09/4/20 CS更新官方內容 - Steam

By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-04-23T04:47
at 2009-04-23T04:47
Table of Contents
翻的不好或是有錯的地方還請大家幫忙更正! 小弟獻醜了!
Counter-Strike and Condition Zero Update Released
April 20, 2009, 4:06 pm - Valve - Product Update
Updates to Counter-Strike and Condition Zero have been released. The updates
will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific
changes include:
Counter-Strike and Condition Zero
* Prevent Russian Walking exploit
Server changes
* Fixed players being kicked from servers with an INVALID_STEAM_TICKET
* Added a message to the server console to show when the server has
reconnected to Steam
* Made map name and other variables reported by the server stay more current
(即時的更新sv狀態(server map and 人數))
* Fixed mp_timeleft not updating in server rules (or any unlogged cvar for
that matter)
* Show HLTV being connected in the player count for pings
* Fixed HLTV staying in players list even after disconnect
* Fixed server hang when a user connects with a specially crafted info
* Fixed occasional crash under Linux on startup for SMP machines (Linux)
* Cleaned up hlds_run script (Linux)
Counter-Strike and Condition Zero Update Released
April 20, 2009, 4:06 pm - Valve - Product Update
Updates to Counter-Strike and Condition Zero have been released. The updates
will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific
changes include:
Counter-Strike and Condition Zero
* Prevent Russian Walking exploit
Server changes
* Fixed players being kicked from servers with an INVALID_STEAM_TICKET
* Added a message to the server console to show when the server has
reconnected to Steam
* Made map name and other variables reported by the server stay more current
(即時的更新sv狀態(server map and 人數))
* Fixed mp_timeleft not updating in server rules (or any unlogged cvar for
that matter)
* Show HLTV being connected in the player count for pings
* Fixed HLTV staying in players list even after disconnect
* Fixed server hang when a user connects with a specially crafted info
* Fixed occasional crash under Linux on startup for SMP machines (Linux)
* Cleaned up hlds_run script (Linux)
All Comments

By Susan
at 2009-04-28T00:51
at 2009-04-28T00:51

By Callum
at 2009-05-02T08:37
at 2009-05-02T08:37

By Lily
at 2009-05-03T16:26
at 2009-05-03T16:26

By Bennie
at 2009-05-03T23:15
at 2009-05-03T23:15

By Kama
at 2009-05-04T02:58
at 2009-05-04T02:58

By Rachel
at 2009-05-05T13:40
at 2009-05-05T13:40

By Joe
at 2009-05-08T20:59
at 2009-05-08T20:59

By Jake
at 2009-05-09T17:41
at 2009-05-09T17:41

By Jake
at 2009-05-10T22:05
at 2009-05-10T22:05

By Olive
at 2009-05-14T13:59
at 2009-05-14T13:59
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By Dinah
at 2009-04-23T01:59
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By Hamiltion
at 2009-04-23T00:54
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By Agatha
at 2009-04-22T23:19
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By Caroline
at 2009-04-22T22:23
at 2009-04-22T22:23