Once an item is corrupted, further currency cannot be applied
to it. This includes restoring imprints. There are many possible outcomes of
corruption, some of which may be undesirable. Consider its use carefully!
Added over 60 new boss monsters for secret corrupted areas and the Invasion
league. They use complex combinations of skills and can be very dangerous.
Higher difficulty versions often use more skills and supports.
Added a new monster to Act One and Act Three: Soulless Watcher. It uses a
charged up attack that blinds you if you're facing it.
Free-for-all PvP is available in the Sarn Arena (at the top of the steps in
the Sarn Encampment). Normal and Cruel difficulty Arenas have level caps of
40 and 60 respectively.
Vaal Orb (點了就回不去惹) et 的 imprint也一樣
60+BOSS級獨特怪新增 隨難度上升會使用更多樣的技能
新怪:Soulless Watcher 會致盲
pvp競技場 等級上限 40(normal)60(cruel)
Added 13 new Unique Items, some of which are Vaal themed and can only be
dropped by Atziri herself.
vaal場景限定unique (也有Atziri限定掉落的)
We've added some new cosmetic microtransaction skins: Seraph Body Armour,
Seraph Helmet, Seraph Boots and Seraph Gloves. There's also a bundle that
contains all four.
Information on cut-throat events will be announced soon!
新的商場效果 (809836)
Minor Features/Content:
Added a new armour base type which only drops from Queen Atziri: Sacrificial
vaal場景限定新護甲: Sacrificial Garb
Dozens of Unique items have been updated with their own 3d art.
Many monsters throughout Wraeclast have been updated with improved death
animations. This includes zombie dismemberment.
Waypoints now have effects that indicate whether they are activated or not.
You are now able to select between multiple OpenAL audio devices in the audio
數十種獨特物品3d樣式改變(ci甲快來) 怪物外歡改變 waypoint效果(用來辨認是否開啟)
If you don't have a full bar of Stash Tabs, a button is now shown next to
your last tab that allows you to purchase more.
Vaal items can now also be found in the Vaults of Atziri.
World objects that drop quest items now have green text.
Golden Chests have been removed from most areas due to Corrupted Secret Areas
taking over some of their role. They still exist in the Vaults of Atziri for
the achievement.
大寶箱多數移除(哭哭) 由秘密區域寶箱取代
Several new shrine icons have been added so that the shrines can be more
easily distinguished.
Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.
持續改進音效 美術 效果 和 環境
General Balance:
Shrines can now spawn in all leagues. The Thorned shrine no longer spawns.
All rare monsters have a chance to spawn with a Nemesis mod, in all leagues.
The Camouflaged Predator Nemesis mod no longer spawns. The Blessing of
Elements Nemesis mod now does considerably more damage. The Shroud Walker
Nemesis mod now gives the monster a smoke effect with a larger radius. The
Storm Herald Nemesis mod will not appear until level 60.
The way leech applies to the player has changed. If you leech additional life
while currently leeching, it no longer queues after the current leech.
Technically, where multiple leeches are stacked, the largest one is used.
The Vaal Oversoul's Smash is now fully considered an attack. It can now be
evaded or blocked, but cannot be spell blocked.
神殿出現 (沒有荊棘神殿) 稀有怪有機會出nemesis mod (全聯盟)
leech改動: 同時有多個leech效果時會取最大效果(以前會依序全部回復)
Skill and Support Gem Balance:
Spell Totem and Ranged Attack totem now have multiplicative cast and attack
speed penalties.
圖騰改為multi的速度逞罰 (現在的是?)
Barrage: the attack speed penalty has been removed.
barrage 攻速逞罰取消
Desecrate: the maximum level of a created corpse has been changed to being
higher than the required level of the skill. This scales up to a monster
level cap of 100 by level 20 of the gem. Desecrate also now enforces a limit
of 15 corpses at a time.
這段需要召喚師釋疑 一次最多召喚15個屍體
Spectral Throw: this now deals 46% of weapon damage at level 1, but increases
as it levels. By level 15 of the gem, you will dealing 60% of weapon damage.
Burning Arrow: the ignite chance on levels over 20 continues to progress
linearly, rather than slowing the progression as it previously did.
ST傷害 LV1為46% LV15時為60%武器傷害 (現有的不論等級都是60%) 註:算小buff
All Support Gems now support values up to level 30.
全部sup gem數值更新至lv30
(這是指可以升級到30? 令人懷疑 因為目前沒有辦法可達到 可期待更新後的傳奇效果)
Passive Skill Balance:
The Marauder starting area has been reworked substantially.
The area between the Duelist and Marauder has been reworked substantially.
The wheels of primary defenses around the Scion opening area have been
changed to allow fast lateral progress. The values of the life wheel have
been reduced. The Elusiveness notable has been removed.
The effectiveness of early Scion passives have been reduced.
Several Energy Shield passives have been improved.
Most spell damage, elemental damage and specific elemental damage passives
have been improved.
法術元素相關被動 buff
Vaal Pact no longer suppresses life recovery from flasks. It still prevents
life regeneration and now also reduces your leech by 60%.
vaal pact 減少60%leech (超大nerf) (可喝水只對life build有用 es build哭哭)
The Beserking notable passive now only offers 12% attack speed.
Elemental Adaptation has been moved to between the Witch and Templar.
Larger groups of critical strike multiplier have had some minor nodes removed.
全抗上限移到 巫師跟甜不辣之間
Item Balance:
Two-Stone Rings can now drop in all leagues.
Sanctified Life Flasks and Sanctified Mana flasks can now drop in all leagues.
Jade Flasks and Quartz Flasks can now drop in all leagues.
Prismatic Rings will no longer drop, but can still be crafted. The Taming can
also be crafted.
全抗戒停止掉落 但可以用recipe得到 timing 也是一樣(獨特雙抗戒已絕版 哭哭)
Unique items that were exclusive to Domination and Nemesis can no longer drop.
The Increased Item Quantity Support Gem can no longer drop.
Increased Item Quantity mods can no longer spawn on magic or rare items.
Increased Item Quantity mods on Unique items have been reduced by around 30%.
IIQ寶石停止掉落 IIQ MOD 取消 獨特物品IIQ會變成原來7成(減少30%)
Reduced the implicit resistance values on hybrid strength/intelligence
Quivers are no longer awarded as quest rewards.
Mods that provide critical multiplier have been reduced.
A Fracturing mod has been added to the map affix pool.
Unique Item Balance:
Deshret's Vise has been renamed Meginord's Vise and the Attack Speed penalty
has been removed from it. Old versions will not change.
100力量手去除攻速逞罰 (一樣是垃圾傳奇)
The following Unique items have been changed (using a Divine Orb on an
existing version will roll new mods in the new ranges):
Aegis Aurora: the Replenishes Energy Shield based on your Armour when you
Block mod has been reduced from 4% to 2%.
Rainbowstride: Elemental Resist has been increased from 8% to 20%. Maximum
Mana has been reduced from 80-100 to 40-60. Increased Energy Shield has been
reduced from 150-200 to 140 to 180.
(彩虹鞋 抗性回復成20% ES與MANA量NERF)
Saffell's Frame: Block Chance Applied to Spells has been reduced from 100-120
to 70-80. All Maximum Resistance has been reduced from 5% to 4%.
(法格全抗上限盾 法格全抗都NERF)
Bringer of Rain: Maximum Life has been reduced from 200-220 to 120-160. The
supporting Blind is now level 6 and the supporting Faster Attacks is now
level 12. On a legacy Bringer of Rain item, a Divine will reroll the Maximum
Life, but not the level of the supports.
Maligaro's Virtuosity: Critical Multiplier has been reduced from 40-50 to
Romira's Banquet: Critical Multiplier has been reduced from 10-20 to 10-15.
(暴擊傷害NERF 註: 這顆比較少見)
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug in the race prize awarding where multiple characters on the same
account could receive points prizes for the same race. Now, the highest level
(alive) character that participated counts for points. Multiple characters
can receive points in Descent, Descent: Champions and Endless Ledge races.
Fixed various graphical glitches related to totems with arrows stuck in them.
Fixed a bug where secondary hits from Lightning Arrow would not check evasion.
Fixed a bug where the gore projectiles fired by Dominus, Ascendant would
check spell evasion instead of attack evasion for their area of effect.
Fixed a problem that could cause crashes on certain Creative sound hardware.
Fixed some bugs with the 40% quality vendor recipe so that it better accounts
for certain groups of items.
Gem experience is now displayed with correct thousands separators.
Fixed a bug where the the Ice Nova graphical effect wouldn't scale correctly.
Fixed a bug where Offering skills would affect some shrine effects on you.
Various bugs were fixed related to the display of skill tooltips.
Fixed bugs with font keming.
http://ppt.cc/PzD0 google已塞爆
http://ppt.cc/wOqN (5.6MB)
大概看一下 中間es剩半圈 scion左下血量剩半圈
vp跟免暈(旁邊有光環天賦)在scion左下 全抗上限在左上最大光環那圈的右邊
多數神裝被NERF 新手哭哭 只能花更多錢去買 變相叫人去玩新聯盟(4個月後再來哭?)
看新聯盟傳奇能不能扳回一城 (望向前DO限定苦笑)
Due to substantial balance changes, every existing character has been granted
an optional full passive reset. To use this, click the "Reset all Passives"
button on the passive skill screen. Note that you must use this before
allocating or refunding any other points otherwise the option will go away.
重置現有人物天賦(全人物) 會有一個按鈕讓你使用(如果原舊天賦被改會直接被重置)
(注意:使用重置或新增天賦會消失 換句話說就是改變天賦樹按鈕會不見)
New Four-Month Challenge Leagues:
Four month challenge leagues are a great opportunity for a fresh start. All
your old characters and items are still present in the Standard and Hardcore
leagues, but you're encouraged to join the new economies, complete challenges
and climb the ladder!
The new challenge leagues include a set of eight new challenges! If you
complete all of them, you'll receive an exclusive Ambush/Invasion challenge
shirt. 23 players completed all the challenges in the last pair of four-month
(新聯盟成就全達成送T-shirt 前聯盟有23人達成)
Ambush: Various new types of chests called Strongboxes can be found
throughout Wraeclast. These chests are guarded by monsters that ambush the
player when they are opened. The ambushing monsters must be slain before the
contents of the Strongbox can be claimed. Sometimes you'll encounter magic,
rare or unique Strongboxes which have mods like items do. Prefixes affect the
difficulty of the ambush by adding more monsters, springing traps or
affecting your character. Suffixes improve your rewards from the Strongbox.
You can use currency items to reroll these mods. One of the new challenges is
to open Strongboxes with each mod.
Ambush 賣點: strongboxes (寶箱) 有屬性 可洗 會有寶箱怪 打完才會出東西
前綴有關怪物數量 陷阱 人物(debuff?) 後綴是改變獎勵
Invasion: Invasion is a Hardcore league (characters who die are converted to
Standard characters). In the Invasion league, areas of Wraeclast have
substantially more monster variety, so players will run into unexpected and
dangerous invading monsters from other levels or acts. A unique boss monster
from an invading monster type is also lurking in each level. Higher
difficulty levels contain expanded monster variety and the invading bosses
with more abilities. One of the new challenges is to kill each invading
Unique monster.
Invasion賣點: 能馬上回sc(誤)
增加怪物多樣性 有unique boss (抖) 更高難度=增加更多能力 更多樣的怪物
A new item type has been added to the challenge leagues: Unset Ring. It's a
ring with a socket as its implicit property.
Eight new types of quivers have been added to the challenge leagues. The old
quiver types do not exist in the challenge leagues.
Out of the 13 total Unique items added in this update, there are two new
Unique items that can only drop in either challenge league, plus one that can
only drop in Ambush and one that can only drop in Invasion.
聯盟限定: 洞(內建屬性)戒指!!!! 8種新箭袋
新增13傳奇 ambush限定 1 invasion 1
2聯盟都有 2
Major Features/Content:
Added a final encounter with Queen Atziri and her guardians in the Apex of
Sacrifice. To access it, cleanse areas of Vaal corruption and look for
fragments of their ancient civilisation. There's a competition where the
first 50 players to kill Atziri and her guardians in each of the new
challenge leagues will receive an exclusive Vaal-themed character effect.
More information will be announced in the news.
Queen Atziri 兩新聯盟各有50名首殺獎勵 (獎品為vaal人物特效)
As you explore Wraeclast, you'll occasionally find Vaal-influenced secret
corrupted areas that are indicated by a glowing, beating heart and swirling
ribbons of blood. These corrupted areas have magical properties, similar to
end-game maps, which substantially increase their difficulty. At the heart of
each corrupted area is a new boss monster, guarding a chest that is
guaranteed to drop a Vaal Skill Gem or Vaal Fragment. End-game maps do not
contain secret corrupted areas.
普通地區才有corrupted area (像map一樣有屬性)
中心有新boss守寶箱 (會掉vaal gem 跟 碎片 用來開啟Queen Atziri所在區域)
(map 裡不會出corrupted area)
The Vaal civilization may have existed thousands of years ago, but it had its
own form of Skill Gems. Brutally powerful and fueled by the sacrifice of
foes, these gems are the ultimate version of many contemporary Path of Exile
skills. Vaal Skill Gems charge up as you kill enemies and can be unleashed
for a devastating effect. Where applicable, cosmetic microtransaction effects
do work on the equivalent Vaal skills. There are 17 Vaal Skills Gems in this
patch and more will be added in later updates.
Vaal gem (17種 後面會再更新) 殺怪後蓄能使用
Added a new currency item: Vaal Orb. It corrupts a target item, modifying it
unpredictably. Once an item is corrupted, further currency cannot be applied
to it. This includes restoring imprints. There are many possible outcomes of
corruption, some of which may be undesirable. Consider its use carefully!
Added over 60 new boss monsters for secret corrupted areas and the Invasion
league. They use complex combinations of skills and can be very dangerous.
Higher difficulty versions often use more skills and supports.
Added a new monster to Act One and Act Three: Soulless Watcher. It uses a
charged up attack that blinds you if you're facing it.
Free-for-all PvP is available in the Sarn Arena (at the top of the steps in
the Sarn Encampment). Normal and Cruel difficulty Arenas have level caps of
40 and 60 respectively.
Vaal Orb (點了就回不去惹) et 的 imprint也一樣
60+BOSS級獨特怪新增 隨難度上升會使用更多樣的技能
新怪:Soulless Watcher 會致盲
pvp競技場 等級上限 40(normal)60(cruel)
Added 13 new Unique Items, some of which are Vaal themed and can only be
dropped by Atziri herself.
vaal場景限定unique (也有Atziri限定掉落的)
We've added some new cosmetic microtransaction skins: Seraph Body Armour,
Seraph Helmet, Seraph Boots and Seraph Gloves. There's also a bundle that
contains all four.
Information on cut-throat events will be announced soon!
新的商場效果 (809836)
Minor Features/Content:
Added a new armour base type which only drops from Queen Atziri: Sacrificial
vaal場景限定新護甲: Sacrificial Garb
Dozens of Unique items have been updated with their own 3d art.
Many monsters throughout Wraeclast have been updated with improved death
animations. This includes zombie dismemberment.
Waypoints now have effects that indicate whether they are activated or not.
You are now able to select between multiple OpenAL audio devices in the audio
數十種獨特物品3d樣式改變(ci甲快來) 怪物外歡改變 waypoint效果(用來辨認是否開啟)
If you don't have a full bar of Stash Tabs, a button is now shown next to
your last tab that allows you to purchase more.
Vaal items can now also be found in the Vaults of Atziri.
World objects that drop quest items now have green text.
Golden Chests have been removed from most areas due to Corrupted Secret Areas
taking over some of their role. They still exist in the Vaults of Atziri for
the achievement.
大寶箱多數移除(哭哭) 由秘密區域寶箱取代
Several new shrine icons have been added so that the shrines can be more
easily distinguished.
Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.
持續改進音效 美術 效果 和 環境
General Balance:
Shrines can now spawn in all leagues. The Thorned shrine no longer spawns.
All rare monsters have a chance to spawn with a Nemesis mod, in all leagues.
The Camouflaged Predator Nemesis mod no longer spawns. The Blessing of
Elements Nemesis mod now does considerably more damage. The Shroud Walker
Nemesis mod now gives the monster a smoke effect with a larger radius. The
Storm Herald Nemesis mod will not appear until level 60.
The way leech applies to the player has changed. If you leech additional life
while currently leeching, it no longer queues after the current leech.
Technically, where multiple leeches are stacked, the largest one is used.
The Vaal Oversoul's Smash is now fully considered an attack. It can now be
evaded or blocked, but cannot be spell blocked.
神殿出現 (沒有荊棘神殿) 稀有怪有機會出nemesis mod (全聯盟)
leech改動: 同時有多個leech效果時會取最大效果(以前會依序全部回復)
Skill and Support Gem Balance:
Spell Totem and Ranged Attack totem now have multiplicative cast and attack
speed penalties.
圖騰改為multi的速度逞罰 (現在的是?)
Barrage: the attack speed penalty has been removed.
barrage 攻速逞罰取消
Desecrate: the maximum level of a created corpse has been changed to being
higher than the required level of the skill. This scales up to a monster
level cap of 100 by level 20 of the gem. Desecrate also now enforces a limit
of 15 corpses at a time.
這段需要召喚師釋疑 一次最多召喚15個屍體
Spectral Throw: this now deals 46% of weapon damage at level 1, but increases
as it levels. By level 15 of the gem, you will dealing 60% of weapon damage.
Burning Arrow: the ignite chance on levels over 20 continues to progress
linearly, rather than slowing the progression as it previously did.
ST傷害 LV1為46% LV15時為60%武器傷害 (現有的不論等級都是60%) 註:算小buff
All Support Gems now support values up to level 30.
全部sup gem數值更新至lv30
(這是指可以升級到30? 令人懷疑 因為目前沒有辦法可達到 可期待更新後的傳奇效果)
Passive Skill Balance:
The Marauder starting area has been reworked substantially.
The area between the Duelist and Marauder has been reworked substantially.
The wheels of primary defenses around the Scion opening area have been
changed to allow fast lateral progress. The values of the life wheel have
been reduced. The Elusiveness notable has been removed.
The effectiveness of early Scion passives have been reduced.
Several Energy Shield passives have been improved.
Most spell damage, elemental damage and specific elemental damage passives
have been improved.
法術元素相關被動 buff
Vaal Pact no longer suppresses life recovery from flasks. It still prevents
life regeneration and now also reduces your leech by 60%.
vaal pact 減少60%leech (超大nerf) (可喝水只對life build有用 es build哭哭)
The Beserking notable passive now only offers 12% attack speed.
Elemental Adaptation has been moved to between the Witch and Templar.
Larger groups of critical strike multiplier have had some minor nodes removed.
全抗上限移到 巫師跟甜不辣之間
Item Balance:
Two-Stone Rings can now drop in all leagues.
Sanctified Life Flasks and Sanctified Mana flasks can now drop in all leagues.
Jade Flasks and Quartz Flasks can now drop in all leagues.
Prismatic Rings will no longer drop, but can still be crafted. The Taming can
also be crafted.
全抗戒停止掉落 但可以用recipe得到 timing 也是一樣(獨特雙抗戒已絕版 哭哭)
Unique items that were exclusive to Domination and Nemesis can no longer drop.
The Increased Item Quantity Support Gem can no longer drop.
Increased Item Quantity mods can no longer spawn on magic or rare items.
Increased Item Quantity mods on Unique items have been reduced by around 30%.
IIQ寶石停止掉落 IIQ MOD 取消 獨特物品IIQ會變成原來7成(減少30%)
Reduced the implicit resistance values on hybrid strength/intelligence
Quivers are no longer awarded as quest rewards.
Mods that provide critical multiplier have been reduced.
A Fracturing mod has been added to the map affix pool.
Unique Item Balance:
Deshret's Vise has been renamed Meginord's Vise and the Attack Speed penalty
has been removed from it. Old versions will not change.
100力量手去除攻速逞罰 (一樣是垃圾傳奇)
The following Unique items have been changed (using a Divine Orb on an
existing version will roll new mods in the new ranges):
Aegis Aurora: the Replenishes Energy Shield based on your Armour when you
Block mod has been reduced from 4% to 2%.
Rainbowstride: Elemental Resist has been increased from 8% to 20%. Maximum
Mana has been reduced from 80-100 to 40-60. Increased Energy Shield has been
reduced from 150-200 to 140 to 180.
(彩虹鞋 抗性回復成20% ES與MANA量NERF)
Saffell's Frame: Block Chance Applied to Spells has been reduced from 100-120
to 70-80. All Maximum Resistance has been reduced from 5% to 4%.
(法格全抗上限盾 法格全抗都NERF)
Bringer of Rain: Maximum Life has been reduced from 200-220 to 120-160. The
supporting Blind is now level 6 and the supporting Faster Attacks is now
level 12. On a legacy Bringer of Rain item, a Divine will reroll the Maximum
Life, but not the level of the supports.
Maligaro's Virtuosity: Critical Multiplier has been reduced from 40-50 to
Romira's Banquet: Critical Multiplier has been reduced from 10-20 to 10-15.
(暴擊傷害NERF 註: 這顆比較少見)
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug in the race prize awarding where multiple characters on the same
account could receive points prizes for the same race. Now, the highest level
(alive) character that participated counts for points. Multiple characters
can receive points in Descent, Descent: Champions and Endless Ledge races.
Fixed various graphical glitches related to totems with arrows stuck in them.
Fixed a bug where secondary hits from Lightning Arrow would not check evasion.
Fixed a bug where the gore projectiles fired by Dominus, Ascendant would
check spell evasion instead of attack evasion for their area of effect.
Fixed a problem that could cause crashes on certain Creative sound hardware.
Fixed some bugs with the 40% quality vendor recipe so that it better accounts
for certain groups of items.
Gem experience is now displayed with correct thousands separators.
Fixed a bug where the the Ice Nova graphical effect wouldn't scale correctly.
Fixed a bug where Offering skills would affect some shrine effects on you.
Various bugs were fixed related to the display of skill tooltips.
Fixed bugs with font keming.
All Comments

By Andrew
at 2014-03-04T22:31
at 2014-03-04T22:31

By Genevieve
at 2014-03-05T06:11
at 2014-03-05T06:11

By Elma
at 2014-03-09T22:01
at 2014-03-09T22:01

By Liam
at 2014-03-13T09:24
at 2014-03-13T09:24

By Zora
at 2014-03-16T13:33
at 2014-03-16T13:33

By Lauren
at 2014-03-17T14:01
at 2014-03-17T14:01

By Daph Bay
at 2014-03-19T19:53
at 2014-03-19T19:53

By Skylar Davis
at 2014-03-21T12:43
at 2014-03-21T12:43

By Bennie
at 2014-03-22T06:17
at 2014-03-22T06:17

By Andy
at 2014-03-23T11:56
at 2014-03-23T11:56

By Ida
at 2014-03-26T10:26
at 2014-03-26T10:26

By Oscar
at 2014-03-28T14:55
at 2014-03-28T14:55

By Blanche
at 2014-04-01T07:39
at 2014-04-01T07:39

By Edwina
at 2014-04-02T20:37
at 2014-04-02T20:37

By Catherine
at 2014-04-03T05:02
at 2014-04-03T05:02

By Ophelia
at 2014-04-03T20:07
at 2014-04-03T20:07

By Lauren
at 2014-04-07T17:21
at 2014-04-07T17:21

By Brianna
at 2014-04-09T05:03
at 2014-04-09T05:03

By Oscar
at 2014-04-09T11:23
at 2014-04-09T11:23

By Tristan Cohan
at 2014-04-10T05:47
at 2014-04-10T05:47

By Adele
at 2014-04-14T15:16
at 2014-04-14T15:16

By Oliver
at 2014-04-14T22:29
at 2014-04-14T22:29

By Necoo
at 2014-04-18T09:34
at 2014-04-18T09:34

By Rebecca
at 2014-04-20T13:05
at 2014-04-20T13:05

By Daniel
at 2014-04-20T18:00
at 2014-04-20T18:00

By Ingrid
at 2014-04-25T06:51
at 2014-04-25T06:51

By Elvira
at 2014-04-29T15:52
at 2014-04-29T15:52

By Emily
at 2014-05-03T21:19
at 2014-05-03T21:19

By Ursula
at 2014-05-04T04:43
at 2014-05-04T04:43

By Genevieve
at 2014-05-06T00:03
at 2014-05-06T00:03

By Christine
at 2014-05-10T07:24
at 2014-05-10T07:24

By Charlie
at 2014-05-15T04:58
at 2014-05-15T04:58

By Olivia
at 2014-05-16T12:28
at 2014-05-16T12:28

By Hedwig
at 2014-05-18T19:23
at 2014-05-18T19:23

By Donna
at 2014-05-20T19:40
at 2014-05-20T19:40

By Kama
at 2014-05-21T08:26
at 2014-05-21T08:26

By Quintina
at 2014-05-26T04:47
at 2014-05-26T04:47

By Tom
at 2014-05-29T13:13
at 2014-05-29T13:13

By Kyle
at 2014-05-29T18:57
at 2014-05-29T18:57

By Freda
at 2014-05-30T22:51
at 2014-05-30T22:51

By Ina
at 2014-05-31T00:12
at 2014-05-31T00:12

By Puput
at 2014-06-03T06:27
at 2014-06-03T06:27

By Regina
at 2014-06-03T11:44
at 2014-06-03T11:44

By Jacky
at 2014-06-08T10:23
at 2014-06-08T10:23

By Damian
at 2014-06-09T16:01
at 2014-06-09T16:01

By Puput
at 2014-06-13T15:20
at 2014-06-13T15:20

By Heather
at 2014-06-13T23:14
at 2014-06-13T23:14

By Una
at 2014-06-18T22:41
at 2014-06-18T22:41

By Ethan
at 2014-06-23T08:13
at 2014-06-23T08:13

By Zenobia
at 2014-06-27T13:59
at 2014-06-27T13:59

By Delia
at 2014-06-28T04:15
at 2014-06-28T04:15

By Bethany
at 2014-06-30T20:31
at 2014-06-30T20:31

By Dora
at 2014-07-02T04:17
at 2014-07-02T04:17

By Bethany
at 2014-07-02T16:33
at 2014-07-02T16:33

By Tristan Cohan
at 2014-07-07T16:14
at 2014-07-07T16:14

By Rosalind
at 2014-07-09T11:14
at 2014-07-09T11:14

By Carol
at 2014-07-10T19:50
at 2014-07-10T19:50

By Poppy
at 2014-07-12T10:11
at 2014-07-12T10:11

By Charlie
at 2014-07-17T02:01
at 2014-07-17T02:01

By Madame
at 2014-07-19T10:37
at 2014-07-19T10:37

By Carol
at 2014-07-22T08:15
at 2014-07-22T08:15

By Callum
at 2014-07-27T07:36
at 2014-07-27T07:36

By Elvira
at 2014-07-28T11:14
at 2014-07-28T11:14

By Robert
at 2014-07-29T02:12
at 2014-07-29T02:12

By George
at 2014-07-30T01:00
at 2014-07-30T01:00

By Tracy
at 2014-08-03T08:25
at 2014-08-03T08:25

By Suhail Hany
at 2014-08-06T10:20
at 2014-08-06T10:20

By Ophelia
at 2014-08-10T22:45
at 2014-08-10T22:45

By Kristin
at 2014-08-15T04:30
at 2014-08-15T04:30

By Todd Johnson
at 2014-08-18T17:37
at 2014-08-18T17:37

By Kama
at 2014-08-18T19:51
at 2014-08-18T19:51

By Doris
at 2014-08-23T07:01
at 2014-08-23T07:01

By Jacky
at 2014-08-28T05:03
at 2014-08-28T05:03

By Bennie
at 2014-08-29T22:49
at 2014-08-29T22:49

By Mia
at 2014-09-03T03:08
at 2014-09-03T03:08

By David
at 2014-09-05T14:42
at 2014-09-05T14:42

By Enid
at 2014-09-09T23:52
at 2014-09-09T23:52

By Hamiltion
at 2014-09-11T02:08
at 2014-09-11T02:08

By Liam
at 2014-09-13T13:23
at 2014-09-13T13:23
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