0.11.6 patch note - 新技能與輔助石 - 流亡黯道

Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2013-09-25T01:30

Table of Contents

原文: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/527740

Added a new Intelligence/Dexterity skill - Lightning Trap: Throws a trap that
launches a ring of projectiles through the enemy that set it off, dealing
lightning damage to them and subsequent targets.
Lightning Trap is available to the Shadow, Ranger and Witch from A Caged
Brute, and to the Templar from Delving Into Sin in Normal Difficulty.

設置一個產生環形投射物閃電傷害的陷阱,從normal Brutus到Chamber of Sins可拿到。

Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence skill - Smoke Mine: Places a mine that
will teleport you to it when detonated. It covers both your escape and
arrival with a cloud of smoke that blinds enemies, and gives you a temporary
buff to movement speed.
Smoke Mine is available to the Shadow, Ranger and Duelist from Lost in Love
on Normal Difficulty.

Normal Act3救Clarissa起可拿到。

Added a new strength support gem - Endurance Charge on Melee Stun.
Endurance Charge on Melee Stun is available to the Templar, Marauder and
Duelist from Sever the Right Hand.

和Power charge on Critical類似,可從Act 3將軍任務起拿到。

Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence support gem - Multiple Traps.
Multiple Traps is available to the Shadow, Ranger, Duelist and Witch from
Mercy Mission on Cruel Difficulty.


Added four new Unique items, two of which were designed by supporters.


Added two new microtransaction aura effects: Arctic Skull Hatred and
Lightning Skull Wrath.


The Fetid Pool now has a new layout that should make it easier to find every

Fetid Pool地圖設計更新使玩家更容易找到所有怪物。

Bone Crunchers and Hairy Bonecrunchers now have Cleave available as a skill.


The boss in the Upper Submerged Passage now spawns with a boss pack.

Upper Submerged Passage的海妖Boss現在會和一群boss一起出現。

Clarissa has a new voice.
The Duelist has a few new attack animations.
Dockworker Ghosts in the docks now spawn with a wider variety of weapon types.
Added a new run animations to the City Stalkers.
The naming of "urban" Map areas has been improved.
Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.


The damage wave of Ground Slam is no longer connected to attack speed, so no
matter how fast you attack, the damage wave will still move at the same
speed. This does not prevent you from repeat attacking.

Ground Slame的動畫修正,不影響傷害。

All trap and mine durations have been standardised to 30 seconds.


Freeze Mine now gives enemies it freezes a 15% penalty to Cold Resistance.
The imaginary freeze damage used to calculate the freeze duration for Freeze
Mine has been increased at higher levels. It is 15% more effective by level 15.

Freeze Mine增加15%的冰抗穿透,冰凍時間也(比原本依傷害計算的)額外增加。

Ground Slam: increased from 70% to 80% weapon damage. Its reduced stun
threshold has been reduced from 35% to 25%.
Heavy Strike: reduced stun threshold reduction from 30% to 25%.
Stun support gem: stun threshold reduction increased by 10% at every level.

因應新輔助石,Ground Slam和Heavy Strike的減暈效果減低5%。
Ground Slam的傷害系數從70%提升至80%。
Stun輔助石全等級提升10%減暈(lv.1 為30%)。

Reave is now not replaced with a Default attack when you are out of mana.
This is to prevent losing Area of Effect stacks when using the skill.


Trap and Mine stats seen on passives have been split into separate stats.
There is a different stat used for Mines than for Traps. Passives that had
the combined stats will get both of the new equivalent ones.


Mines will now die if all players travel a significant distance away from the
mine. This is to prevent issues caused when the mine goes to sleep.


The minimum value on the highest tier of the various hybrid defences mods has
been changed from 100% to 101%. It no longer overlaps with the maximum of the
second highest hybrid defence modifiers. This will only affect new rolls of
the modifier, either on new equipment or rerolled with Divine Orbs.


Arcanist Slippers and Conjurer Boots have had their base values changed so
they no longer have the same requirements and defences.


Flamebearers now fire in bursts, with a cooldown between each spray.
Spiders will not move away or strafe as frequently, unless they are using
Flicker Strike.


The Empower support gem now has its quality bonus apply at all levels, to
handle the case where you put a level 2 gem in an item that has +1 to gem


Bug Fixes:
Fixed inconsistencies between actual minion life and displayed minion life.
Note this does not change the life minions have, it is just now displayed


Fixed a bug in the user interface that will improve client performance.
Added Cold Damage now affects Freeze Mine’s freeze effect.

增加冰傷可以作用在Freeze Mine。

Rejuvenation Totem now works when created with a Trap.
Fixed a bug where the aura from Death’s Oath would activate when a player
was revived in a PvP match even if the item was disabled.
Curse cast speed no longer affects Freeze Mine cast time.

設置Freeze Mine速度現在不計天賦中最上方的增加詛咒施法速度了。

Empower now correctly shows a support symbol on supported skills.
Fixed an issue where Arctic Weapon did not appear in the Item Effects section
of the store.
The Ship Graveyard area has been changed to remove sections that could be
traveled to only with movement skills.
Fixed a bug where applying microtransaction effects to items cause disable
the effect of Tempest Shield.
You can no longer use an Imprint on an equipped item.
Fixed a display error with Flask Charges Used in the Character panel.
Users are now notified in chat when their Twitch stream disconnects and are
informed about why it was disconnected.



Stun buff...雖然對最近在玩的leap slam build算是啦。但是又要吃一顆紅的,


Ground Slam Racer更猛了。



。」 -- 《掛爐》

Tags: PoE

All Comments

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-09-29T10:30
煙霧炸彈 爆炸後傳送到其他地方才比較好吧XDDDDDD
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2013-09-29T16:31
Immortal Call間接buff 現在打boss只靠EC根本很好笑
Edith avatar
By Edith
at 2013-10-02T02:14
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-10-04T18:10
Upper Submerge Passage那隻原本就不太好打了
George avatar
By George
at 2013-10-09T02:32
以後恐怕只能跳過...... 一邊祈禱不要被冰住XDD
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2013-10-09T16:45
multiple trap 出來了,是丟+2,陷阱上限+3
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2013-10-12T15:32
新聯盟可以陷阱流開了 期待
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2013-10-17T06:58
剛剛打到煙霧炸彈 玩了一下,大概就是pvp用
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2013-10-17T08:44
四個新裝備都有人打到了 兩個是關於陷阱的

Anarchy/Onslaught 結束情報

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-09-23T15:34
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/527228 稍微列出幾個重點 ‧Anarchy/Onslaught聯盟將在美國時間10/8結束。 ‧Anarchy/Onslaught聯盟之倉庫物品將以and#34;僅能拿取and#34;狀態轉移至相對聯盟   ...

第一隻的宿命總是不樂觀的 XD

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2013-09-19T16:55
算算接觸POE約兩個月 雙震波圖騰雖不是我真正的第一隻角色, 卻是我第一隻用心培養(模仿)的角色 目前64級 進度merciless A2 http://ppt.cc/wIcp 這角色極度貧血 血730 護盾350, 三抗60以上 毒抗-60, 甲180 閃避830 震波圖騰buffer完dps只有 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2013-09-18T18:48
當初承諾了要來幫忙點個天賦出來 我嘗試照著你的天賦繼續點下去 但是我只能老實說 沒有獅眼命中堪憂 這天賦也碰不到甚麼命中點 敏捷也不高 帶thicket的話 敏捷是夠了 只能期待改版的命中率BUFF讓你命中不會掉太慘 否則照以前的經驗 這天賦70等會不會有70%命中我不敢保證 要帶獅眼的話還缺30 ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2013-09-17T11:48
還剩一個星期 結果會在紐西蘭時間9/26中午出爐 獎品: 第一名 Exalted Pack ($270) 二~五 Divine Pack ($110) 六~十 商城幣200點 ($20) 方法: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/520629 把上 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2013-09-16T22:23
我從未練過任何弓手 不過就我對弓手的認識和週遭朋友玩弓的一點心得先來拋磚引玉 這是你現在的天賦: http://ppt.cc/Cojt 先不論職業 這樣的血量點對於任何職業來說都不夠~~即使是CI也是先點血 等ES能過1k5 保守點的人會湊完裝確保過3k後再一起洗點+換裝 再者會走上面,不 ...